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What is the difference between 21mph and 27mph?


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What is the difference between 21mph and 27mph?

Well, I guess if you are a mathematician it is 6mph but what is the difference on an EUC?

I'm looking to upgrade from my trusty little KS16s shortly mainly for the increase in speed and to a lesser extent extra range. I'm by no means a speed demon but I do usually ride my 16S at near full speed (20 -21 mph). I've narrowed my choice to either a KS16x or a Nikola 100v.

The 16x seems to get good reviews but I'm wondering the speed increase will be enough? From what I've heard 27mph is about the safe top speed, a 6 mph increase doesn't sound a lot to me. The Nikola will give me a lot more speed but is it speed that I'll never use?

I've never ridden an EUC faster than the 21mph I currently manage so I can't really comprehend 27mph. Is a 6mph increase enough to get the adrenalin flowing?


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The difference is quite a lot.

On my first wheel the V10F I could reach speeds up to about 24mph with tilt-back kicking in as early as 21mph, it felt very limiting.

Upgrading to my MSP HT it can reach 36mph before even beeping about 80% power I suddenly felt freedom and no limits, I don't ride it at the beeps I usually ride it around 28-31mph and that's a world of difference from my previous wheel.

So in short think ahead or you will regret it sooner or later.

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I upgraded from a 16S to a 18XL (same speed as 16X) to avoid the stress of constantly riding at the limits of my wheel and risking cutout. It's a worthwhile upgrade for the added range and security. ( I prefer a mellow ride.) However, if you even suspect you may want more speed, then get a Gotway. 

Also, a Nikola feels nothing like any Kingsong, so please try one first...

Edited by RayRay
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The 16x and Nikola are very different even though they have several common numbers. From my view point, I do not feel comfortable riding the 16x at 27mph. Too many cut outs. The Nikola feels more stable to me at higher speeds. I feel fairly comfortable at 35mph on the Nikola. @houseofjobjust posted something. I would take his word on it. I haven’t read his post yet but I bet it is good!! Don’t let me down @houseofjob

Edit : yep! Good stuff! 

Edited by RockyTop
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If you want to ride fast at 27-30+mph just get the Nikola but if you never reach them speeds then you'll be missing out on everything the 16x  offers, I've been riding years on 30+ wheels and I still don't ride at 30 , if you've found new roads and trails to ride fast in Yorkshire get the Nikola 😊

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One consequence from adding 29% speed (27/21 ≈ 1 + 0.29) is adding 65% kinetic energy ((27/21)^2 ≈ 1 + 0.65), that is, the energy potentially absorbed by one of your bones.

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5 minutes ago, Mono said:

One consequence from adding 29% speed (27/21 ≈ 1 + 0.29) is adding 65% kinetic energy ((27/21)^2 ≈ 1 + 0.65), that is, the energy potentially absorbed by one of your bones.

Why are you trying to peddle this rhetoric on an EUC enthusiast forum 😂

Speed + fun * protective gear = good time

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22 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

Why are you trying to peddle this rhetoric on an EUC enthusiast forum 😂

Speed + fun * protective gear = good time

Unfortunately, one of the more common severe injuries is somewhere between hard and impossible to protect against by protective gear: a fracture of the humerus. I have seen numerous of them here and elsewhere. That is, risks are unfortunately not a "rhetoric", but they should be part of the decision making when choosing between 21mph and 27mph. As it may not be common knowledge, I just want to point out that the risk increases in some way faster than the speed, so that the OP can make their own fully informed choice.

Edited by Mono
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That's one of my concerns with the Veteran Sherman, the quality of it and many other wheels isn't steller from the end of 2020 forward, while the speed we're asking for is.

44 vs 27 is a 60% speed increase
and a bunch more Kenetic Energy given velocity is squared. 
KE = ((m)(v^2)) /2 

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I can't believe but in a fit of madness I've just ordered a Mten3 so the bigger wheel will have to wait a few more weeks.

I've been saving up for a while but been feeling unwell the last week so I've bought the wheel to cheer myself up a bit :)

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@mike_bike_kitefortunately I'm not seriously ill, it's just a bit of low mood and depression largely connected to the Covid restrictions. I live on my own now and like a pint of the dark stuff with friends in my local boozer so I'm missing a bit of company.

I'm a little concerned at the moment with some of the stories you hear of people being pulled up whilst riding their EUCs and facing fines, penalty points etc - that is playing on my mind when it comes to spending perhaps £1600 -1700 on a new wheel. The idea of buying the Mten3 was to have a bit of fun whilst saving a bit more cash and look at buying a 16x or a Nikola ready for the summer if police continue to turn a blind eye when they see me as they do at the moment.

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I think nearly all of the stories of police bothering EUC riders comes from down here in London. I'll admit the stories bother me too but hopefully politicians will come to their senses and treat us a little more fairly. My guess is those that get fined etc are those that are riding like plonkers and endangering others. Hopefully the covid restrictions will lessen in the next couple of months and things will get a little bit more sane. In the meantime you could always look for pretty young things that are equally bored - the wheel surely has to be a good conversation starter?


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