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About I_Must_Bust

  • Birthday 04/11/1993

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    Connecticut, USA
  • EUC
    RS HS, Tesla V2

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  1. Hey sorry for the necro but where do I view logs within the app? Do the app log which alarm is set off? I have a speed alarm and a PWM alarm (through my connected device, not the wheel) and I'm just curious which one was beeping at me during today's ride at a couple of points. I think it was probably PWN since I was at around 50% battery.
  2. just ordered one of these -- will see how it is!
  3. This is what makes me nervous when riding in a tight bike lane.
  4. Anybody tried this? It seems like the only thing not getting trashed in reviews. I have a helmet that I think it should be able to fit on.
  5. Is this still an open question or is there a nice universal solution? I have the mirror on the back of my wrist guards but those may take a little more focus away from the street than I like.
  6. I just got it in today and got it adjusted. I was shocked at how light it is! Can't wait to ride with it this weekend.
  7. I've ordered the iXS TRIGGER for under $200 yesterday. The Demon being a convertible was mostly incidental. At the time I didn't want to spend $300+ on a Proframe and wanted something cheap with a lot of ventilation. I agree on the inadequacy of that helmet, the connection mechanism for the chin bar is sketchy as hell. I've never even used it without the chin bar.
  8. Been out of the loop on the community for a while since the wheels have gotten more and more insane. What's the common wisdom for riding at maximum 35mph? I ride the RS. Most rides darkness bot says I never go over 30. Should I be looking at a full blown motorcycle helmet? Right now I use this https://a.co/d/eKQorVb
  9. Nice, this should work even better with my mesh jacket. Not sure how I've never thought of that!
  10. Ha, I have it easier than you in the summer and I'm still overheating on hot and humid days in CT. Winters are a different story. I have some fleece lined boots and wool socks and the wind still ends up freezing my toes after riding at 25-30mph for a little while! And that's to say nothing of the worried of damage and corrosion caused by road salts. I might give that cheap one a go. Does the expensive one come with a radiator and fan or something or is it just relying on the thermal mass of the water to keep you cool? Maybe the water in the pack can stay cool for long enough that you don't need to worry too much on a normal-length ride.
  11. Maybe these are good alternatives? They seem to have a larger profile though. Essentially what I'm looking for is a "stealth" protector. I don't want to look like a stormtrooper and freak out people that I pass when I'm riding at walking pace on sidewalks, but I also want to be protected in crashes at around 30mph. https://www.amazon.com/Alpinestars-Bionic-Protection-Jacket-Medium/dp/B07GZWDB3N/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2595OXVK49A54&keywords=Alpinestars%2BBionic%2BPro%2BJacket&qid=1683492804&sprefix=alpinestars%2Bbionic%2Bpro%2Bjacket%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-4&th=1&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Fox-Racing-Titan-Sport-Jacket/dp/B07VJKCSGL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3SMYP4QVUR0KC&keywords=Fox+Racing+Titan+Sport+Jacket&qid=1683492844&sprefix=fox+racing+titan+sport+jacket%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-1
  12. Yeah, this is the same thing that I do. Kevlar moto hoodie with elbows, shoulders and back pro plus kevlar-lined jeans with hip and knee protection when it's under 70F and only elbow, knee, and wrist protection in hot weather. Worried about my back and shoulders in the hot weather gear a bit though.
  13. I might be asking for the impossible here but I would love some upper body (chest, back, elbows, shoulders) protection that can be worn in hot weather under a long sleeve t-shirt. I'll probably need to size up the shirt which is okay. This is the closest that I've found. Doesn't need to be CE rated but that would be a plus! https://www.amazon.com/Leatt-Airflex-Stealth-Protector-172-178cm/dp/B07XVPMXJC/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2P46YA5AEM9F8&keywords=motocross+body+protector&qid=1683490463&sprefix=motorcross+body+protector%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-4
  14. Yeah. I would recommend spreading out the learning over a few days. I did that and on my 3rd session I was suddenly able to ride 10 minutes in. On the 2nd day I was scared that I wasted my money on something I would never be able to ride. Your brain works on these things even when you're not actively doing them so take advantage of that and don't stress if you happen to learn to ride more slowly like I did!
  15. For what it's worth I would go for the V11 over the S18, but both have their own upsides and downsides that you've probably already seen in your research. I've not ridden a suspension wheel yet but I bet they're awesome.
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