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How often do you ride your EUC?


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I'm still very new (just over 500km) and want to explore trails when summer comes so I 'train' almost every day. I try to be on the wheel for 45 minutes, weather and day job permitting. Right now it's slow speed, mostly straight but narrow lines, and uneven/slippery surfaces but that's because there's feet of snow everywhere so I ride in the car tracks.

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I try to go on a 10-20km roll through my neighbourhood. I slowly explore paths on free casual days and add it to the potential rides I can go on that suit the timeframe. 

I think I do this 1-2 times a week. Its winter here so finding a time after work is rare. I think I would like to do a rise every evening if I can. I am considering to ride to work or even finding a job that can be off a bicycle path!

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During nice weather.... daily. During the winter... weekly. Does going to the mailbox on the mten count? Its almost 150' across gravel to the HUGE box, I like it!

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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I am itching to get out & ride.  For me it's been an eternity (three months of cold winter) since I rode last.  I don't have the cold weather gear (-24C is too cold for me) so I must wait. 😭

Manfred von Richthofen (aka the Red Baron) said once, "When I have shot down an Englishman, my hunting passion is satisfied for a quarter of an hour."

Well, when I have ridden a stint, my riding passion is satisfied for quarter of an hour.   I MUST RIDE !!!

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I was riding almost daily since I bought my wheel in November... until January 24th. Took as pill and fractured the radius in my left arm right at the elbow. Have another 4 weeks in a sling, then I'll wait for the weather to get better before getting back on. Not deterred by the faceplant, I plan on picking up a King Song S18 late summer/early fall. Sooner if I can convince the wife I'm not going to end up in the hospital again, lol. Wear your gear, kids. :D

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Before my wheel broke (pedal arms keep touching the motor and making a scraping noise), I was riding daily if not every other day, including in the winter about 20km or so. As long as it's not too windy and the streets were plowed, I could get out there. 

For those who have clear streets/trails but who don't ride because of weather-proofing, I was riding with a hoodie and windbreaker jacket, fleece pants with windbreaker pants overtop, and a fleece-lined face cover (the ones skiiers and snowboarders wear). I don't yet have goggles but that would've been perfect to keep every part of me warm. 

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I've been suffering from withdrawal symptoms since the first snowfall of December. Except for little snippets, its either too cold or too slippery or too wet or too whatever to be able to ride my wheels. O how I envy those that reside in sunshine & warmth all year.

Can't wait til the thaw of spring.  

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29 minutes ago, EUCRexy said:

I was riding almost daily since I bought my wheel in November... until January 24th. Took as pill and fractured the radius in my left arm right at the elbow. Have another 4 weeks in a sling, then I'll wait for the weather to get better before getting back on. Not deterred by the faceplant, I plan on picking up a King Song S18 late summer/early fall. Sooner if I can convince the wife I'm not going to end up in the hospital again, lol. Wear your gear, kids. :D

How are your vitamin D levels? Do you supplement it during the winter? Do you eat a lot of meat?
AFAIK, these two items (vit. D and protein) are most important when it comes to bone strength.

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3 hours ago, atdlzpae said:

How are your vitamin D levels? Do you supplement it during the winter? Do you eat a lot of meat?
AFAIK, these two items (vit. D and protein) are most important when it comes to bone strength.

Oddly enough, that's one thing the doctors were worried about. They did a blood test and everything came back normal. I was fully geared up (I come from a motorcycle background and know how much falling hurts, so it's All The Gear All The Time), just an unlucky angle.

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4 minutes ago, atdlzpae said:

How are your vitamin D levels? Do you supplement it during the winter? Do you eat a lot of meat?
AFAIK, these two items (vit. D and protein) are most important when it comes to bone strength.

Hate to beat this dead horse again but studies have shown that strength training (not cardio which is also important in its own right) is amongst the most important factor to build bone density. Most residents of the west are hardly short of protein nor calcium nor vitamins in their diets.

On top of increased bone density, strength training (incl. weight lifting ofcos) also builds muscles & stronger tendons/ligaments, all of which allows the body to absorbs more impact trauma. Esp with increasing age.

Bottomline, if not as yet, seriously consider starting a General Physical Preparedness program. You can thank me later ;)

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24 minutes ago, Scottie888 said:

... O how I envy those that reside in sunshine & warmth all year.

Can't wait til the thaw of spring.  

I dunno how great they have it either.  I use to live in Phoenix AZ ... winter is great for EUC's but summer ... 115 F (46 C) in the shade.  It's hard to breath with that kind of heat let alone out riding in the sun.  The street crews wait until after midnight to do any road work because it's too hot.

It is hard to find the perfect spot for year around riding opportunities.

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3 hours ago, Scottie888 said:

Bottomline, if not as yet, seriously consider starting a General Physical Preparedness program.

Working on it already. I've had general strength training 3-4 times a week since the beginning of quarantine. And it has made quite a difference already. Again, I feel like it was just a bad angle when I fell. The entire scenario was my fault due to lack of experience and not respecting the beep.  

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3 minutes ago, Hangman said:

I dunno how great they have it either.  I use to live in Phoenix AZ ... winter is great for EUC's but summer ... 115 F (46 C) in the shade.  It's hard to breath with that kind of heat let alone out riding in the sun.  The street crews wait until after midnight to do any road work because it's too hot.

It is hard to find the perfect spot for year around riding opportunities.

yaa notice I wrote "warmth" & not desert heat! hahaha! I visited a friend in Phoenix a number of years ago & while it was a nice vacay winter break for a week, it was HOT. Like you said, almost too hot to even breath! I felt the same walking out of the airport in equatorial heat as well with their 90s temp but 110 humidity!

Obviously I was thinking about the milder climes of Florida, Texas & Cali (plus whatever states I've missed). I would likely get rid of the car & use electric rideables for transport & recreation.  

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Not often, I live on a narrow dangerous road so I mostly ride around my yard which thankfully is decent size, I work nearby so I can't ride to work or around there, I pretty much have to load my wheels up and take them to my Dad's neighborhood about 15 minutes away to ride on tarmac.  AND as a mail carrier, I'm working my tail end off so it's hard to find time, I'll get it together someday, til then, I'll chip away at it...

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On 1/15/2021 at 12:45 AM, ShanesPlanet said:

Does going to the mailbox on the mten count?

Yes, it counts. So does riding around inside the house, because that takes lots of control and precision to avoid getting in trouble with the lady of the house!


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43 minutes ago, Scottie said:

Yes, it counts. So does riding around inside the house, because that takes lots of control and precision to avoid getting in trouble with the lady of the house!


Daily then. I enjoy riding around the house, but my hardwood floors are telling me to get make some caps for the mten arms.

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I usually ride daily commuting to work, and riding around on weekends.  But between all the snow and getting sick, it has been 1 week since I have ridden- I think that is a record for me. Luckily, today looks like it will be a good day to ride!

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During summer, I would ride my esk8 to work and back. The long\fun route was 15 miles round trip. I could also add in an 6-10 miles if I wanted to ride through some park with bike trails. I would do so much more if the battery could take it. 

I'll hopefully have my EUC by this summer and will end up doing tens of miles each day. I work near DC so I'll probably do a quick 7 miles to work in the morning but then 40 miles after as I loop though the city and all the trails around my place. No rush to get home in the evening.

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On 2/17/2021 at 10:52 PM, Scottie888 said:

Hate to beat this dead horse again but studies have shown that strength training (not cardio which is also important in its own right) is amongst the most important factor to build bone density. Most residents of the west are hardly short of protein nor calcium nor vitamins in their diets.

You are absolutely correct that strength training is extremely important for bone density. And yes, typical western diet is plentiful in protein, calcium or vitamins.
However, vit. D is an exception. There are no good dietary sources and you hardly get any through sun exposure in the winter. Or even in summer if you're inside all the time.


Unfortunately, I don't ride my EUC much this winter. The car is just too convenient. :(
The restaurants are takeout-only - you can buy McDonalds and eat in a car. However, eating outside is illegal. So a car it is.

Hopefully one the summer comes they will lift those stupid restrictions and EUC will become convenient again...

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