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Making Begode wheels safer: PWM tiltback with custom firmware


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Thank you for presenting this and the work you have done on the firmware. 

Now it is really the time for big retailers to get a hold of this, make the gw/bg euc's safer for those who demand it, and maybe even push this to mainstream so Begode can implement an option thru their app. 

@Freestylerkeep up the good work, and we are gonna be here to test anything you release.

I personally tested on RS19 HT C38 board, with custom 50% pwm and it was so fun having my pedals tilt back to warn me, reminded me of the safety feature of the legendary Z10. Then I had pwm changed to 75% so the pedals will warn me earlier, cause I'm a heavy rider (118kg/260lbs). Its the best thing for my wheel and me as a rider!!👌 After 2 weeks of everyday riding with 75% pwm and tilt back is "the" best setting for me. 💪

Man I'd like to see this project go places 😊☺️

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So the tiltback speed set in EUC dash is at what PWM% it kicks in or am I misunderstanding? How does one apply this dynamic tiltback?

Also my 84V MSX is reporting a voltage of 67V if that matters


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I'm sorry for the confusion jtm94. I did a poor job explaining how to get the feature.

You need to flash a custom firmware for the feature to be enabled.

In order to flash the firmware you need to have a black controller that can be updated wirelessly.

If model code field is populated in euc dash, then you can flash a firmware with 99% certainty.


I have not created a public flasher, nor do I plan to distribute Begode's firmwares.

I can flash some peoples wheels here and there but it requires coordination with me.

That's why the end goal would be for wheels to ship directly with that feature.

Either through distributors or ideally from begode themselves.

Edited by Freestyler
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Apologies for sounding dim, I havent used tiltback features, but do GW/Begode and Veteran not have tiltback adjustment as stock? I thought they did, but clearly not?!

Or is the stock one based purely on speed and nothing else, like voltage/current availability?

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@Freestyler This is very cool to see! I commend your efforts. It is very sad to me that Begode doesn't already have something like this in FW, as it seems to be a very reasonable feature. I've liked the speed tiltback on Gotways I've ridden in the past - it was not sharp at all, but was very effective at keeping me from exceeding the set tiltback speed (without pushing with real intention!), but as you said, it doesn't help once you start getting lower on battery. This would make it so much easier to stay safe as the battery get low. The flashing front light is a nice touch. 
I'm all for this PWM margin-based tilt-back, and I sure do hope Begode will be convinced to implement it.

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1 hour ago, RideRiskReward said:

how does this compare to safety margin in EUC world?

All that EUCw can do is beep from the phone itself. This custom firmware does a dynamically adjusted tilt-back from within the wheel, without any pre-ride setting up.

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Can't you reach PWM limit on slow speeds? I'm thinking of steep climbs for example. If so then maybe an idea is to have a threshold for when this can activate so that it doesn't happen at low speeds.

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2 hours ago, Lefteris said:

PWM will come into place even at slow speeds, cause it measures more than speed. For example when the wheel hits a wall and you push it, pwm goes up! ;) 

Yeah so I'm thinking there might be several scenarios where you don't want the tiltback, fooling around in skatepark, off-road, steep climbs, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

Yeah so I'm thinking there might be several scenarios where you don't want the tiltback, fooling around in skatepark, off-road, steep climbs, etc.

If that is the case then you do what i do, i log into the EUC Dash and set Normal PWM that only identifies with audial beeps

If i want my pedals tilted with pwm is reached, then i switch to PWM tilt setting and then ride like a madman :P i've also asked for a custom firmware that when the setting of plain pwm is set it is default to RS HT at 80%, but when i switch to pwm tilted mode my pwm alarm is lowered to 75% and when it hits my pedals auto-adjust, it's amazing, love it.!! @Freestyleris the best!

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2 minutes ago, Lefteris said:

If that is the case then you do what i do, i log into the EUC Dash and set Normal PWM that only identifies with audial beeps

If i want my pedals tilted with pwm is reached, then i switch to PWM tilt setting and then ride like a madman :P i've also asked for a custom firmware that when the setting of plain pwm is set it is default to RS HT at 80%, but when i switch to pwm tilted mode my pwm alarm is lowered to 75% and when it hits my pedals auto-adjust, it's amazing, love it.!! @Freestyleris the best!

Yeah sure it's possible to do that but it's annoying having to switch back and forth specially if you are in the moment "oh look at steep hill! Wait I have to change settings first..." 😁

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Well you can't have best of both worlds.

You switch your mode when you are off-road, you switch your mode with you ride seated, you will switch the mode to ride with pwm based tilted pedals.

And trust me, it's better to have the option of not having it at all. And we hope begode will implement this on their next wheels/firmwares cause it will save lives.

It's good that there are developers that know a thing or two and implement new mothods into our euc's because in the end of the day this niche sport needs strong community backing, hoping the companies will hear us out! ;) 

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1 hour ago, Lefteris said:

Well you can't have best of both worlds.

We can, if it's made to never engage below a certain speed, lets say 15kmh for example. ;)

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  • Freestyler changed the title to Making Begode wheels safer: PWM tiltback with custom firmware

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