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*SooOOOoo NSFW* Ever Question Why Youtube Suggests Certain Videos For You?

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I think Youtube is trying to corrupt my brain.  Not that it isn't already corrupted, but Youtube certainly is NOT helping matters.  I'm usually searching for EUC videos and various other things, but I seem to always end up going to some weird place on Youtube.  Sometimes it's weird bad.  Other times it's weird good.  Now and then it's weird OMG. :blink:   This isn't my video, but Lord I wished it was.

Okay @Rehab1, just turn off that computer right this instant because, well, you know.  :lol:  Don't even think about scrolling down....






















.  Okay I see you scrolling down... just don't do it.























. Last Warning!!!






















^_^  My theory is that those thong undies are too itchy and irritating so that's why all the women are writhing and trying to take them off all the time.

That's it dammit.  I'm moving to Russia.


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You sir are a wise man.  Yes it seems like the more you click the more they suggest certain videos to you.  First it starts out with electric unicycles, then electric unicycles with bikini babes, then Pokemon Go on EUCs with bikini babes, and ultimately leading you to writhing, hot, sweaty babes with itchy bikinis who want to take them off.  That of course leads to Russian bikini babes wave riding indoors having problems keeping their bikinis on.  

Oh it is a sordid downwards spiral into a dark place I have ventured into.  Soon grandma who borrows my computer to search for cute poodle videos playing in a pool on Youtube gets an eyeful of suggestions not so poodle related. :(  I am so doomed.  

EDIT:  Since I'm doomed I may as well research some places to visit on my 420 day trip around the world on my EUC.  Here's a good travel video to watch.... er... hold up a sec... did I click that?  Oh noes... :blink:  the hole is getting deeper...


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I just fail to understand why people would go these lengths to post a sketchy vid on YT and maybe even reupload it if it does get get flagged, while you can upload it to Vimeo (not full frontal porn, but naked people are totally OK there) Redtube or Youporn and it gets downvoted when she does not get naked... :D:D


@dmethvin ;) Protip for Youtube recommendations that just look odd:


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I think people in North America are more prudish when it comes to nudity so we're more used to women covering up their bits and pieces.  I think the female form is beautiful to behold.  People don't seem to mind classical paintings and statues of naked women as they appreciate the art and the form so we're kind of a wishy washy culture.  Cover up, but uncover a little as it's sexy.  It's a bit of a blurred line... B)

EDIT:  With Youtube to avoid naughty suggestions, log out and scroll to the very bottom of the page to click History, pause and delete both items.  Also clear cookies as well or use a private browsing mode on some browsers.  :ph34r:

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I understand the idea behind it, family friendly and such (but contrary to the US, I would age-gate anything weapons-related the same way as naked boobies) A 13 year old does not need to know how to reduce people before he learned how to reproduce them :P

I dont understand the people that still try to slip by it. Just choose a service specifically made for it. Why post Nipples on FB, YT etc at all when you have sites that want to and allow the display of it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

@HunkaHunkaBurningLove Nice!! Unfortunately you will only be able invited to The Moon Party unless you run through a shower of multicolored paint and draw an ugly mustache on your face

A small price to pay - I'm in - but instead of running, can I ride my EUC? 

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On 26. Juli 2016 at 11:13 PM, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

I think Youtube is trying to corrupt my brain.  Not that it isn't already corrupted, but Youtube certainly is NOT helping matters.  I'm usually searching for EUC videos and various other things, but I seem to always end up going to some weird place on Youtube.  Sometimes it's weird bad.  Other times it's weird good.  Now and then it's weird OMG. :blink:   This isn't my video, but Lord I wished it was.

Okay @Rehab1, just turn off that computer right this instant because, well, you know.  :lol:  Don't even think about scrolling down....






















.  Okay I see you scrolling down... just don't do it.























. Last Warning!!!






















^_^  My theory is that those thong undies are too itchy and irritating so that's why all the women are writhing and trying to take them off all the time.

That's it dammit.  I'm moving to Russia.


Block Google Analytics and delete Cookies after quitting the Browser. Change the browser sometimes. This will fix some issues. Or use some kind of live Linux CD. With this you only have session information. This guys have a profile of your web surfing history and try to "optimise" your web surfing experience or to move you to places with better ad payback ;)


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Okay nute, what kind of animal porn have you been searching for previously :lol:?  Youtube knows all and remembers everything so it must have had a reason to suggest that video to you.   Not judging here, but what the heck? :blink:

Of course Youtube has suggested that my interests now lie in micro bikinis for some reason and has led me down a different path of moral corruption...  At what point of minimal material does one wonder why bother - may as well hit the nude beach?  :rolleyes:


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They're like buttons you see somewhere... and they don't say what they're for, so you just have to press them to see what they do! 

We've all done it - what buttons have you pressed? 

I tried one at a garden centre. Turns out it starts the (after hours) watering system...  Funny (but wet). 

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  • 4 months later...
On 8/14/2016 at 11:48 PM, The Fat Unicyclist said:

They're like buttons you see somewhere... and they don't say what they're for, so you just have to press them to see what they do! 

We've all done it - what buttons have you pressed? 

I tried one ... Turns out it starts the (after hours) watering system...  Funny (but wet). 

Oddly, reading this months later out of context I am kind of reminded of my first sexual encounter.  Well not counting the ones of self-discovery of course.  :ph34r:

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On 15 August 2016 at 7:48 AM, The Fat Unicyclist said:

They're like buttons you see somewhere... and they don't say what they're for, so you just have to press them to see what they do! 

We've all done it - what buttons have you pressed? 

I tried one at a garden centre. Turns out it starts the (after hours) watering system...  Funny (but wet). 

I was in a pub garden one warm summer day.  Lots of people under the arbor avoiding the sun ( yeah, in England, go figure) when I saw this button attached to a post. It had some meaningless picture nearby.  So I pressed it.  Turns out it turned on the electric infrared heaters, and there was no way to turn them off.  People were not amused. ?

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On 7 August 2016 at 11:08 AM, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Forget Russia - I'm moving down to Miami next to Jason McNeil if the ladies there are wearing these outfits... Geez is is that hot down there?


Oh my God! That video was unbelievable........... Those two guys are cooks in a restaurant  IN MIAMI , and they're not Mexican or Cuban.  Hell, they can't even speak Spanish.  Crazy man! 

Oh yeah, nice skirt.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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