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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. I think that's from some auto-translator.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel seems to be quite popular among OW owners. I think you have good chances there (or you can ask there where you have even better chances).
  3. I would buy this for my ACM, but it doesn't match the battery. Needs to be a 1600Wh wheel (or any other 84V wheel using 3450mAh cells). Not limited to the MSX.
  4. For anyone wondering, this gives you another 10-13km range easily! Range! And it's plug and play.
  5. Here's the thread about the GyroRiderz gloves , if you have questions. You can talk to the maker himself if you want.
  6. @WI_Hedgehog Everything should be good now. You can post without needing approval, send PMs, etc. Sorry for this, these initial restrictions are surely annoying and frustrating, and it pains us moderators everytime a good guy (like you) has a problem due to this. But unfortunately some restrictions are quite necessary to ward off spammers and other bad actors (the restrictions seem harsh and dumb until one sees what happens without them). You fell through the cracks, so to speak, but it's fixed now Happy posting (and upvoting and PMing and...)! Anything else you need, let us know.
  7. How much would a new battery cost, if you can even buy one? Likely it's cheaper and easier to sell the 18L and buy a new 18XL. Then you don't lose the value of the 18L battery (not sure who would buy that from you). I'm sure @The Fat Unicyclist can answer that.
  8. Fantastic video, amazing riding skills. Now I want an MSP And I want Gotway to put this new motor in the Nikola and see what the result is - might make the MSP look like a sluggish wheel in comparison.
  9. Yep, the Plus is just the 100V Nikola. Some dealers may call all Nikolas "Plus" or something (Gotway have never been clear what "plus" means until now). There's the 84V Nikola and 100V Nikola, in various battery sizes each, that is all. See here for Gotways model overview.
  10. Disclaimer: I'm no expert! This is how I understand it. Every electrical component is just a piece of metal. It works till it melts from the heat. The motor is quite big hunk of metal, or at least a few copper strands equating to a quite thick wire. Naturally it will take much more power to damage a motor than some tiny (in comparison) electronic components like mosfets or thin motor phase cables. The motor is big and can internally dissipate and shed heat much more than some tiny electronic component, too. I have never heard of a single motor being damaged from high stress, other than the hall sensors or their thin brittle wires being killed by a short when something else fried. While there have been plenty of fried mosfets and cabling... TLDR: Small wires melt faster than big wires. Motor is a big wire, the other electronics are smaller and die first. That's what it seems to come down to.
  11. Short term (instant): battery current. A bit longer term (seconds to a minute): mosfets (usually just overheating which stops you, but you can fry them or the cabling if you really go for it). Provided there are no fuses or firmware current/power/... limits that trigger first.
  12. Battery size speculation now that we know they will use 21700s (assuming 5000mAh cells): If 84V: 1480Wh (4p) or even 1850Wh (5p) seem most realistic. If 100V: 1776Wh (="1800"Wh) (4p) seems most realistic. Liking all of these
  13. I don't mean customer-facing businesses. Just factories, offices, etc.
  14. @travsformation @Marty Backe respectively: are non-essential workplaces closed?
  15. Are you allowed to go out for a lone ride in Spain?
  16. There's essential work (food, farms, essential stores, doctors, infrastructure, etc.) and there are "would be absolutely no problem if we closed for a month" businesses. It's not a choice between 100% or 0%. Close all non-essential businesses. But nobody meet outside in groups of more than two!!! Being stuffed into an office and dense cantina with a common salad buffet, for 9 hours every single day, and then commuting between cities... that is is totally fine, though, no danger of spreading the virus there!! I'm just saying either you have systematic measures or you might as well skip it altogether. The virus doesn't care if something is deemed "but but but we don't want to close that!".
  17. We (Bavaria) just got curfew'd! Luckily, going out for the essentials includes individual sport and leisure, aka EUC riding (just no group rides allowed....) Also allowed is visiting partners, and of course everyone goes to work like usual and commutes 100+ kilometers every day through half the state like usual, because somehow the virus doesn't infect and spread via people who are working (or something) because "muh economy!!!" But hey, at least the finally closed all in-restaurant tables instead of keeping the restaurants open during lunch time (because, again, the virus doesn't infect people who are working, apparently, and they need somewhere to eat, right?). This is going to last forever with this retarded pseudo-quarantine. Could be over in 2 weeks with a real quarantine.
  18. Maybe you should just go by the minimum speeds. They should be trustworthy. E.g. the 84V MCM5 won't beep at you below 33kph (20.5mph) unless it's low on battery. Is that fast enough for you?
  19. We can only believe what Gotway tells us. The discrepancy between theory and reality might be caused by the voltage drop. The battery percentage is just the voltage in disguise (4.1125V and above = 100%, 3.3V = 0%), and the voltage can drop heavily under demand spikes. Especially for smaller batteries. E.g. a wheel may show 40% battery when standing still, yet you get the 15% battery beeps as soon as you accelerate hard because the voltage drops so much. Or maybe they changed the formula? In theory, a voltage-dependent speed alarm makes sense. A motor has a fixed max speed if supplied with any given voltage. So for every voltage, a warning at 80% (or whatever) of that speed makes sense.
  20. See here. 84V MCM5: 43kph (26mph) at 100% battery, down to 33kph (20mph) at 10%. 67.2V MCM5: 34kph (21mph) at 100%, down to 27kph (16mph) at 10%.
  21. Right now, there are no formal restrictions what people can do (depends on the place, a village with a spike in cases has a curfew e.g.). Though non-essential stores are closed, larger gatherings/events are banned, restaurants are limited (but not entirely closed open for lunch time), and people are asked to stay home and away from each other. Mostly they do that, it was pretty sparse outside today, as are the open stores. No general quarantine/curfew yet. Might happen soon though. How is it for you?
  22. First real ride in 2020. Nothing special, just riding around in nice, warm weather. Looks like winter is over here (and no quarantine yet). Naturally, my ACM did its best to kill my shins, but what else is new - I'd be almost disappointed if it didn't try.
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