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The KS16 Firmware Thread

Jeffrey Scott Will

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Today I successfully upgraded my KS16 from 1.13 to 1.20. 

I used iPhone 6s (no flightmode activated) and for security reason power adapter connected. All nearby bluetooth devices switched off. 

Progress bar went successfully to 100%. After upgrade no 'finish-message' appears. I switched off and then on again the KS16. It was back on duty?!

The iOS app needs to be restarted to show the new firmware version!

Edited by SeabirdHH
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On 20 June 2016 at 5:43 AM, LGJ said:

Anyone able to help

I was upgrading from 1.13 to 1.20 it took ages lost connection and I cannot turn the wheel off

the android phone cannot even see the wheel anymore,   I eventually got the wheel to update again and it shows that it has 1.20 but it just spins out of control and has no forward or back balance. Kingsong France has been most helpful but unfortunately I had to send it back for sorting out. Hope no one else has that bad luck.


i have upgrade from 1.15 to 1.20 and face similar issue as you. 

Initially not able to upgrade completely as the status bar keep restarting after like 50%

eventually manage to upgrade to v1.20 but now the wheel start spinning forward or backward with a very strong force.

once it settle down, the wheel has no balance, which mean just a dead machine with lights on

please share if you have solution 

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I successfully upgraded my KS16 from 1.15 to 1.20 with iOS app. I did use a flight mode as a precaution. Progress bar went to 100% and as in a @SeabirdHH's case i did not receive any message for process being finished. After a minute or so I switched off and then on again. I also noticed that the app needs to be restarted. The wheel appears to be working (as I did not took time to learn how to ride it - yet :unsure:)


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I had also no problems upgrading from 1.15 to 1.20 with Android 6.0.1. I had also flight mode on as a precaution. After progressbar went to 100%, I waited for two minutes, because I was not 100% sure, that the progressbar was really on 100% and restarted the wheel and the app two times.

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I just come back from my first ride with FW 1.20. 16 Km and not faster then 20 Km/h. I recognized no difference to FW 1.13. But it's a quite good feeling ? to know that Kingsong has fixed a few important problemes (over-power issue, burn-fuse issue, mileage calculation error ... and in FW 1.20 the blocking of the wheel while upgrading). I wonder if future upgrades will work without killing wheels! 

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1 hour ago, Ecko said:

I can confirm it. when the battery is under 50% the speed is limited to 25km/h including the tilt back and the beeps......i hate it!!!!

What battery size do you have? Have you see reply from @Jason McNeil earlier in this thread?

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From another thread:



On ‎26‎.‎06‎.‎2016 at 9:30 PM, Jason McNeil said:

...From the factory visit a couple days ago, I was informed that the conservative ride mode kicks in at 55v & limp-home 50v.

Can someone please confirm what the voltage level is when it goes into this speed restriction mode?

According to the manual 55v are 3 leds on (4 leds >56v, 3 leds >54v). 50v are 1 led blinking (2leds on >52v, 1 led blinking is everything below) 

As far as i remember my KS16 went in the speed restriction mode with 3 leds of the batt indicator.



So it seams experiences are different at all until now....55V for me sounds more like 25-30%....for me that also wouls not be acceptable....i have driven my KS16 to 30kmh till 20% Batterie without Problems!!!!


please: @tinawong Can you clear this up? Give us a Firmware 1.21 where we can choose safety 25kmh on our  batterielevel, like we want, please!

Do not ruin the KS16 Reputation with Firmware that nobody wants!!!!

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9 minutes ago, Rehab1 said:

Just ordered a KS16 from @Jason McNeil at Ewheels.  Nice Guy! Won't be here until August. Hoping this issue gets resolved before then.

Congrats! You won't be disappointed. Now is the hardest part - the waiting.

Edited by DS
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@vido there's a >60% of them being sent out today. Thanks to all you US Customers for your patience with this order. 

Even with a license from the original US Patent Holder (Janick Simeray, US 8616313) to import Electric Wheels, it is fiendishly difficult/expensive these days to bring this stuff into the US. 

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15 minutes ago, vido said:


let us know your finding of 1.19 when you get a chance. I'm guessing the speed limiter shouldn't be on the firmware.

I plan to ride it today afternoon after work as long as the battery lasts. I've unlocked the speed already and set the alarms to 22 / 24 / 26 / 28 so theoretically I shall be able to go over 25 km/h after second alarm.

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8 hours ago, JumpMaster said:

What should the speed limit be on the ks16? On wheelgo.com it's listed as 30kph but the app lets the warnings go up to 40kph.

no...thats only able to set fot the ks18 1200 watt motor...

you are not ablr to set it higher than 30 with the 16

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