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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Just some arm scratches? What gear did you wear? Or were you just lucky? This is what happens when any EUC electronics fail. Matter of principle. Not sure if this happened on Solowheels before. But current, modern wheels (this does not include an old ass Solowheel as opposed to Inmotions rebranded to Solowheel) in general don't just fail without specific reason. That's why you don't find any posts about this. For the as unavoidable as theoretical residual risk, you have the protective gear you're wearing anyways (because self- or other-caused crashes are much much much more likely). What Solowheel model is yours? Only definitive way to find out what happened is to find the defective part.
  2. Those random fees are ridiculous. 700 for a license plate? But maybe this is where the "tax increases need a 2/3 majority" gets you (or whatever exactly it is, I heard California has something like this in its constitution). Instead of plain and reasonable (and probably fairer) taxes, you get less taxes + crazy surprise fees at every corner. Not trying to start a political discussion or anything, please. On topic: News: Cars are generally evil, I think we can all agree on that
  3. @Peteshmete Use smaller photos? Resize them all, and maybe just combine them all into one image.
  4. Yep. ANY new unexplained behavior = get off instantly and never use the wheel until you know exactly what the problem was and that it has been fixed.
  5. Gotway vs. KingSong. Someone's looking to start a war
  6. Im Prinzip haben sie ja recht. Fahrzeuge gehören erstmal nicht auf den Gehweg. Aber mit Schwimmnudeln ankommen, da frage ich mich schon, ob die geisteskrank sind.
  7. 800Wh!!! Speedyfeet has the MCM5 800Wh. Does he not ship to France because of some stupid (illegal in EU) Gotway sales restrictions? 1400€ https://www.speedyfeet.co.uk/collections/electric-unicycle/products/mcm5
  8. @chopsywa You already mentioned the obvious solution, getting both As you have to decide, do what your gut says. Or maybe go over what you'd use the wheel for. More fun (nimble, torque-y 14 incher MCM5) or more serious (5 mile commute every day on a 16 incher)? Anyways, you're not in a hurry, so take your time and enjoy the decision process. Logically, the Tesla might be the better wheel - 16 inch standard size, allrounder, little bit more battery/range. But somehow the MCM5 is just so nice... hard to decide! @Flying W Good info! I wasn't thinking much of the MCM5 before Marty's video as well. To me the older MCMs always seemed like second-rate wheels compared to the 16 or 18 inchers. Weaker motor, comparably expensive for what you get, design etc. But the MCM5 seems to be a powerhouse joy like only Gotway builds. I find myself wanting one quite often, despite having no clear use case for it.
  9. Seems to be quite the ordeal? Or is it working well? Getting anywhere? Thanks for keeping us up to date how such a thing works out. Always interesting.
  10. Is the Tesla 850Wh a 84V wheel or a 67.2V wheel? I wouldn't buy a 67V variant. edit: Looks like it is 84V, so it's good.
  11. Ok, danke. Wie es sein sollte. Ich hab nur irgendwelche Panikartikel über Roller aufm Gehsteig gesehen, und ich dachte mir nur, wie kommen die überhaupt darauf. War also nur unsubstanzierte Angstvorstellungen. Deutsche Presse eben... passt zum Rest des Landes
  12. Mir gings weniger um die Legalität als dass anscheinend alles auf den Gehsteig abgeschoben werden soll, damit die armen Autofahrer schön unbelästigt bleiben. Habe ich das richtig verstanden, dass diese neuen erlaubten 20km/h Sinnfrei-Roller auch auf den Gehsteig sollen? Bin mir nicht sicher, aber dein Eindruck hatte ich schon mehrmals bei irgendwelcher Berichterstattung, wo es um Roller auf dem Gehsteig ging, was ja normalerweise garnicht die Frage sein sollte.
  13. Wieso immer auf dem Gehsteig fahren? Das höre ich irgendwie so oft. Der einzige Grund das zu tun ist wenn die Straße zu gefährlich ist. Wie mit dem Fahrrad. Wozu gibts Fahrradstreifen oder die Straße? Weiss zwar nicht ob sie ihn trotzdem angehalten hätten, aber zumindest wäre er schneller unterwegs gewesen, ist gar nicht so einfach ein EUC zu kriegen. Merke: Rase auf der Straße Jemand sollte dem Herren sagen, dass das mit der vermeintlichen Versicherungspflicht nicht so eindeutig ist, wie sich die Polizisten das vielleicht vorstellen. Kann ja nicht schaden.
  14. Ideally, in a different build quality and construction world, the folded up handle would be the perfect place for sitting down. Put some cushion on top of it, and you have a high, automatically feathered seating arrangement with the handle folded up. Fold-up seat and handle, two in one. Like here. All the guy needs to do is sit down. Build it very stable and more egonomic, and done. A KS-style handle could be modified into a working seat even easier.
  15. This kebye app is some kind of ancient 3rd version crap. Forget it. You can get the current social/account Gotway app from the Play Store or manually from facebook.com/groups/gotway/files (GotWay 0213.apk). Or you can get the old no-account-needed Gotway app from the Download section on this site (direct link: https://forum.electricunicycle.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11932). The electro-sport app on the Play Store is a localized version of this same app. Both apps are years old and have the same (bad) functionality. For example tiltback speed is limited to 48kph even though there are faster wheels now. There's nothing better official from Gotway, though they seem to be working on something at the moment. For day-to-day use, use Wheellog (be careful not to select the "wheel settings" option in Wheellog, it will change some wheel settings without asking, e.g. it disabled my speed alarms without warnings which is bad). Wheellog is on the Play Store. Reserve the shitty Gotway app (whatever version) for when you absolutely must use it (settings, calibration).
  16. All the new wheels have soft tiltbacks. The problem is, if you still speed up, the tiltback has to become hard in order to react quickly enough. So there's no way around the possibility of a severe tiltback. One could have a tiltforward instead, but it would probably be less safe. Starting slowly, but it would have the same problem that it may become severe and that would be a guaranteed faceplant (unlike tiltback). The only solution I see is arbitrary tiltback speeds, and a gradual tiltback beginning a few kph earlier so nobody is surprised by this. The V10(F) e.g. seems to have a very nice "reminder" tiltback before it gets strong. I see zero point in not allowing any tiltback speed. Just plan a 5kph buffer for going from soft tiltback to emergency tiltback.
  17. Time to post this classic video once again.
  18. Still loving the ACM looks, no other wheel has this quality. Low, compact, awesome.
  19. No, therefore the subjunctive. I'm just trying to say, the looks aren't really the problem with the wheel. But you're right. Anything would be no problem if the price is low enough. I'm just happy they didn't build a complete KS clone boring design. And no matter everything else, this wheel is going to have great ridin with great performance with great electronics. Trying to see the bright side
  20. For 1500€/$ (1300Wh) you couldn't complain about the looks. Something new and never before seen, expanding the market and what's available. Better than every wheel design slowly becoming a KingSong clone.
  21. Oh my God I was thinking the same thing when I heard the name! Niiikola, Niiiikola Definitely true. Thanks tto @jojo33 we know the latest Gearbest sale prices were just regular Chinese wheel prices. V5F for 300€, V10 for 800€. Already making profit there. I bet no wheel costs more than $1000 to produce. I bet they pay something like $2.50 per cell - and even at $3 per cell, that would make the 2400Wh Monster battery cost $540. A motor and some board and plastic parts don't cost $460, in bulk, in China. They may still have substantial capital expenditure for facilities and development, but still... $1000 to produce for the most expensive wheel leaves a lot of distance to our prices, even after all the tax and import and whatever fees. I'm more afraid less of the wheel price ends up with the manufacturer than we might think. But you're right, if they can fleece people, they will. Let's see what the final Nikola price is
  22. You're right, can't argue with that!
  23. For 8km or more, I think a 16 incher would be more comfortable. But 14 incher works fine, too. Truth is, you can do pretty much anything with any wheel. Maybe you would like the MCM5 because it's more fun to ride (more torque and smaller tire for better maneuvering)? Tesla is more powerful and faster (especially not just top speed, but comfortable speed). Not sure how well 30+km/h works on a 14 incher. But the MCM5 is a very nice wheel, too. So: getting a Tesla is the "better" choice (16 incher, more stable, faster), unless you somehow would like the MCM5 better - then get the MCM5
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