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Msuper X pedals

Joseph Besler

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Hey guys, I'm new to this forum. I just recently got into riding an purchased my first EUC. The gotway Msuper X 1600W. I've heard about people not liking the slanted pedals. And I can see why. My feet end up falling asleep a lot. Is anyone have these same issues? And if so, is there a solution? 




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There is a topic on the forum about the pedal angle with instructions on how to modify the pedals to a lesser angle if so desired. Have a read through for more detail and opinions from your fellow Msuper X owners.


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The angle was too steep for me to be rideable, so I decreased the angle a good bit. I have since learned a few things:

  • The side pads affect the angle at which your feet arrive on the pedals. Too thin and the sharp edge of the shell makes you want to keep your knees further apart, making the issue worse.
  • If you have big (wide) feet, your foot will hang over the side of the pedals. If the pedal angle is steep, it makes the pain worse.

After fixing the pedal angle I located the above issues. After fixing them I have noticed that a steeper angle now works as well.

If you don’t yet want to grind the pedals, I suggest you first try fixing the essentially lacking side pads. But stay with thinner materials, as a thick side pad will make the issue even worse. The famous baby bumper across the shell edge is ideal for me.

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4 hours ago, Joseph Besler said:

Yeah the angle is bothering my feet as well. They tend to go numb very quick. Any way to mitigate this? Also, which fast charger do you recommend with the MSX? I hate the little 1.5A. 


Thanks mate

https://www.ewheels.com/product/new-gen-v-5a-84-2v-charger-for-gotway-electric-unicycles/ works for me.

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People have spoken a lot about the side-to-side angle of the MSX pedals (and with good reason).  There are two other factors as well though.  First is 'riding at all' -- EUCs can be hard on the feet.  I've been riding causally for years and my feet still get sore in as little as 5 minutes (depending on shoes, etc).  When I ride more frequently it gets better.  I've also learned to sort of stretch one foot at a time (so just the toes touching - kind of like moon walking).  That helps.      

Next is the front-back angle of the pedals.  I find a few degrees forward tilt (3 or 4) to be much more comfortable than flat pedals that are perfectly horizontal.  The MSX allows you to change this through calibration -- it's a bit tricky but worth it IMO.  

I'd be curious to know what other people run their pedals at, front-to-back?

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21 minutes ago, solocoyote said:

I'd be curious to know what other people run their pedals at, front-to-back?

I used to have quite a strong 4 or more degree backwards tilt on the KS 16S, but on the MSX I use 1-2 degrees forward. This is partially to the behavior of the wheels at speed and obstacles; the 16S could use a bit of help at roots etc, while the MSX seems to tilt slightly backwards at speed.

I agree, a forward tilt is easier on my feet, although it does make braking slightly less effective or stabile.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What's going on guys. I have a question hoping someone could help me. 

I got my wife the Inmotion Glide 3 V8 and I come to like the idea of the side trolley handles.. Feels a lot More stable lugging it around indoor ect... I have a MSX and trying to figure options on how I can go about mounting a side trolley handle instead of the back. Any suggestions?


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8 hours ago, Joseph Besler said:

What's going on guys. I have a question hoping someone could help me. 

I got my wife the Inmotion Glide 3 V8 and I come to like the idea of the side trolley handles.. Feels a lot More stable lugging it around indoor ect... I have a MSX and trying to figure options on how I can go about mounting a side trolley handle instead of the back. Any suggestions?


Just get used to the one in the back. A side trolley option would have to be external. But then i think you will be stuck trollying it. because where would your leg be?

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We are all different for sure, me too found it unbearable at first, but cause I do ride so aggressively and use so much weight shifting and physical manipulation I have come to love it after getting used to it, that is I use it to my advantage to stay on the EUC even in extreme events and had crazy slip and lifts off the pedal at bumps in the road at very high speeds with lots and lots of lean over angle around the bend and I am convinced I caught the pedals again cause of the way they are angled, or at least half a pedal to stay upright until after the apex and getting it back safe under me again.

Combined with the EUCGUY's tilted pads and pressure I find it amazing how you can control such a big wheel, yes need to be a bit forced compared to a 16" that want s to do things this one does not but at least it's possible and to me personally the 16" is no longer the ultimate size if I had to choose only one, never thought I would say that but here I am doing just that. I get it's not for everyone though, no matter what style you have.

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On 8/31/2018 at 8:00 AM, Joseph Besler said:

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum. I just recently got into riding an purchased my first EUC. The gotway Msuper X 1600W. I've heard about people not liking the slanted pedals. And I can see why. My feet end up falling asleep a lot. Is anyone have these same issues? And if so, is there a solution? 




Sorry to go a little off topic here but how are you liking the flashlight? Is there a big difference vs the built in headlight?


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  • 2 weeks later...

What's up guys, so I've just noticed that I am getting some irritating squeaking/rubbing noise every time I step on my pedals. It didn't always do this. Ive used WD40 to help midigate the noise but it was just temporary. Any thoughts on what it could be? Do I have to replace anything? 




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