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25 minutes ago, Pingouin said:

Let's get out and have fun :D

From left to right : KS14C 840Wh - ACM 1600Wh - GT16 858Wh - GT16 1036Wh - GT16 858Wh


aww man i want to ride with you guys :D only.. 2876 km. . . just a little walk and i will be there ._.

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54 minutes ago, Pingouin said:

Let's get out and have fun :D

From left to right : KS14C 840Wh - ACM 1600Wh - GT16 858Wh - GT16 1036Wh - GT16 858Wh


The GT16's look so badass. Like from the future.

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1 hour ago, LanghamP said:

The GT16's look so badass. Like from the future.

My personal taste the design is a little too aggressive it is over the top in my opinion

the other eucs tend to have this simple and professional look

but its personal taste but i would also say the acm is too boring 

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2 hours ago, Shad0z said:

aww man i want to ride with you guys :D only.. 2876 km. . . just a little walk and i will be there ._.

I'm not familiar with that word you used...  W A L K !

My mouth twists in odd ways trying to sound it out... And what does it even mean?



  1. 1.
    move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.
    "I walked across the lawn"

That's just absurd... Why would anyone want to do that???

Edited by The Fat Unicyclist
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39 minutes ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:

I'm not familiar with that word you used...  W A L K !

My mouth twists in odd ways trying to sound it out... And what does it even mean?




That's just absurd... Why would anyone want to do that???

indeed i saw the weirdest thing this morning it was a woman. walking to the store :huh: what is that even supposed to mean?

and i have issues with saying walk

ok lets try...   


damn it i cant seem to ever say that word :P



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The Moscow Times sent me a news alert today:

Russian Police Stop Tank Column With Nazi Insignia Near St. Petersburg


"The equipment was due to take part in a re-enactment of the Battle of Stalingrad on Sunday, but traffic police said they were not notified on time, pointed to missing paperwork and criticized the tanks for ‘moving chaotically through the city.‘"

Tanks stopped dead....

like a zapped EUC in a mud puddle ??


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1 hour ago, meepmeepmayer said:

:efee47c9c8:I don't get it, sorry. Either I'm dumb or it's your medications:efee8319ab: 

On 2/6/2018 at 7:07 PM, Marty Backe said:

Are you telling me that you actually did ride the ACM on the mud trail. Kind of hard to believe, and horrible if you did. I think you're just playing with us :whistling:

Referring back to @Marty Backe‘s comment a few days back but could be the meds.


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22 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

I only go trough the ones that are not too deep to prevent exactly this possibility.

Your a smart guy. I’m sure there is a snorkel stored somewhere on your ACM for just those situations.  ;)

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1 hour ago, Bob Eisenman said:

The Moscow Times sent me a news alert today:

Russian Police Stop Tank Column With Nazi Insignia Near St. Petersburg


"The equipment was due to take part in a re-enactment of the Battle of Stalingrad on Sunday, but traffic police said they were not notified on time, pointed to missing paperwork and criticized the tanks for ‘moving chaotically through the city.‘"

Tanks stopped dead....

like a zapped EUC in a mud puddle ??


thats a pretty weird comparison :I

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32 minutes ago, Shad0z said:

thats a pretty weird comparison

Yeah.....it is pretty far out in left field.....but so is getting a Moscow Times news alert about a column of German tanks being stopped near St. Petersburg on their way to a reinactment of the battle for Stalingrad.


You're not far from Volgograd with that giant Statue (Motherland Calls) of the woman holding a sword overhead. I saw it on Panorimo once but Panorimo no longer serves the images that made geo-surfing so interesting.

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I went out for a 28+ mile ride in temperatures in the high 30s on Saturday.


Toward the end of the ride I took a side trip to the old Coast Guard station on Winter Island in Salem harbor, Massachusetts. This picture is of the old seaplane hanger at the officially closed Coast Guard Station (Gotway Monster in view near the doorway). Their was a big fun dog (Golden retriever?) with his play ball in his mouth at my feet, with owner shouting for him to come a balls toss away. The dog wouldn't give up the ball (to toss back at the owner) but it finally walked back to the owner. 



I read a little about a robotic camera panning camera setup called 'Pixio' which accepts a variety of cameras and action cams on the mount. It uses 3 positional devices and a wrist bound tag on the focal object.... Available from B&H but one reviewer prefers Soloshot 3


House of Seven Gables (at least 5 of the gables)

Leaving the House of Seven Gables via their parking lot I passed by a group of about 6 people including one woman who said, as I turned into the lot (heading for the street), (He's) German I think...

Lighthouse on Derby Wharf (from House of Seven Gables)


Me and the Monster at Beverly airport East side

It wasn't windy on Saturday but riding the Monster in winds across the Beverly bridge when it is windy makes me appreciate the skill it must take to land a small Cessna sized aircraft in a crosswind (wing tip down on the wind side, tail rudder to compensate?).


Edited 15 hours ago by Bob Eisenman

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kif youre all wondering where my tesla video went

its becuase the wheater is terrible here right now and its cold raining, cloudy and a little slush,

and me wanting to make a video that looks descent i need some sunlight and a temperature i can atleast be outside more than 5 min at a time without feeling numb down your legs :/ 

but as soon as the wheater is good i will start filming and editing ;)  so lets hope the weather gets better.. 



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A Gotway Monster ride from Salem to Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts

The EUC route (green trace)




Bridge up in Everett




The Harvard Coop (bookstore) in Harvard Square




Harvard Square - Cambridge, Massachusetts



Kennedy Memorial Park, Cambridge, MA



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