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Just wanted to know more details about your self made EUC like

How many miles/km you can cover in a single charge?

How much time does it takes for charging its battery?

Edited by The Guy
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/12/2021 at 3:03 AM, ACee said:

I am ready for the Bublik-18 to cruise the foothills of Tahoe. 


Will there be a store front for these wonderful EUC?

Maybe in the future ..)))
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On 6/13/2021 at 1:09 AM, The Guy said:


Just wanted to know more details about your self made EUC like

How many miles/km you can cover in a single charge?

How much time does it takes for charging its battery?

.. I didn’t take long precise measurements (I didn’t go for more than an hour in a row).
Very rough estimates with a 1680 Wh battery:
- on sand - 30-40 km - sand looseness is of great importance
- on solid ground (paths) - 60-80 km
- on the asphalt at a speed, the rumble and vibration from the knobby tire are so strong that there is no question of range.
- Two batteries are installed in parallel to provide a current of 60-80A (do not push through on the rise) If you want to drive further, you can put a bigger battery ..)) but this is enough for me too ..
- If you charge two batteries with one cheap Chinese charger, the charging time is 16-20 hours.
- If you charge each battery with own charger, the charging time is 8-10 hours
- If you take a more powerful charger - charging will be faster

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On 7/5/2021 at 8:11 PM, Arbolest said:

Every time I see your posts about this wheel, the more amused and impressed I am with it. Again, great job!



23 hours ago, I_Must_Bust said:

Always happy to see a new notification pop up about this wheel when I visit the forums

Thank you very much.!! 

After such comments, I want to build a lot of new EUCs..)))



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Very enjoyable to see your craftsmanship and experimentation.  Thanks for sharing!

It very much reminds me of the Rokon:


The Bublik compare to other EUC, is like the Rokon compared to other dirtbikes or motorcycles.  A bit slower, fat tires, made for going places that other vehicles cannot go.


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On 7/10/2021 at 12:39 AM, Niik01ay said:

It seems to me that not everyone will want to order an experimental Bublik in 3 months more expensive than buying a completely ready-to-use Veteran Sherman ...))

Probably only the most fat-tire fans .. And also those who like to buy a vehicle and finish and alter it with their own hands ..

But there are not so many such people.

For them, I can certainly make several Bubiks ..)))

I'm not in the market for something that expensive but I would love to see other forum users buy one and take videos!

I think this is actually a valuable experiment that manufacturers should take note of. Maybe we'll se a medium-wide wheel from gotway or veteran. 4"-5" width maybe?

Edited by I_Must_Bust
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/20/2021 at 5:18 AM, Aurelian said:

Thanks,price please?

I make them to order individually. There are many peculiarities - batteries are not allowed for air and they have to be bought locally according to my specifications.
Components must be ordered and are not always available. There are different delivery options ...
If you are interested in buying - write me a message.
If you are interested just to look at the price values - I think this is a little more Veteran Sherman ..))))

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On 7/12/2021 at 2:38 AM, I_Must_Bust said:

I'm not in the market for something that expensive but I would love to see other forum users buy one and take videos!

I think this is actually a valuable experiment that manufacturers should take note of. Maybe we'll se a medium-wide wheel from gotway or veteran. 4"-5" width maybe?


Yes, I am thinking of different design options ...)))
Let's see how this is implemented in ready-made EUC

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hello yes I want to buy max price.Thank you!


On 7/5/2021 at 2:34 PM, Niik01ay said:

EUC greu pentru off-road pentru fete?

În ciuda greutății sale impresionante, a dimensiunii și a manevrabilității dificile pe umflături, Bublik este surprinzător de ușor de învățat în termeni de bază pe asfalt.
Abilitatea de a începe să vă așezați și de a vă obișnui singuri cu mașina grea este foarte prietenoasă, mai ales pentru fete.

Suportul lateral al genunchiului (și nu al gleznei, ca la EUC convențional) permite controlul nedureros al înclinării roților fără prea mult antrenament fizic.
Oamenii cu echilibru bun, după ce s-au obișnuit să stea călare, pot călca pur și simplu pedalele și pot continua să călărească în picioare ...

Pe scurt, iubita ta va aprecia ...))))))


Fruuumos, I really like I weigh 100kg! it's good for me!


3000 € ,4000 € !!!!!!!! ?

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7 hours ago, Aurelian said:

hello yes I want to buy max price.Thank you!


I will answer tomorrow, now it's already night in Siberia ...))))

100 kg is not a lot ..))))


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1 hour ago, Aurelian said:

I want to buy one but I don't know what the price will be!

We neither, but as @Niik01ay answered to you


On 7/22/2021 at 6:49 AM, Niik01ay said:

I make them to order individually. There are many peculiarities - batteries are not allowed for air and they have to be bought locally according to my specifications.
Components must be ordered and are not always available. There are different delivery options ...
If you are interested in buying - write me a message.
If you are interested just to look at the price values - I think this is a little more Veteran Sherman ..))))

you shall write him a message.



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