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58 minutes ago, Paul A said:


The bizarre thing is, there is no SIM card in the phone, and it is in flight mode.

Phone is only used to make BT connection to EUC, to play music, and connect EUC world app at the end of ride.

Don't know how phone is able to measure speed, when it is not connected to mobile phone coverage.


Try it yourself, and see if it does the same for another make/model EUC.

You don't need any phone coverage / operator to use the GPS facilities of your device.  Think about it; Most of the elder (car)navi systems did not have any internet or cell connection, just GPS and internal card storage for map.  I also use a "dummy" phone for speed and battery check.  It's quite incredible how long a phone can keep power on the battery when it doesn't have to keep track of cells / broadcast masts and update data on google ("spyware ;-) )

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i know that i should cut myself some slack because i just started riding again after 4 years off, but i've come to the conclusion, everybody rides better than me. 

i could get by not ever learning u-turns but mounting is my nemesis. 

the trust in the v13 by this guy is amazing and obviously he's comfortable on the wheel.


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This is what I found on this site https://trakkitgps.com/does-gps-work-without-data/

       “In the last ten years, cell phones became almost essential in most hunting. As smartphones provide a longer lifespan and more detailed data, it has been regarded as the best alternative to GPS units.    

         Cell reception was weak and poor in a rural area. The most popular app for finding your way into woodland areas has a wide range of apps for Android and iOS that let you use the map data.”

         When using the GPS data on a mobile phone, the map can only be viewed in a wide distance mode. OnX Hunt provides great offline GPS capability, which keeps track of your location.

          Remember, once you switch to offline maps, be sure to turn off cellular data and Wi-Fi to save battery.

   This is similar to what I would need if I wanna go in a wild area without phone signal or internet.


And on Google Maps Forum:

-Clint Carlson, Nov 14 2019        “I think the comments here answer my question, which is "can people track me if I don't have a cell signal?" I use Google Maps when I hike in remote areas. If I download the map before I leave, I can see where I am, even with zero cell reception. It would be great if friends and family could track me when I don't have cellular reception in the backcountry. However, it seems that this is impossible, because GPS is a "one-way street." Too bad, because GPS devices (like SPOT) that transmit both ways are expensive to use. I was hoping to find a free option. It doesn't look like there is one. 

-Barry Hunter :        “There are 'Satellite Phones' which can transmit signals that can be picked up by satellites, allowing bidirectional communication. normal phones don't have this capability. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_phone  

          Similarly  there are also 'GPS tracker' devices, These are also hybrid devices, they have a GPS receiver AND able to transmit information  ... some trackers can transmit to Satellites, others use bluetooth to share location - ie via some other device with working internet, or may have their own cell/mobile modem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_tracking_unit “

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24 minutes ago, novazeus said:

the trust in the v13 by this guy is amazing and obviously he's comfortable on the wheel.

My trust in him is limited by how much armour he isn't wearing. But hey, at least it's in the post...

Edited by Cerbera
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10 minutes ago, Paul A said:


Needs to swear less.

Maybe so, but he is skilled in riding these big wheels. He made the V13 looked good.

Everything may looked nonchalant to us, but I thought he appeared to be alert, and have good situation awareness. He must have ridden motorcycles, or something prior. 

At the beginning, he led us to believe that he may be one of these yahoo types, who is on a suicide mission and doesn't know it. But at the end, he came across more like he knew that if he had crashed, he would have been in a world of hurt.

Edited by techyiam
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What is the skill displayed? 

Leaning forward to ride fast on a smooth road?


Chance (the YouTuber) riding on trails with rocks/trenches, rough terrain is skill.

Pico (member) trick riding is skill.

Damien Gaumet, winner of the forum's riding competition, is skill.


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One definition of skill.

A special ability or technique acquired by special training in either an intellectual or physical area.


There are many riders that can ride fast, on a large wheel.

There would not be many who could emulate Chance, Pico, Damien, without many hours of training, practice.


Member Josiah, a complete beginner, is able to ride the V13, after only five days on other smaller wheels.

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The bigger the wheel, the easier it is to ride fast, stable. I actually think that with 1-2 hour of time practice on a V13, I would easily be able to ride 50 mph.  The RS goes 40 mph, so +10 mph on a wheel twice as heavy, no big deal, no big skill. (On a nice flat smooth road without potholes)

Edited by Robse
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    I usually go out and ride to a nice green bike path, with trees around, you know,  and I ride slowly, enjoying the nature and I hear some people that I pass by laugh behind me. This comes from people that believe I wear to much protective gear and believe it’s ridiculous (for that slow speed they see me riding at that moment). There’s a lot of people out there very easy to influence with some of that treatment. I was upset at first as well, but figured out they’re ignorant and I know better what is right for my well being.

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