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[WARNING] Gotway Nikola 100v 1800WH Battery Fire


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8 hours ago, WI_Hedgehog said:

Charge fully (100% = 4.20V, engages the balance circuits),

Ohhh. I remember reading somewhere that it's healthier for the batteries to just charge only up to 90%, and only charge it to 100% once a month. I guess I need to change my ways.

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7 hours ago, Chriull said:

From the current BMS analysis done till now the BMS balancing resistors discharge all overcharged cells downto ~4.2V again!


That's assuming the bms works. If only there was a way to know.

I've had 40% of cells at 4.25v and the bms does nothing. Damage is unlikely to come from that but my point is, we ultimately don't know. Who knows what will happen 2y and 5000km later?

Bms failure vs cell failure I think is on a scale of 100 to 1 :D, but we only see the latter.

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2 hours ago, Lefteris said:

If there is also a problem with my batteries, which i don't know what kind of batteries are inside, i'd like to know a way to identify that.

Official Gotway app shares no information, EUC world shares more information but not the battery cells brand. How can i find out what type of batteries my Nik+ rocks?

Maybe this can be identified by the serial number/production date by someone?

Or there is a sticker on the battery pack giving a clue?

Only other possibility would be opening the battery pack... :(

The apps have no way to identify the used cells...

Would be interesting what this problem with the first batch of panasonic cells was. And if this exchange is just some precaution or really to be recommended?

Hard to say without any more information... :(

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14 minutes ago, Lefteris said:

At least find a way to identify which model of batteries we have inside our wheels.!


I emailed them direct with my order number, date and address. begode11@kebye.com 

They got back to me within an hour. PS I bought from gotway direct. 

Edited by Sai
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If you have the LG ones yes you are clear, but still even with the Panasonic ones if you charge to optimal 100.8V you have all cells working.. if you see <= 98V then you need to check things out.


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For me I think I would be more at peace if Gotway were to provide more information about the Panasonic cells:

1. Are they the same the same cells that they use in the tesla model 3

2. How were they able to source these cells?

3. What problems did they run into with these cells that caused them to switch over to the LG M50T?

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The larger the imbalance the longer it takes to balance.

For you that charge to 80% or do the same routine year after year. Remember that imbalances accumulate, and they accelerate with age.

There will be a point where a working bms needs more time to sort the battery out. With a new battery the balancing process could take 10min but with an old enough battery it could take 1-2 days. 

So if you've charged to 100% and left it there for 2h out of habit, that could need modification as the pack ages. You could need to modify the routine after 1y or after 5y. It depends on the total capacity vs bms balancing current, and the cell degradation rate in the particular batch of cells you have.

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If simply charging to 80% were the problem in this particular case, replacing the battery pack would just result in another fire. If charging to 80% caused fires regularly it would be known. If charging to 100% were mandatory, from which place would we be required to get that information.

I have many wheels and many stock and fast chargers and a Cycle Satiator. When I charge any Gotway wheel to "100%", I can connect to the wheel via Gotway Official App, Darkness Bot, Wheelog, EUC World, or the read-out on the side of my Nikola, or the display on my Cycle Satiator, or the green light on a stock charger...each item reads differently. Not one of these measuring devices agrees with the other. Sometimes 100.8 or 100.1 sometimes out on a ride the difference in what the side display of the Nikola reports is off by 2 volts compared to what Wheelog will tell me. Even between stock chargers I have found some charge to 84.2 and another of the same model will charge to 83.8 on the same wheel.

I don't think charging only to 80% or 90% on a perfectly healthy battery pack connected to a perfectly healthy control board causes a fire in a wheel with so few miles on it. Why would Gotway be so quick to replace the battery pack with different cells if charging was the problem?


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17 minutes ago, Michael Tucker said:

Why would Gotway be so quick to replace the battery pack with different cells if charging was the problem?


Exactly this^ companies don't do expensive recalls unless they know that the issue is with that particular part. Batteries are the most expensive component on an EUC. The issue HAS to be with the batteries (contrary to what many are stating in this thread)

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On 5/31/2020 at 1:59 PM, Chriull said:

@WI_Hedgehog - great post! But i'm still not convinced it's the batteries. My first guess is still a short circuit in combination with ?missing short circuit protection? causing this fire.

Thank you.

I'm not convinced this fire is a charging or battery specific issue either. Having followed lots of Gotway threads I would personally want to open a newly ordered wheel and check everything over first.

Gotway's Quality Control department seems to be the Glue Gun Guy: "If I can't glue it, screw it--it's a warranty issue and we have none." 

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1 hour ago, davinche said:

The battery recall as of right now is only for EWheels customers, not Gotway or other distributors AFAIK. Again, this is testament to @Jason McNeil prioritization of customer safety over profits. So far I am the only one who experienced this problem, so it could very well be the case that I was the only one unlucky enough to end up with a lemon. But the consequence was serious enough for Jason to work with Gotway on the recall.

Of course as I mentioned before in a previous post, I would like to see Gotway provide us with information about the panasonic batteries and what were the specific problems they ran into that made them switch to LG M50Ts.

The LESS gotway says about this, the less likely they will be forced to accept fault. Im not saying it is or isnt their fault, but dont hold your breathe waiting on an explanation.  An explanation can be construed as accepting fault, or even recognizing the problem. IN lawyer speak, neither of those two things are a benefit to the bottom $$ of the company. I do feel much assurance knowing that I have the luxury of being within Jason's selling territory. I do hope things like this are remedied at minimal end expense to him for sure!

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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