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Advice on buying a EUC


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Hello everyone!

I'm planing to get my first EUC. 

I expect to use it for a 5-6 km (3-4 miles) comute every day and some short fun rides. It needs to be portable so that I can easely take it on the subway and in the car.

Which ones would you recomend for safe crusing? I wheigh about 85 kg (185 lbs)

Right now I'm considering the inmotion v5 or v8. 

What do you think?

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For those requirements, I'd say a V8 would be pretty perfect.  If you go with the V5F, then I'd encourage you to get the plus model for added range/speed (similar to V8).  The 16 inch tire on the V8 should make the ride a little smoother and the integrated trolley handle is awesome.  There are some small aspects of the V5F that I like a little more, such as the padding on the upper part of the shell and the mud guard, but I think that the optional trolley for the V5F isn't quite as nice as the one the V8 offers.  The V5F is a little lighter and smaller, so if portability is the highest priority then the size and weight might matter more to you.  They are both great wheels, so I don't think you can go wrong with either one.  If range is important then you'd likely have to move away from the inmotion brand, but it doesn't sound like that is much of a requirement for you at this point.  Good luck!

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I'd go for the V5f+. The V8 is faster, but significantly heavier.

There's no wrong answer with either though. Both stunning wheels. If you want the v5f+, get it from Wheelgo whilst they still have stock left ?

ps. If both of those are too expensive, the Ninebot E+ (available from Speedyfeet) is still a very fine wheel.


pps. Welcome!

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I'd say V8, bigger tire means more comfort on the daily ride, extendable trolley handle, more battery reserves.

V5 if you really want a smaller wheel, or save money.

But it's purely personal preference, can't go wrong with those.


You could also check out Kingsong 14D and 16/16S, they're equally good for what you want. 14D has a trolley handle, unlike the V5.

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I cannot comment on which Inmotion to buy as I've only owned and ridden the V5f+.

Getting a wheel is one of the best decisions of my life as it has changed the way I look at my city and the places I now go. I understand a bicycle is "sort of there"; an EUC has a form factor no bicycle can match. Never lock it up, trolley it around in large crowds, let it pull you up hills while trolleying.

I'm not sure if my legs will attrophize through disuse.

I always take my wheel with me in my car, and the wheel affords you a mobility that is mostly unbeatable. Rough terrain, though, is questionable.

It is not a hobby though it can be (I spend way too much time on this forum, and riding my unicycle when not); it is an utility vehicle in a way say motorcycles aren't. Though it is half a Segway, it is not a Segway; everything the Segway the EUC is. Er, except for the learning part. Having low expectations and high work ethics probably serves you best. And public humiliation. Yes, I fell off in the middle of an intersection again today and made a few attempts before finally getting on. During rush hour. :) Yep that's me. It took me maybe 15 minutes to ride an EUC, 20 minutes to learn going backwards, and three months to still fall of the damned thing while mounting it!!

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2 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

14D has a trolley handle, unlike the V5

Just to clarify, the V5Fs do have a trolley handle, it's just an accessory that needs to be purchased separately, but it is integrated and an inmotion specific accessory...not as well done, in my opinion as the one on the V8.

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One thing to add about the handle add-on for the v5f+, as well as being extremely useful it actually enhances the look of the wheel. It gives it a sort of high-end bicycle feel as it looks like something you'd find on the back of  an expensive road bike. 

If you go for the v5f+ DEFINITELY get the handle. If you buy from Jason (wheelgo) I think he still throws it in for free along with a mudguard ??

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My vote goes to the V5F or V5F+ if paying the extra for the longer range is worth it to you.  I have the Ninebot One E+ and love it but it's big.  If I was carrying an EUC onto public transport every day I would not get a 16" wheel, I'd get the smallest, slimmest 14" wheel I could.  The V5F is ideal.  The Ninebot One S2 is also a good compact wheel with a good safety and reliability record.

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I have a 4 km / 2.5 mile commute each way, I have a V5F+ and It's amazing for city use, extremely nimble and it looks awesome. Inmotion have the best QoL features like the trolley handle, kill switch under the handle for lifting (why don't all wheels have this??), and the easy to see while riding battery indicator.

My only complaint is the tilt back on the long stretches where I just want more power and more stability, like a MSV3 would provide, but it is a good wheel for my use for the most part.

Also, Inmotion removed my access to the app, so I have no way of adjusting anything, which is why I'll never buy another Inmotion wheel, despite liking them.

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They made some change where you can't access it if you bought your wheel outside china or something similar. One day I tried to open the app and it wanted me to do the sign in process again, using my phone number. Then it won't connect, you can't get to the part where you access the wheel, it won't let me "sign in".

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I'm not buying a vpn to access the app, that's insane. I should see if there is a free app that will work , but i doubt there is. Garbage move by Inmotion, I would not recommend a buy based on this alone tbh, you have no way to adjust anything, be warned.

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You say "insanity," I say "opportunity!"  Besides, VPNs are great for torrenting, newsgroups, doing questionable activities, stuff like that.  :innocent1:


It's also handy too if you're connected to some questionable WiFi spot to avoid snoopers.

Do you have an iPhone?  Maybe give WhatsVPN (CrossVPN) a try.  I just installed it, used a disposable email to register, and I was able to get a Hong Kong IP address.

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1 hour ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Maybe give WhatsVPN (CrossVPN) a try.  I just installed it, used a disposable email to register, and I was able to get a Hong Kong IP address.

That's cool, but WHY SHOULD THE CUSTOMER HAVE TO DO THIS?? As long as Inmotion slaps its customers in the face, I wouldn't buy one of their wheels no matter how good it is.

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It's just a part of doing business in a global market.  Geo-blocking allows businesses to protect their interests.  If you want their product in your country, that encourages people to buy locally.  It also helps dealers to avoid floods of people trying to get support for products not intended for their particular market.  Grey market items may have quality differences.

For example, would you want your pharmacy to stock drugs not meant for the US market?  They might have the same name and be made by the same company,  but how can you be assured the quality meets US standards?  Some products banned in the US are available in Canada and vice versa.

That grey market digital camera you buy from a questionable dealer likely won't be covered by warranty as it wasn't intended to be used in your locale.   Due to economic differences, pricing for items in China can be a lot less than the US so maybe the manufacturers use lower quality parts to help offset the cost of production versus profits.  The items aren't meant for the US market, but they are being sold through AliExpress or other routes.  How can a manufacturer protect US dealers and customers when people can buy their items from China directly for less?  As a dealer would you not expect that the supplier do what they can to keep the markets separate to prevent sales losses?

Another example is Netflix.  In different markets certain programming isn't available.  Should we all cancel Netflix because of their geo-blocking?  It's a good streaming service.  Is it a slap in the face for them to say you can't see this show yet in your area?  It's just business.  They may pay for streaming rights to producers of shows only for certain markets so they have to block other ones.  One can sometimes get around that through using VPNs,  but I guess it is certainly up to the individual to decide if it's too much of a hassle or insult to them to need to do so and thus cancel their membership.

Psssst btw I can sell you some cheap made in China pharmaceuticals for half price if you want.  :innocent1:

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I managed to connect to my wheel. I uninstalled the app and installed the 6.0.2 version on the Inmotion forum about this. The old version will allow me to connect (sign in).

I used Speedvpn (free on android) and a chinese mobile phone number from the Google machine. Stupid, ridiculous, idiotic Inmotion.

Why don't they take their superior design and make me an 18" wheel with 1500w motor and 1600wh battery. And F off with this app bullcrap, jerks!

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17 hours ago, Hatchet said:

Also, Inmotion removed my access to the app, so I have no way of adjusting anything, which is why I'll never buy another Inmotion wheel, despite liking them.

Let me see if there's something I can do to intervene & get this sorted for you. Should be fixed by tomorrow...  Sorry, looks like Monday....

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20 minutes ago, Hatchet said:

Why don't they take their superior design and make me an 18" wheel with 1500w motor and 1600wh battery. And F off with this app bullcrap, jerks!

If they had, they might have been my first choice.

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9 hours ago, Dingfelder said:

If they had, they might have been my first choice.

Yep, i love the Inmotion design, and features. if they made an MSV3 competitive wheel, i'd probably get it. but I need more power and distance than the V8 can offer, plus my commute would like an 18" wheel.


9 hours ago, Jason McNeil said:

Let me see if there's something I can do to intervene & get this sorted for you. Should be fixed by tomorrow...  Sorry, looks like Monday....

Cool, thanks Jason. The app stopped working again, too tired to mess with it again. Sooo annoying.

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15 hours ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

That grey market digital camera you buy from a questionable dealer likely won't be covered by warranty as it wasn't intended to be used in your locale.

Reminds of the car i took to get inspected for registration.  It was a German car, Mercedes I think,  my boss sent me with one of his friends friends car to the local inspection station.  They could not find the data port that all US cars have, that allows the checking of the emissions systems readiness and operation.  The garage owner came to me and asked where is the data port, we can't inspect this car, it must be a grey market car imported from Germany without US emissions.  I had no idea where it was or if it had one, so took it back to my boss and told him what happened.  That's the first time I heard of the grey market.

I think that most of the wheels we buy are grey market, except for Ninebot, which bought Segway, so they are not really grey market.  Segway is a legitimate US business, operating under US laws.

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