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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Replacing the board makes good sense. Since a single tiny failure means a crash, you don't just assume your board is ok after "something electrical" happened. You just use a new one. That is best practice for EUCs. Probably they don't know what went wrong either. Why diagnose if they'd replace the board anyways? You having to pay for the repair is not ok, though! I understand your hesitation now. Not sure if you'd notice if the problem was actually the battery, but I think you should, probably the wheel simply wouldn't work, or a battery cell failure caused the crash but now the battery works? @Jason McNeil Do you know? You could do a range test and see if it's normal. Wear protection (wrist guards, knee pads, full face helmet) and you'll feel safer.
  2. Finally, after nearly 3 months of cold and wet, finally it's cold and snowy! All that snow fell in the last 24 hours and it ain't stopping Hoping it stays like this for a long time. Winter tire ordered for my ACM(it's too warm and slightly melting, so quite slippery everywhere).
  3. Was this already posted here? New Inmotion promo. Fun watch.
  4. I always wondered what keeps Rockwheel (and IPS while we're at it) afloat. They seem to be doing a lot of development work, how many different Rockwheel concepts and experiments have we seen already, but barely any real products. Only GT16 sales? Surprised they weren't focusing on at least one production wheel at each time.
  5. Mildly put But hey, compact 16'' wheel with 2000Wh and TO-247 mosfets, what am I complaining about?! -- I hope this Rockwheel announcement is more reliable than their other announcements. Good to see RW doing something. Ideally it ends up being a real product (still wondering why that beautiful GT18 concept never went anywhere).
  6. If it's the battery (looks like it), no financial sense in repairing it unless they do it on warranty. Battery failure is really, really rare.
  7. Glide 3 is a rebranded Inmotion V8. Not one of the old and shitty actual Solowheels we thought you have. Looks like you really just had the one in a million problem of a hardware failure during riding, I guess. You definitely should get a new board, or must identify what exactly failed and confirm that the board is 100% ok, if you want to ride this wheel again. I assume you're still in contact with their support to get this sorted out? Anyways, wrist guards are a must. Whether you need them because of this freak accident or the usual falls for whatever external reason
  8. Nice, thanks (and congratulations)! Why did you get a Monster? Range? More space for modding? Sweet big mosfets (R.I.P.) and apparently using the new motor, too.
  9. Es tut mir im Herzen weh, deine Hoffnung zu zerstören, aber du machst dir gerade Sorgen über die Stuhlordnung auf der Titanic. Glaubst du, dass man a) ohne Führerschein auch nur ein einziges Gefährt das b) über 20km/h könnte (als schon mal alle existierenden EUCs sowieso ausgeschlossen) legal fahren werden darf c) ohne sonstige unnötige Schikanen (z.B. nicht auf dem Fahrradweg wie ebikes), selbst wenn diese Ausnahmeregelung jemals kommt? (Kommt ja doch nicht!) Die bezeichnen "bis 20km/h bauartbedingte Höchstgeschwindigkeit" als "schnell"! Die lenken dich mit einem (leeren) Versprechen auf eine völlig unzulängliche Ausnahmeregelung ab, damit du mit irgendwelchen (wahrscheinlich nie relevanten) Details beschäftigt bist (wie: EUCs dabei oder nicht?), anstatt über das Grundsätzliche zu diskutieren (dass ALLE Vorschläge viel zu wenig sind). Die kaufen sich nur ein oder zwei Jahre Zeit, wo alles beim Alten (= im Sinne der Autoindustrie) bleibt. Wenn die Ausnahmeregelung kommt (ich würde nicht drauf wetten), dann traue ich ihnen aber gerne zu, selbst das zu versauen und explizit nur eboards und Hoverboards einzeln zu regeln. Und selbst wenn sie kommt und EUCs umfasst, bitte nicht mit so einem unzulänglichen, sabotierenden Mist zufriedenstellen lassen. Finde ich schockierend, mit wie wenig sich manche hier abspeisen lassen würden. Das wird nachher NIE besser. Siehe ebikes. Werden immer noch wie Motorräder behandelt, nix Fahrradweg usw.
  10. Haha, didn't mean to sour you on your MSX. If you're happy with it as it is... On the other hand, range is range If you do, make a video Nice photo!
  11. Well, your MSX does not even charge to 100%. 100% to actually full already is like 10% loss of usable Wh. 97% to actually full is even more. So ~10% difference can be explained by this. Significantly more would mean the XL is actually more efficient. If your intuition says it is, that's probably the case. - If you need a reason to repeat this range test ride with the MSX, maybe your new gear changed the circumstances. More aerodynamic or something Or just do a "20mph until it beeps, same route" test with both wheels. Not sure how the slow riding at the end changed things.
  12. Amazing! I especially love how you do challenge the kid with this. So many dumb parents wouldn't even let a kid twice the age ride a EUC. Also, consider a full face helmet for the little speed demon. He takes off like crazy every time. Gotway rider through and through
  13. Loving this tour you do in the video. Again The 18XL's longer range might be due to the ewheels-specific reverse diode in your MSX which stops the charging early. Without it, not only could you get to "Gotway 100%" battery (4.1125V per cell), but also keep the charger in after green light and and go to 4.2V for like 10% extra range. Pretty significant. Looking forward to you doing a ride until the 18XL beeps and tilts back. Then we'll see it's actual range. Maybe it really is more efficient, too. Does anybody know which cell voltage KS considers as 100%?
  14. Interesting video I found. Not my video.
  15. Going towards freezing (0°C), it will damage the batteries if they get recharged (which happens during riding on every little braking), so that's when you shouldn't ride (and the Ninebot One Z, for example, switches off for this reason if the battery gets too cold - 5°C I think). With regular riding at around freezing temps, the battery cools off but stays warm enough to work until it's empty anyways. But you notice the reduced range, up to 20%, from the cooling off. The power draw isn't enough to keep the temp high enough, regular riding just isn't that taxing. It may be different going up hills all the time. If you stop and let the wheel cool out then, it may be too cold to continue riding. I don't think the batteries get too hot in general. They're not very big after all, 2 or 3 layers of cells with air between them and wrapped in a foil, not exactly a heat sink. It's not like a massive car battery or something like this.
  16. Oh dear, then forget everything I wrote Didn't look which forum this was posted in
  17. edit: I thought you talked about the Ninebot One E+ EUC, ignore this. Hi! Are you sure that it's 620Wh? Even 320Wh, the standard battery (I guess 620 counts as two of these), should easily give you 15km. I also think the batteries are old and you should return the thing. How much did you pay? Replacement/new batteries are absurdly expensive and the E+ isn't exactly a great wheel anyways, as you say, 3 year old model, the stone age of EUCs. Get a better, current wheel if you can. -- Side note: EUCs don't have fixed specs, it all depends on the rider (weight, mostly) and riding conditions, there's a fixed power ceiling and a rider can utilize it however he likes. So even if the manufacturers wouldn't lie like crazy (about range and everything), specs mean very little. For example, your 20% grade rating makes absolutely no sense, and I'm pretty sure you could fry your wheel if you went 20% long enough, the cables are too thin (if they're the same as the S2). Some light 50kg Chinese guy went up a 5 meter 20% incline and it worked, that's where that number comes from. So what I want to say, do not put too much trust in any specs. These may be exaggerated or just make plain no sense for how EUCs work. You can get realistic info from this forum
  18. Poor @Duf. It always happens the one stupid second you don't look
  19. If it's like other wheels, Bluetooth speaker capability should be outside of the Inmotion app. Just connect from your phone's BT menu like you'd connect to any generic BT speaker.
  20. There's some logic to that Martyspiracy theory
  21. The root cause: the Solowheel is a very old and weak model that's easy to overpower and apparently to kill the board. Good customer service, though. While in principle this problem (hardware failure = cut-out) persists with any wheel, all current wheels never showed such a problem, sudden cut-outs just don't happen without reason. So don't take this too hard as an experience speaking against EUCs, but against old and weak EUCs like the original Solowheels
  22. Makes sense, though. For bikes and EUCs, outer diameter determines the ride feeling. So outer tire size matters. For a car or motorccle, they probably just want to know which machine to use to get a tire on the rim. So rim size. Or it's just chance it is how it is Quick 16X poll to stay on topic despite the lack of facts to discuss: KingSong's next 16 incher will have: 3 inch wide tire 2.5 inch 2.125 as now What do you predict?
  23. Yes! Overengineer everything, and monitor the weakest point. Easy to do for the manufacturer, good and safe and strong wheel. That was kind of GW's USP with the new/MSX board. I wonder why they changed their mind, if they really did...
  24. @eddiemoy Do you know for sure if it makes a difference how the motor is built? The torque depends on the outer diameter anyways. So unless a bigger motor is somehow more efficient or you can have better suited windings in a bigger space (more windings = less top speed, more torque, I believe), I can't quite decide if there should be a difference. In the end, energy goes in and torque goes out at a fixed radius. And whenever I see extra strong (high torque) electric motors, it's these tiny hub motors. So I had the impression that maybe even small=stronger/better for technical reasons. But maybe that's just how they save on material cost. Do you have any definitive knowledge to illuminate the issue? Yes, that's what was so nice about the TO-247s. You didn't have to trust Gotway, you knew (thanks again for your car test btw) that they will hold up under pretty much anything, and will throw a temperature/overheat warning under all realistic high stresses (like your mountain tests). Very freeing.
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