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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Wow. Suspended, yes, but not even a pre-order page? I wonder what is going on behind the scenes. Yep That or this: click. (Answer: Nobody knows, or what to think of it.)
  2. Keep the discussion here above dumpster fire level please!
  3. Not too much of a mess, tbh: Begode: Master just out, EX20S not far behind, and who knows about the RS Resolute Veteran: Sherman MAX just out, Abrams gets a firmware update against cut-outs Inmotion: V12 HT coming, V12 HS gets a new board (both... any day now... any day) KS: S22 coming any day now, I don't think any development is left EB: Commander out and great, no word of the X-Men/XM/X-Max Ok, maybe calling it a mess isn't so wrong either But at least it is less chaotic than a few months ago.
  4. It seems to have some firmware/cutout problems, but I don't believe it has disappeared. Just the delay between planned and actual mass release, I guess. After the S20 demo wheel spectaculary caught fire in NYC, KS did upgrade their firmware (general improvements, as well as removing a bug that caused the fire) and promptly renamed the wheel to S22. The S20 is dead, long live the S22. To be fair, KS fixed the bug, did tests and made the results public showing their batteries are good now, and added some extra fuses or whatnot. @eeveesin their latest comparison video state that the S22 is "the S20 with the new firmware" (meaning not so much the bug fix, just the latest firmware and its riding improvements). The old S20 (sometimes specified as S20B) is just the non-production/prototype wheel from before. So there's only the S22 as far as wheels that were ever officially released. Of course it's not like there is official communication of this. So dealers will do their own thing until "S22" catches on everywhere, I guess. The Master has a weird new battery configuration: 4x 8s4p(33.6V) packs in series. I wish I could see your face when you read that. So technically, 4x8s4p might be more precise than 32s4p. The rest of the wheels have a "normal" configuration as you would expect.
  5. In general, it helps to visualize that an electric unicycle just follows your center of gravity. If that is exactly above the wheel, you keep still (or keep going at your current speed). If it's behind the center of the wheel, you brake and eventually go backwards. If its forward, you accelerate. So if you go backwards from a standstill, your center of gravity is a little too far back. Stand relaxed and upright and look forward, not down, and feel out a nice comfortable "neutral" stance on the pedals. Turning happens if you have uneven foot pressure on the pedals. The wheel will turn towards the side with more pressure. Probably you will get used to all this with a bit of practice, so no point in overthinking this. After you learn to ride, you can learn free-mounting. Here the same applies: if your center of gravity isn't nicely over the wheel, it will try to get away from under you when you step on. So don't mount from the front or back, but with the wheel exactly under you (of course also do this while you still use a wall for help). - Unrelated, but the RS HT is a damn nice wheelEnjoy the learning.
  6. I added this. Maybe this forum needs a general "how to" post explaining how to use the most common features? The software is indeed a bit confusing at times.
  7. If you want to remove a post you wrote from the forum, click the three dots in its top right corner, and select "Hide". This (badly worded) option removes the post for everyone. (It is not merely an "ignore" option that only affects you!) If you "Hide" the first post of a topic you started, you remove the entire topic, including all replies by others. The "Hide" option for that is either in the three dots of the first post, or in a menu between the title and the body of the first post. Moderators can restore hidden posts and topics. So if you accidentally "hid" something, it can be restored. Please contact us if you need something restored.
  8. Yea, it should be called "remove" or "delete". It is not a personal ignore option. Just removes the post from everyone's view (mods can restore it, so if you accidentally hide something, it can be undone). Spoilers are something else. Use the eye icon on top of the text entry box, then you have a thing where people have to click to see what is inside. Never realized it says "hidden content", which could indeed be confused with "hide" (aka "delete this post"). Dumb wording from the forum software. I don't think the wording can be changed.
  9. No idea, sorry. I moved this into the "Apps" forum, you will get more answers there hopefully.
  10. I believe the EUC World app can do firmware updates. Not sure about the RS. Worth trying.
  11. This sounds less like a problem with Inmotion and more like a problem with your seller (or is Inmotion the Amazon seller?). Get your money back or a new wheel. Refund sounds good under the circumstances.
  12. I would say: Basic understanding of electronics, as it pertains to EUCs. So you know not to short a wheel, don't connect battery packs with different voltages, and so on. Basic mechanical repair confidence/prowess. Knowledge how a EUC works, which parts there are, how they are built, what they do, etc. So you can understand and deduce the cause of an issue. Not that there are too many options - board, battery pack, and the occasional hall sensor/motor malfunction... maybe a broken shell? Anything more specific and concrete you can learn from doing concrete repairs on specific wheel models. Enthusiasm for EUCs and keeping up with the developments in the EUC world can't hurt. Otherwise it might be boring or tedious to just do rote work? So essentially you just need to know how things work and what you are doing. The EcoDrift disassembly blog articles are great. If you have a wheel, just disassemble and re-assemble it a few times until the confidence (and speed) comes. You can always ask any questions that come up then. That and basic electronics and basic EUC principles is where I would start. Work for free for a commercial entity in this day and age?! Pffff. Money please. Let them train you, for money money money - Asking eevees (or any other dealer, but as you are in Canada...) for more info is certainly a very good idea though!
  13. Yeah, that is the motto for our Chinese EUCs in general and Begode/Gotway in particular. I know. Understanding the ununderstandable, trying to find a point in the pointless, etc.
  14. Confirmed, it's a Gotway! If they had at least sleeved these board power cables. Do they literally not understand that the power for their (beautifully sleeved) motor cables comes from somewhere? I don't get it One smaller connector to carry 4x the current that each bigger connector carries. Classic Gotway move
  15. I second this. Don't worry about failure reports. There is no reason why the V10F should be more susceptible to failure than the V10. Maybe there are just more V10F so you hear more about their problems? What do you want the wheel for? You already have a Tesla (or so it says) so I'm wondering.
  16. Question: Are the red and black cables in the middle of the battery connector board the power cables going to the board? They look a little thin. And unlike everything else, they are not meticulously fiberglassed. Or is the power cable somewhere else?
  17. Not surprising. Thanks for the confirmation. They could easily do 4x 8s6p in series to get a 134V EX20S, though. If that kind of setup is good enough for the Master... Anyways, they aren't doing it (for now), so I'm going to shut up about a 134V variant now That is great!
  18. Wow, there is virtually no plastic on this wheel. All metal. This is why it is so heavy. Does looks very nice, though Very similar build to the Master - robust and with minimal number of parts. It has the same battery connector board like on the Master. I wonder if the packs are in parallel, or are 25.2V packs. It should be trivial to make a 134V EX20S with this build, I don't understand why it is still 100V. I wish they would build the battery packs in a parallelogram shape for better ground clearance. It would hardly be more complex to build. Like this:
  19. Nice to see their heart is still in EUCs. I'm not expecting much given by their history of no money, but who knows...
  20. Rockwheel still exists? I would want to see their wheel first. EUCs have come a long way, I wonder if they can be competitive with a new design.
  21. Does the K stand for something, or is it literally called MSuper K?
  22. It looks like the Master has a strange battery configuration where each pack is 33.6V (8s4p) and a small board on top connects all of them in series. See here: I think the likeliest option for a 134V EX20S is thus four 33.6V 8s6p packs that get connected in series like on the Master. Seems pretty straightforward, but the strange Master config made me second guess the possibility of a 134V EX20S. We'll see what happens. It would be a huge missed opportunity to stay at 100V for no good reason.
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