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How it started, and where it is taking me ...


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2 hours ago, Scottie said:


I would like to thank the people from around the globe that responded with their welcome. And keep the YouTube videos coming. I'm watching them all. And to Mike in Sweden, if you read this, my wife enjoys your humor and the touring of your country as much as I do. I would be glad to drink a beer with you, and I don't even drink beer. Well, maybe once a year! 

Great encounter! Glad to hear there are more of you popping up. Cruising with buddies is fun. :)
I started a WhatsApp group last year for Stockholm EUC riders. We are almost 20 in the group now.
If someone is going to go for a cruise they post it so we can have spontaneous get-togethers.

Say hi to your wife and I am happy to hear that there are people out there who understand my humour. :lol:
I don't drink beer that often though I do love beer. And beer together with riding is even more fun because it allows me to loosen up just a tiny bit... a tiny, tiny bit.

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Scottie said:

The MSP is ordered and on the way! :clap3:

18XL and MSP, not bad! Update your list of wheels so everyone knows;)

2 hours ago, Scottie said:

Oh no! How will I get along without suspension? :blink1:

Easy fix, since you're already on the right way. Just order a suspension wheel (or two;)).

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On 4/23/2020 at 2:03 PM, meepmeepmayer said:

Easy fix, since you're already on the right way. Just order a suspension wheel (or two;)).

The wife is already exasperated with me. But there is a strong possibility that could happen :laughbounce2:.

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Thanks MIke!

I wish I had as many friends as you have, that have the different wheels to be able to to swap rides with. Then I would have not been "forced" to buy these wheels to see what they are about. :whistling: All good; all of them together are still less expense than a motorcycle, and much more entertaining. I think I'm set for a long while now. From seeing the miles you have ridden on yours, I have a lot of work to do to try and wear them out. That's all good news to me!

I happy at my age (and I know there are many here) to have been able to have learned a new trick. It felt like learning to walk and ride a bicycle at the same time. I get the feeling from the many posts here, and the videos, that most all of us are in it because we are irrepressible youths at heart and refuse to grow old properly.  

I glad you like the Chao Yang. Maybe you could do a little piece in an up-coming video and talk about the feel of the new tire vs the old. And have Monika talk about how it changed the ride for her, since its her wheel now. If you have already done this, then shame on me for missing it! Like I said before, your videos have inspired me the most because you are having such a good time out there. I wanted some of that! 

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Yeah poor you! You had to take matters into your own hands haha. Like you say.. even several wheels are cheaper than X and much more fun than X.
Like you say... it is nice to discover something new that we can feel passionate about. And in a way reconnect with our youth.

Haha yeah I would love to see you wear them out. :roflmao:
It will take years.

Thank you so much for the nice compliments. I really appreciate it. :efeeec645d:

I am in the process of editing and rendering todays video. Sadly Monika couldn't come along.
Fredrik and I did some hill climbing and then go down a very nasty MTB trail. Scary stuff.
And as always we had a blast. I put my 16X on the charger as soon as I got home.
I was down to 45% battery after 45km. Started at 90%.
It's fully charged now so I have the option to ride... and I might just do so.

I was once convinced that the 16X was most special because of the CX tyre... but after downgrading to FW 1.05 what makes it most special is the zip.
Still... it is amazing that the CX can make the 16X so different from any other wheel (except the Z10).
One of those "try before you die" things you know.

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Nice posts @Scottie. It is so refreshing to read a new riders sharing their story. And very uplifting to how EUCs change their life. 

I think it is very clear how you have been bitten by the EUC bug. Clearly infected big time. 

Now it is also a strong testimony to different wheels have different feel and not really one is far superior to the other. It all depends what you seek. 

It is also very nice to read your story without any of the brand wars attached to it. I do hope you will share more stories in the future. 

Now you said you are getting your leg tone back. Maybe time to order a V11 and get a full body workout lift it 😉.

Anyway I let you know how it is to ride as I have a very sad excuse of a knee. So I know how bumps feels compared to when I were younger and healthier and didn't have any issues. 

Another side note on wheels. In the past week I have had all my 3 wheels out for a spin. You should see how my big fat smile was shining. Each and every one had something that made me go woooow. It is just yet my wheels are somewhat similar they are yet different still. This where my oldest baffled me most. KS18L. It has been forgotten a bit as I tended to use the others more. It is just a sweet allrounder (like JS18XL, but with less range). And with the bigger rim a more carefree ride. Now reading though your post above, I can't help feeling more excited about what high hopes I already have for the V11. Time will tell. But if I can just get half of my hopes from the wheel it will be amazing. 

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3 hours ago, Unventor said:

Nice posts @Scottie. It is so refreshing to read a new riders sharing their story. And very uplifting to how EUCs change their life. 

I think it is very clear how you have been bitten by the EUC bug. Clearly infected big time.

Thank you for the nice comments. Yes, it is too late for me. I don't even think therapy will help. I'll just have to ride it out ... pardon the pun. :facepalm:

3 hours ago, Unventor said:

Now it is also a strong testimony to different wheels have different feel and not really one is far superior to the other. It all depends what you seek. 

It is also very nice to read your story without any of the brand wars attached to it. I do hope you will share more stories in the future.

Yes, I agree to that. I prefer to give all brands an equal chance. And in my case, I have no experience with EUC brands, so they are all on the menu. Although I have noticed some models have had teething issues, but they seem to get fixed by an update for the most part.

It is also the same with cars and motorcycles for me. I have had all brands of each and have enjoyed the charms and differences of each. I have also had problems with all brands. No product is 100% perfect, except maybe the million dollar cars ... which I will only experience on the television.

I do plan on sharing some more stories. The next thing will probably be something about comparing the wheels from the newbie perspective and stuff that has happened with each, and hopefully it is not problems. All are running great right now. Right now I'm giving the MSP my full attention like I did with the others when they arrived. After the MSP honeymoon is over, I will have to revisit the others regularly. Although I do often return to the 16X because it taught me too ride. If I could tame that one ... the others are a piece of cake. 

3 hours ago, Unventor said:

Now you said you are getting your leg tone back. Maybe time to order a V11 and get a full body workout lift it 😉.

Anyway I let you know how it is to ride as I have a very sad excuse of a knee. So I know how bumps feels compared to when I were younger and healthier and didn't have any issues. 

Another side note on wheels. In the past week I have had all my 3 wheels out for a spin. You should see how my big fat smile was shining. Each and every one had something that made me go woooow. It is just yet my wheels are somewhat similar they are yet different still. This where my oldest baffled me most. KS18L. It has been forgotten a bit as I tended to use the others more. It is just a sweet allrounder (like JS18XL, but with less range). And with the bigger rim a more carefree ride. Now reading though your post above, I can't help feeling more excited about what high hopes I already have for the V11. Time will tell. But if I can just get half of my hopes from the wheel it will be amazing. 

I've got my eye on the suspension wheels, slightly favoring the V11 for the larger battery. But the King Song is prettier for mechanical nature. Eyes are drawn too fancy looking machinery. I will always go for more battery and more power just for the safety buffer and convenience of not having to charge very often. It will be nice to see these evaluated by the many YouTube guys. And we need to watch for teething issues. Maybe I'll go for one of them next spring. I've got a years worth of fun already! 

WARNING: Funny comparison coming ...  I think you'll agree that having the different wheels (or access to various models) is like having many friends. Different friends bring their own ideas and personalities to the friendship. We can even see and enjoy the differences in identical twins. Its the same with the wheels. Some days, wheel #1 will seem to be more fun than wheel #2, because of the mood of the day.

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@Scottie I think that is a pretty spot on rider report. and deserve an AMEN....:cheers:

I can't help thinking the KS16X as the ugly little bulldog you know it is tons of fun, but it isn't build for a hound dog racetrack. But can you have fun with it ohh yes. Is it the best wheel? properly not, but it is still fun. Can you do things on the KS16X that no other can't do, no properly not, but it does it easier ...except speed. 

So that family  SUV utility car ehh...:efefb6a84e: wheel KS18XL. It is so easy to live with but it isn't any thing special except be one of the very best balanced wheel I know of if not the best in this regard.. I were so close to selling my KS18L but have decided against it. I have the V11 incoming so at first glance it should be obsolete. But when we have winter time, would I then ride a V11 in show/salt/sand/gravel/ice...and how would this wear the suspension system? So right now the plan is to keep it and mount studs on it to becoming a dedicated winter wheel.

I read about the Gotway wheel, but I don't ride them. (I don't view this as missing out, as speed isn't my thing. it is a personally choice).

So tidying this up  and going back to topic. Question is if km/miles is the right definition to progress as rider (only) or if long enough ride time/distance on multiply wheel will give you a much better feel on what you can do on an EUC and where that can take you. Both literally and metaphorical as a rider. This is where @ShanesPlanet question actually become interesting on a different thread. When do you progress passed rookie....

But what I really love about your posts @Scottie is they tell the tale of wheel diversity and that not one rule them all but each and every one have a story to tell and experience. And when you get back to it after reading/riding other books/wheels it add flavor to that story. I think many can only envy you and @Marty Backe that. 

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2 hours ago, Unventor said:

Note: I didn't mean to hijack your thread but your posts inspired me to share why I found your post great readings. 

No worries. I was following the "Rookie" thread too. It plays well into my current riding situation.

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11 hours ago, Unventor said:

I find it interesting reading @Scottie. Btw I had the pleasure to visit @Mike Sacristan and his wife last autumn. During 2 days we rode just about 80km. At that point I had only ridden my KS16X for about 100km (I got it a week before going to Stockholm).

We did all kind of riding when I were there. Daytime/nighttime/bmx track/forest and mountain trails/downtown and suburban areas too. 

Playing going uphill and downhill. I can say I am not half the rider of Mike nor even a quarter of Petra. I am simply nor fit or flexible enough. So they might had a little boring times. But I rarely ride so fast in unfamiliar areas and definitely not at night time in dark in unknown paths. At the time I were still getting to terms of follow my directions not the surface on the KS16X.

Do you remember if @Mike Sacristan made a YouTube video of your rides? If so, can you post the link? I would like to see that one. Well, I've probably already seen it, but now would want to see it again. Riding with Mike and his crew sure would be a special thing. I bet you'll remember that riding for a long, long time. 


12 hours ago, Unventor said:

I used to put a new challenge to myself for the first year or so every time I stepped up on my wheel. It could be anything like carving more. Or riding longer in a day. Or longer without a break or faster or new areas.

I really wished this had happend 25 years ago. But it didn't so now I make the most of it. Now I have some top line goals set for this summer season. These are very tuff for me. Simple to others. 

1-- Seated riding. Right now I don't have leg/knee strength to stand up from seated so obtaining control and balance is very far off.

2-- Reverse riding. I have not control of this despite testing to switch direction.

3-- Ambidex start/stop. I can do it on my dominant leg but that is my bad knee. The other leg don't have the strength combined with control.

I doubt I get it all done. But goals are set to challenge not to be easy.

A new challenge for every ride in the beginning; I will bet that many riders do the same thing. I am doing the same as you said, stretching my envelope and adding a new little something on every ride. These days I'm adding grass and gravel riding regularly to improve the different terrain skills. It only makes sense that we all go through that in the early times. An to some degree, even the top riders must still do that. But they are practicing to be like FANTOMAS! I will keep my dreams within reach. :efee8319ab: 

Yes, it would have been nice to have had these things in our younger days. But we still had our fun with the old school stuff. I was water skiing, and bicycle riding 40 miles (64 km) before breakfast back in the day. But now, like you, I try to make the most of the good times that we are still able to have. I read on the eWheels website that there is a 74 year old that started riding these. He said this is the most fun an old guy can have! I use him as my example. That means I still have 14 years of good times ahead. Are their any 80 year old people out there doing this? 


13 hours ago, Unventor said:

Ohh and hopefully I get an new test and ride challenge in August. When I hope to get my V11. I am pretty sure that suspension will give me some extra goals to go for.

I'm sure the suspension wheel will make life easier on the knee, and add some more possibilities. The young guys will be jumping higher than ever, and barreling down more steps.

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46 minutes ago, Scottie said:

Do you remember if @Mike Sacristan made a YouTube video of your rides? If so, can you post the link? I would like to see that one. Well, I've probably already seen it, but now would want to see it again. Riding with Mike and his crew sure would be a special thing. I bet you'll remember that riding for a long, long time. 


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