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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Neither the magnets nor the windings seem to be the things that make up most of the weight of the motor. They look small and light in comparison. Of course I didn't weigh them, but to me it looks like the steel stator is the annoyingly heavy thing that could be improved. Not sure.
  2. Absolutely correct! It's the damn motors that are so (inexplicably) heavy. 1800Wh is 7kg, which is not the bulk of the weight of any of those wheels.
  3. And 100V was the hot and new thing! 1845Wh 100V Monster cost as much as the 2400Wh 84V one. The V11 was/is very reasonably priced. I hope the best that means the V12 will be, too.
  4. Nah, nobody reads the rules, and we don't expect people to (it's not how the world works). They're there to provide an answer when someone aks (like here), or for the occasional "Told you so!" (like you did here). All is good.
  5. @Paulo Mesquita Yea, this forum has limited space itself, so serious image posting needs to be somewhere elseTM. Anyways, looks like you went in 110% on EUCs since you started not too long ago Consider running out of the little forum space assigned here as a badge of honor Pretty neat image host. Gives you the direct link to copy without any frills. Wasn't too happy with imgbb because of that. I'll add a link in the "how to" post. Let's hope it stays for a while. Flickr is the one where you can expect it to not suddenly vanish, but I guess it's a little more involved than these easy, one-click, no-account image hosts. Glorious test image:
  6. Why the 18XL when the V11 exists? You may have your reasons, I'm not criticizing here, as said: trust your instincts, they're right! Just wondering because the V11 is better (to me) in every regard. Or do you plan on a used 18XL (not many used V11s around I guess). But then it should not be $2k.
  7. EUCs are new, virtually everyone here has bought their first EUC without ever having seen one in real life. But most just knew it was what they needed First you're "huh, this exists... ok I guess", then you want one badly, then you frantically refresh the shipping tracker every 5 minutes for a week You can't try out a EUC, just like you can't try out a bicycle if you never touched one before. It needs some time to learn, and some people might even be put off if given the chance to try out one quickly and with no strings attached. Having sunk $2k into a wheel is a great motivator to get over the initial hump where some might just want to not try. As for choice, get the wheel your heart tells you you really want.
  8. New wheel pre-release topics are always like that. Emotions run high, information runs low. The pressure has to go somewhere, might as well be contained here. Well that's my personal view This topic will be closed on release, so precise and on-topic info does not get mixed up with the mess that came before it. But in the mean time, please try to talk about the V12 here.
  9. If a used wheel is good, it's usually a very good option. Same thing (nearly), much less $$$. See here for some more info about what to know about used wheels (2nd part of the post):
  10. We need to crowdfund a few private investigators to tail all the EUC influencers 24/7, just in case 3 months!
  11. There were reports (from the NYC guys) that they are definitely more efficient at high speeds. While in theory they may be less efficient at (really) low speeds, I haven't heard anything there. But of course, who would even notice 100V is better and I'm glad Inmotion is going that way. There's no real reason not to do it.
  12. There's really no point in building a slow wheel. See the V12's top speed as a welcome side effect of its 100V design. Higher voltages have pretty much no real downside (regarding performance), so 100V isn't necessarily just for speed. It's simply better and a natural next step, and you happen to get a higher top speed, too (or you could have better low-end torque with no top speed loss compared to 84V). The V12's high top speed is there with no downside/tradeoff. It's fast, how nice - so what?
  13. I wouldn't read too much into the EUC World speed statistics. For every enthusiast on this forum, there's 3 or 5 people just bobbing around on a V8 or E+ or so. The average max speed may be low, so what! Doesn't mean anything. Demands on the specs are not determined by the average rider, but by the high demand riders. Also, as we all know, faster wheels are safer wheels, whether you use that speed or not.
  14. @BrummkreiselViel Spass und willkommen im Club der EUC-Süchtigen! Besorg dir gescheite Hand- und Knieschoner sowie einen Helm (idealerweise mit Gesichtsschutz), dann ist die wichtigste Vorbereitung erledigt. (Hier im Thread darfst du ruhig nur auf Deutsch posten.)
  15. If money is a concern, always buy the wheel you ultimately want right away Sherman time it is! It's a popular wheel for a reason. Just pad it up well before trying it (the yoga mat thing is a great idea).
  16. Takes a while (but not long). This is to prevent spammers etc. being able to send messages to people.
  17. The V11 has a single layer of cells on each side (unless I'm very mistaken). So for <2 cm/< 1 inch extra thickness on each side you could build a 3000Wh V11-shaped wheel. So it can be done. You just need to be a little creative with how you use your space. I don't think the square standardized packs as too bad as well, EUCs can still be more efficient with their interior volume with these (just look at all the empty space in the Gotways). Agree very much with the rest of your post. As the required components (non-tiny battery packs, lights, ...) demand more space, naturally the wheel gets higher and fills in the space that's right there, so it gets rectangular there.
  18. Some great information posted here on waterproofing your V11 (or any other wheel) has been split off into its own topic:
  19. The problem with cooling is extreme loads causing the mosfets to heat up extremely fast, so they fry before a temperature alarm can kick in. Would liquid cooling help there? Could it convect away such extreme short-term heat faster? Anyways, the V12 has no liquid cooling which for now I see as a plus
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