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On 2/4/2018 at 3:57 PM, Marty Backe said:

What's interesting (to me) about this photo is the submarine in the foreground

According to the 'EB' (Electric boat) builder in Groton, CT and in Rhode Island, the production of Virginia class subs is ongoing.


According to Wikipedia


the Virginia class sub


replaces the older 'Los Angeles' class sub.

I've taken the USS Nautilus tour at the submarine base in Groton about a dozen times.


Any visitor passes through a submarine history building before exiting to the dock to walk board the Nautilus. In the museum each of the Commander in Chief's photo is on display in one area. So....Donald T's official Commander in Chief photo is now on display there in the submarine history building.


My Dad took me to the USS Nautilus dock area (sub related displays outside the history building)when I was submarine cadet-age material....but I don't think either of us was on the cadet application wavelength back then. It was just a place to go on his weekend off in the 1960s from a his new job in Connecticut in the Hartford area.

'EB'(Electric boat builder ) is just downstream from USS Nautilus.

My memory of submarines as a school kid (1964 in 4th grade in Pennsylvania to 1968 in 7th grade in Connecticut) is kind of creepy. The submarine 'Thresher' went down a few hundred miles east of Boston and was lost with all hands on board.




Edited by Bob Eisenman
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1 hour ago, litewave said:

Looks familiar - I'm guessing Normandale-Maungaraki-Korokoro, overlooking Petone?

Yes... From the top of Maungaraki looking south over the harbour toward Eastbourne...

Edited by The Fat Unicyclist
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6 hours ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:

Yes... From the top of Maungaraki looking south over the harbour toward Eastbourne...

<sigh>  I will miss the New Zealand summer early this year. I have a dozen or so routes I have been planning to ride when I return for the holidays, and Maungaraki and Eastbourne are on the list. :efee47c9c8:

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20 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Can I get a ringlet of your hair (and Marty's while we're at it) for making some voodoo dolls? Because you people with your warm, summerly, pleasant riding weather make me jeeeeeeeeealous:efef015fe0:


2 pictures from an afternoon ride today. Cold and icy. Below 0°C it really gets unpleasant fast. But it was a maiden ride with new Flexmeters (at least they were kind of warm) and new phone (for better photos, I hope, and a battery that works for more than 2 hours) so a ride was necessary.82728.jpg


That does look cold, but beautiful. There's no snow, so what are you complaining about ;)

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5 minutes ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:

What you don't realise is that my avatar does actually look like me... So a ringlet of hair might be difficult. 


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On 1/29/2018 at 10:49 AM, meepmeepmayer said:

"I can't believe the sun is actually out" ride #4. Not only was it sunny with no wind, the temperatures were even closer to 10°C than 0°C!

Did a little mud run with the ACM, through some forest access roads. Because staying clean and on pavement eventually gets monotonous:efef015fe0:


Mud! The strategy is to go right through the puddles because there the ground is firmest and you don't slide sideways (into the puddles, on the slippery stuff) or get pushed off track by the mud barriers. Some puddles were deep, though, slightly above pedal level. But it worked out well. No involuntary step offs!



I had overtaken a horse rider some time earlier, and on the photo break she caught up with me. The horse was a  beast, 2m shoulder height. I kind of want a horse now.


Horse riding also explains why the ground is so uneven. Hooves.


More fun.



More mud. On the pro side, no need to look for something to lean the wheel against, just let it stand where you want.


Horse lady came back the way she had gone.


And more mud! Had to carry or push the wheel occasionally.


Eventually the forest path ended. Later on the ride, I came by a group of people flying their RC aircraft on a field. Somehow EUCs and flying seem to overlap, the topic comes up quite often here.

They had two 1:3 scale model paramotors with actual people puppets in them.  The puppets arms move to control the paraglider like a real person would.


They did some nice maneuvers, even loopings.


Watchers. We talked a bit about their stuff, the EUC, and unnecessary overregulation of certain hobbies:efee8319ab: You can also see a model airplane.


And here it is starting.


More paragliding. You start them with a controlled throw, more or less.


Are you telling me that you actually did ride the ACM on the mud trail. Kind of hard to believe, and horrible if you did. I think you're just playing with us :whistling:

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10 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:


The only reason to stop riding and start pushing is when you can't ride because you'd get stuck or slip due to the mud pushing you off your track. So I did what I could. Why not? Not horrible, just more interesting than safe pavement only! The quoted picture was where I had to push it, though:efee47c9c8: but this e.g. I could ride through quite easily. It's fun.80139.jpg

Today I quickly cleaned the shell's inside before my ride, and half of the swamp came out of there:efee612b4b:

Man, I would absolutely love to see a video of you traveling through something like this. Next time stick a camera on the side of the path and capture a little of the action for us :popcorn:

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3 hours ago, Marty Backe said:

Man, I would absolutely love to see a video of you traveling through something like this. Next time stick a camera on the side of the path and capture a little of the action for us :popcorn:

I second that! 

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1 hour ago, meepmeepmayer said:

There's really nothing special to it. Maybe instead of mud run, one should call it a mud avoidance run, because where you actually ride there isn't too much mud, and that's kind of the challenge and fun in it - to see what you can get through.

All you'd see is a guy balancing along a path through some muddy puddles and trying his best not to have to stop. Which is the trick - never stop. If you stop (or if you go through deeper mud that can push you off course or if your tire slips sideways on an incline) not only do you have to step into that crap or even run off, the wheel might also lose balance and do the Gotway dance right in the worst place (luckily, never happened) and you'd have to ride home on what looks like a ball of mud:efef3d5527: So you go into something and can't stop until you're out, and you're not exactly sure if you can - it's great!

There's a similar path nearby, and it feels nice going through that dirthole without ever having to step off, with spotlessly clean shoes and pedals like you were never anywhere else but on pavement:efef015fe0:

Here's some clarification where I did ride. Much of the other pictures are actually spots where the mud is too bad (too deep and no puddles or otherwise semi-solid ways through it).

In the first picture, I think that's my tire track above the puddle where I left out the red path for a meter.



As for video, right now it's below 0 and snowing. Maybe I'll do a quick run anyways one of these days, just to see how the place looks like now.

I have ridden muddy trails (but not this bad) and really hated it. Very slippery. Maybe it's fun for a couple of miles but the day I did this I had to get through 15-miles. That made me never want to do it again.

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1 hour ago, meepmeepmayer said:

I need @Rehab1-style spike pedals, once the grip paper stuff gets wet or stuck with snow, it's very slippery.

You would like those pedals. They really lock your shoes in place.

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2 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Of course, too long is not fun, but some variety for a few km is great. Slippery is fun.


This is why I love this forum, makes me go out and ride when I normally wouldn't have.

I visited the spot, expecting more mud and wetness. But i was mostly frozen. Nothing nicer than going on smooth, pristine snow only to suddenly get a crunching sound and realize you're going through a puddle with ice on top.

Same mud spot like in the photo 2 posts above, but frozen now. So crunchy:efeeec645d:


A few meters further. You can find the green arrow on the tree on the older photos, too.


Hello, frozen puddle!


No longer uncrunched:efef015fe0: ACM lies there for lighting, no spin out (but I had a few on frozen mud-ice).


Looks fresh and pure. All the smooth stuff is frozen puddles, you can see the lots of water behind the path too.




Also, horse riders again.


I learned that

  • Offroad riding in various conditions is just so much fun!
  • My new phone does not make good photos at dusk:efee565ab0:
  • I need @Rehab1-style spike pedals, once the grip paper stuff gets wet or stuck with snow, it's very slippery.

Very cool before and after pictures. Still waiting for the video ;)

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