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Bricked begode master


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18 minutes ago, robvanlife said:

I tried many hours (and counting). After this comment, I discovered that in my case it doesn’t matter as soon as I release the spin button and press it again. The headlight starts blinking. No matter if it is 1, 2, 3, 4, or (maniac mode) countless times.

Every-time the same result, if I wait a little longer before pressing the spin button again, the headlight stays on. There’s nothing in between.

I tried @Freestyler ‘s advice without wasting any time. Also tried to already hold the spinbutton before connecting the battery and start the sequence at the moment of the spark.

Same results, my gf tried and exactly the same happens, headlight keeps flashing on a decreasing intensity. Anyone familiar with this or any suggestions? I’m losing a bit of faith in this well engineered brand. 

Anyway I’ll keep trying. Thanks for all the support here! 

Case #1: Wheel is in bootloader mode.
When battery is connected, does your wheel react to power on/off button? If yes, can you connect Begode app and at least try to start uploading firmware?

Case #2: Wheel firmware is invalid/corrupted.
Try to follow this procedure:

  1. Disconnect all batteries.
  2. Put your wheel on one side.
  3. Reconnect batteries.
  4. Press and hold the spin button, then turn the wheel on.
  5. Release the spin button and immediadely try to connect Begode app and perform firmware update.

If instructions from point 5 doesn't work, try following alternative:

  1. Perform instructions 1-3 as mentioned above.
  2. Press and hold the spin button, turn the wheel on then release the spin button and press it several times in rapid succession.
  3. Try to connect Begode app and perform firmware update.

Remember that after every failed attempt you have to disconnect and reconnect battery. The point is to force the wheel to enter so-called bootloader mode instead booting into invalid/corrupted firmware.

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3 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

well engineered

I ment sarcastic, you describe very well. Don’t forget the simplicity of the PCB and how everything is connected incl. hot charging ports and NO battery management. That should says enough. Also the thin plastic battery covers and my bended stand pressing in to it… But that’s a bit of topic.

Anyway for everyone who want a EUC look in to other brand options as well depending on your budget of course.

3 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

I really hope perseverance wins the day for you !

I’ll keep trying! When I find the solution that works it will be documented here! 

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48 minutes ago, robvanlife said:

well engineered brand


From an earlier forum thread.   :D



  • meepmeepmayer Grand Master
  • Moderators
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  • Location: Rosenheim, Germany
  • EUC: ACM 1300Wh

Posted June 22, 2021

Couldn't help but post this. The latest EcoDrift article:


Summary: They drilled some holes too big and stuffed zip ties into them to have something for their screws to attach. Seriously. (Also the zip ties would scratch the tire and make noise.)


Money quote:

"The holes were drilled too large. So that the self-tapping screws are kept there, they are stuffed with screeds. There are no words."

No words indeed:facepalm:

Hard to want to buy a Begode wheel nowadays. But I guess they have the performance/firmware so they can get away with it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, after many, many, many tries the same result but no firmware mode. However, I figured after the Replay of @Seba and @Chriullthat in my case the number doesn’t matter. 

As soon as I release the spin button the headlight starts to blink and a high pitch frequency is hearable with soft click matching the headlight.

if I don’t perform the sequence and just turn it on , the sound is squeaky. In all cases it shows up in the Begode app. iOS and Android.

I keep trying every day but I’m loosing all faith. Is there a what I can empty the memory or just adjust a cable to my MacBook ? Most likely they saved some coins for a proper flash feature.

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3 hours ago, robvanlife said:

Is there a what I can empty the memory or just adjust a cable to my MacBook ? Most likely they saved some coins for a proper flash feature.

AFAIK I thought updates were only possible over Wi-fi - I have never seen anyone flash their EUC firmware via a cable, but further up the thread @Freestyler seems confident that is possible... presumably he can provide you with more details ?

Again, this is one of those areas where Begode themselves really should provide a video and clear instructions that actually work every time for how to update firmware, and recover from bricking. I consider it one of their biggest flaws / omissions / failures / shames that they haven't ever done this.

Edited by Cerbera
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43 minutes ago, robvanlife said:

Correction, if I hold the release button and the power button, it also goes in that weird fading flashy mode with the soft high pitch sound.

Have you tried this method?


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56 minutes ago, Roadpower said:

I don't understand why this product hasn't been sent back to the vendor for a refund.

I do - it's a major ball-ache to be sending back stuff that big if there is ANY chance it is fixable at home.

If that was me I too would be doing anything I could to avoid that. However it is looking increasingly likely that it IS unavoidable.

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On 2/3/2023 at 3:39 PM, robvanlife said:

Hey everyone, after many, many, many tries the same result but no firmware mode. However, I figured after the Replay of @Seba and @Chriullthat in my case the number doesn’t matter. 

As soon as I release the spin button the headlight starts to blink and a high pitch frequency is hearable with soft click matching the headlight.

if I don’t perform the sequence and just turn it on , the sound is squeaky. In all cases it shows up in the Begode app. iOS and Android.

I keep trying every day but I’m loosing all faith. Is there a what I can empty the memory or just adjust a cable to my MacBook ? Most likely they saved some coins for a proper flash feature.

I will message you with instructions to flash via a cable.

Edited by Freestyler
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On 2/3/2023 at 6:22 PM, Cerbera said:

I do - it's a major ball-ache to be sending back stuff that big if there is ANY chance it is fixable at home.

If that was me I too would be doing anything I could to avoid that. However it is looking increasingly likely that it IS unavoidable.

True especially the weight and the lithium batteries. Besides I bought it from a vendor which gave so much trouble on delivery. It started with a fake tracking codes to disable the cancel option. Because I opened a dispute and almost received my refund from the platform after shipping they got nervous and it kind of escalated. This makes me unable to contact them. However I wont trust this vendor anyway. I wont name the Chinese platform or the French vendor/warehouse but be aware. Next EUC I will order somewhere trustworthy.

Fun fact, ALL the bolts where lose on delivery :facepalm:, I had to tighten them.

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1 hour ago, robvanlife said:

I wont name the Chinese platform or the French vendor/warehouse but be aware.

Er... we can't be aware if you don't name them !! Please always call out shitty dealer behaviour so the rest of us can avoid.

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On 2/3/2023 at 7:39 AM, robvanlife said:

Hey everyone, after many, many, many tries the same result but no firmware mode. However, I figured after the Replay of @Seba and @Chriullthat in my case the number doesn’t matter. 

As soon as I release the spin button the headlight starts to blink and a high pitch frequency is hearable with soft click matching the headlight.

if I don’t perform the sequence and just turn it on , the sound is squeaky. In all cases it shows up in the Begode app. iOS and Android.

I keep trying every day but I’m loosing all faith. Is there a what I can empty the memory or just adjust a cable to my MacBook ? Most likely they saved some coins for a proper flash feature.

My master pro cut off halfway through installing the custom firmware in EUC world. The wheel would only show "life" when holding the power button. Same as you, I got it to show up in the Begode app and sometimes EUC World but wasn't making any progress outside of that. What worked for me was unplugging the battery, draining the capacitor, plugging the battery back in, holding down both the spin kill and the power button while reconnecting to EUC world. This time, the app picked up where it left off with the update and finished. I haven't read back to see if you tried this exact thing or not but give it a go if you haven't. Good luck!

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17 hours ago, Cerbera said:

Er... we can't be aware if you don't name them !! Please always call out shitty dealer behaviour so the rest of us can avoid.

You're right, it was "iWheel EU Store" however atm 92% good reviews unfortunately not for me.

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1 hour ago, robvanlife said:

With a UART-TTL usb adapter it was possible to flash!

Excellent - very pleased to hear it ! Are there instructions for that method anywhere ? Cos this thread would be mega-useful if they were here !!

Edited by Cerbera
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On 2/9/2023 at 3:57 AM, Cerbera said:

Excellent - very pleased to hear it ! Are there instructions for that method anywhere ? Cos this thread would be mega-useful if they were here !!

I can't speak from a EUC perspectiv but with household routers there's a 4 pin header on the board that you connect your usb to uart device (a cheap item) and then if you connected everything right you get access to the memory chip and can run a read/flash command. 

The wheel doesn't need power. The chip is powered by the device. 

It's nothing new. It's basically an ancient serial interface. Those ports are long gone from our computers like 25+ years ago. 

They're often used for debricking all kinds of electronic devices.

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Yeah, what worked for my Begode master with the v1.5 board (3capacitors separated no fan) was the following method:

- I disconnect the batteries and discharge the capacitors

- I removed the entire board but that’s not necessary. It was easier on my desk. And you don’t need the display.

-  I checked the pins from the Bluetooth module and connected the cables to the UART-USB.  The Bluetooth module has only 4 pins so check where it is before you remove it. (The BT module has 6 markings but the 1st and last are not soldered) 

- The fifth pin on the main board needs 3.3v (in my case starting from the pin close to the headlight. 3.3v, GND, TX, RX, 3,3v)

- Then I connected with st32Cube prog on my MacBook. Ereased the chip and loaded the bin file. 

The wheel went alive directly when I powered it on.

All credits to @Freestyler !


But I’m not riding yet.

somehow the gyro of the wheel acts weird. It doesn’t spin up and calibration won’t work. It beeps 5 times when I turn it on and won’t stabilize. Tried many things including flashing different frimware. This just bricks the wheel as before.

So yeah there is light (in the display) but I bumped into the next problem. A wild guess is that after a full chip erase the gyro needs to be in a certain position the very first time. ( conveyor belt position) 

But I didn’t figure out what position that is yet. This assumption has to do with the fact that when I put the wheel sideways and up again the 5 beeps starts again. This was in the past the opposite when I crashed and the wheel ended sideways.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10.02.2023 at 11:51, robvanlife said:

Tak, to, co zadziałało dla mojego mistrza Begode z płytą v1.5 (3 kondensatory oddzielone od wentylatora) to następująca metoda:

- Odłączam akumulatory i rozładowuję kondensatory

- Usunąłem całą płytkę, ale to nie jest konieczne. Na moim biurku było łatwiej. I nie potrzebujesz wyświetlacza.

- Sprawdziłem piny od modułu Bluetooth i podłączyłem kable do UART-USB. Moduł Bluetooth ma tylko 4 piny, więc sprawdź, gdzie się znajduje, zanim go usuniesz. (Moduł BT ma 6 oznaczeń, ale pierwsze i ostatnie nie są wlutowane) 

- Piąty pin na płycie głównej potrzebuje 3.3v (w moim przypadku zaczynając od pinu blisko reflektora. 3.3v, GND, TX, RX, 3,3v)

- Następnie połączyłem się z st32Cube prog na moim MacBooku. Wyczyściłem chip i załadowałem plik bin. 

Koło ożyło bezpośrednio po włączeniu.

Wszystkie kredyty dla@Freestyler !


Ale jeszcze nie jeżdżę.

jakoś żyroskop koła zachowuje się dziwnie. Nie obraca się, a kalibracja nie działa. Kiedy go włączam, piszczy 5 razy i nie stabilizuje się. Próbowałem wielu rzeczy, w tym flashowania różnych programów frimware. To po prostu blokuje koło, jak poprzednio.

Więc tak, jest światło (na wyświetlaczu), ale wpadłem na następny problem. Domyśla się, że po całkowitym skasowaniu chipa żyroskop musi być w określonej pozycji za pierwszym razem. (pozycja taśmy przenośnika) 

Ale jeszcze nie rozgryzłem, jaka to pozycja. To założenie ma związek z faktem, że kiedy przestawię kierownicę na bok i ponownie do góry, 5 sygnałów dźwiękowych zaczyna się ponownie. W przeszłości było odwrotnie, kiedy się rozbiłem i koło skończyło się bokiem.

If it beeps 5 times it may be in transport mode

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  • 7 months later...
On 2/10/2023 at 5:51 PM, robvanlife said:

Yeah, what worked for my Begode master with the v1.5 board (3capacitors separated no fan) was the following method:

- I disconnect the batteries and discharge the capacitors

- I removed the entire board but that’s not necessary. It was easier on my desk. And you don’t need the display.

-  I checked the pins from the Bluetooth module and connected the cables to the UART-USB.  The Bluetooth module has only 4 pins so check where it is before you remove it. (The BT module has 6 markings but the 1st and last are not soldered) 

- The fifth pin on the main board needs 3.3v (in my case starting from the pin close to the headlight. 3.3v, GND, TX, RX, 3,3v)

- Then I connected with st32Cube prog on my MacBook. Ereased the chip and loaded the bin file. 

The wheel went alive directly when I powered it on.

All credits to @Freestyler !


But I’m not riding yet.

somehow the gyro of the wheel acts weird. It doesn’t spin up and calibration won’t work. It beeps 5 times when I turn it on and won’t stabilize. Tried many things including flashing different frimware. This just bricks the wheel as before.

So yeah there is light (in the display) but I bumped into the next problem. A wild guess is that after a full chip erase the gyro needs to be in a certain position the very first time. ( conveyor belt position) 

But I didn’t figure out what position that is yet. This assumption has to do with the fact that when I put the wheel sideways and up again the 5 beeps starts again. This was in the past the opposite when I crashed and the wheel ended sideways.

Can you please let me know the .bin file as well as your connection to the console?. 

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Guys, 

so I’ve currently got 2 bricked wheels. Ex30 and master pro v2 

I’ve got the parts coming for both. But I’ve been thinking recently of doing a combination of both wheels into 1. 

I was thinking of taking the ex30 c40 motor and the motherboard and charge board and putting it into the master pro, to be make this Frankenstein monster of a wheel. 
I’ve just never done anything of the sort and want to know if anyone else has or has any tips. 

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31 minutes ago, Declan t said:

Hey Guys, 

so I’ve currently got 2 bricked wheels. Ex30 and master pro v2 

I’ve got the parts coming for both. But I’ve been thinking recently of doing a combination of both wheels into 1. 

I was thinking of taking the ex30 c40 motor and the motherboard and charge board and putting it into the master pro, to be make this Frankenstein monster of a wheel. 
I’ve just never done anything of the sort and want to know if anyone else has or has any tips. 

Roger Hajali has done this with the Master. I'm sure it could be done with the Master Pro but there could be some issue because the Master Pro has a larger diameter tire than the EX30 firmware expects.

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  • 4 months later...

hey everyone, I received a DM on how I fixed my wheel and want to share my reply.

Hi bro, 

just dont, but in case you wanna know.

I received a copy of firmware from an older Master to flash with the USB/tty. Pins are the same as the Bluetooth chip only the tx/rx are swapped. the fifth one is an extra vvc 5v.  However, the copy I received was corrupted for my wheel. It didn't work. So I mangled around with the parts on the chip that should contain the user info such as settings and total mileage. This resulted in a wheel with double the mileage as mine but it worked again.

ONE ADVICE, just don't!

Begode and all their pseudo names like GotWay, Commander, etc are sh*t
Chinese cheap crap with almost no safety features. They change their name so often to dodge legal cases.
I'm afraid that this is exactly the reason why Freestyler suddenly is no longer active. (rip?)

A couple of months later I had a random cutout, luckily I filmed. just reached 79km/h before I changed the camera angle and went forward. The wheel bounced through the air, shattered apart on the asphalt near me, and ended up in the field next to me. In the past, I drove 90km/h with no problem and received warnings when I pushed too hard. Not this time. Here is the video on my Instagram.

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Sorry for the crash, but a video and only 2 details, that the battery still had 90% and you had a cutout at 79 km/h, leaves a lot of room for many scenarios. At the very least, personal fault cannot be ruled out. Not even with the statement that you have already riden 90 km/h before. Too many factors play a role.
It is well known that a wheel, regardless of manufacturer, can have a cutout due to overpower even without a warning. I don't know if you are aware of this? If not, I suspect I know the reason for your cutout/crash.

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