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Ankle Armour


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I'm an absolute beginner, still trying to step on, get moving and step off. I've read here about attacks on the ankles while you're learning and two days ago the pedal caught my ankle bone really hard. Hard enough to deter me from trying again until it's properly healed. The thought of hitting that spot again is too much.

So I decided not to stop riding but to protect my ankles. Something soft like neoprene would help but not much. So I made these with stuff I had in the shed. Flexible aluminium sheet and five layers of fibreglass. Neoprene would be good inside but five sheets of thin foam packaging does as well.

I tried them out this afternoon and it wasn't long before a bail-out involved a whack on the ankle. Same ankle, different spot. I barely felt it, but I certainly heard the crack! I'm wearing all the gear every practice but this is the only thing as a beginner I've so far been grateful for.


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I think I like the satisfying crack of pedal on armour... Boots must help, but do we strap pieces of hard shoe leather to our knee caps?

Hopefully when I can get on and off this thing without it biting me I'll move up into the ranks of riders who find ankle armour unnecessary.

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I used cheap soccer/football ankle guards (Amazon, I can get the link if you want) and also added cheap shin guards because the pedals on the 16X(and S) are fairly high off the ground. High topped hiking boots as well. Got a few love bites but none left a mark. But I do like your solution—I was thinking about rolling up a magazine and taping it on (as seen in World War Z—fended of a real zombie bite so it would have to work against a bite from a mere pedal!). Thankfully have gotten solid enough now that ankle bites aren't a great concern... until I decide I must have an Mten3.

Edited by Tawpie
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I did buy a pair of Ennui ankle guards, ordered the correct shoe size, but the ones that came were microscopic. I couldn't get them over my feet at all, but the skate retailer wouldn't take them back because I had opened the packet. They're pretty thin anyway, more for gravel rash than direct hits.

Anyway, I'm happy with my Ankle Armour, they cost me nothing and work like a treat.

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On 11/27/2020 at 3:01 AM, Ubute said:

I'm wearing all the gear every practice but this is the only thing as a beginner I've so far been grateful for.

I am glad for you that you found a good way to save your ankles. Those ankle bites from the pedals hurt! :crying: When I was learning, ankle bites were my only injuries. I should have been quicker to work up a solution like you did, but instead my stubborn bullishness made me get back on and ride some more.

General falling was uneventful at slow speeds, and 9 out of 10 times it was usually just a step off and the wheel itself crashed.

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Just picked up TCX Street Ace Waterproof Shoes, which look like converse, but have a thicker sole and have ankle armor built into sides. Super comfy right out of box with zero wear in period. Look and feel well made

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10 hours ago, Ubute said:

The original hit on my ankle bone two weeks ago is still swollen and sore to the touch. There's no way I would risk another hit on that place with just socks or neoprene to protect it.

A very prudent consideration.


11 hours ago, Ubute said:

In fact confidence, or the lack of it, is my greatest challenge as I approach my 72nd birthday next week. Anticipating doubters and nay-sayers, I planned to practice in secret at home before I rode out triumphantly in public, but my excitement got the better of me and I told a few friends. Wrong move! Disappointingly, not a single person has said, "Good on you", or "You're brave, go for it!" I'd prefer to learn in an encouraging and supportive environment and it's hard to stay confident when everyone's convinced you're going to seriously hurt yourself. I'll have to make do with a sense of defiance to prove them all wrong.

I took the liberty to trim down your post to things I felt I could respond to.

  • I am sure you are fully aware of your physical condition and ability. We all age at different rates. Some make 72 look like 50, and some make it look like 90! You have no doubt absorbed many YouTube videos and must be fully aware of what is required of you. Only you can judge your ability to try this new endeavor.
  • Some negativity could be mixed with genuine concern for you. And some negativity might be based on envy. Either way, it is not such a bad thing for you.
  • In a couple months you can roll by them with a big smile on you face! :smartass:
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8 hours ago, Scottie said:
  • I am sure you are fully aware of your physical condition and ability. We all age at different rates. Some make 72 look like 50, and some make it look like 90! You have no doubt absorbed many YouTube videos and must be fully aware of what is required of you. Only you can judge your ability to try this new endeavor.
  • Some negativity could be mixed with genuine concern for you. And some negativity might be based on envy. Either way, it is not such a bad thing for you.
  • In a couple months you can roll by them with a big smile on you face! :smartass:

I'm a bit embarrassed at my outburst. I was at a low ebb. I am aware that those close to me are concerned for me and I'm grateful for that. Envy? Maybe, I don't know. Maybe when I can actually ride!

A wise joker once said:

It feels really weird to be the same age as old people.

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23 hours ago, Ubute said:

My premonitions were right and everyone has been incredulous at best, downright dismissive at worst. "Bloody idiot", "Death wish", "I hope you're insured", were among the more restrained responses. Disappointingly, not a single person has said, "Good on you", or "You're brave, go for it!"

I had exactly the same thing from ALL my friends (and still do) and I was 'only' 47 when I started riding. Not one of them has any interest whatsover, and find the whole concept comical.

I did bring this point up some time back when some members waxed lyrical over how many people 'love' EUCs and there couldnt possibly be more than a few who don't. I got shot down in flames, was told I should change my friends etc. Yes, there really are some riders who think the world revolves around them and their beloved EUCs.

Dont beat yourself up about it. I still ride, still see my old mates and simply found additional mates who like euc's.

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37 minutes ago, Planemo said:
On 12/8/2020 at 6:05 AM, Ubute said:

My premonitions were right and everyone has been incredulous at best, downright dismissive at worst. "Bloody idiot", "Death wish", "I hope you're insured", were among the more restrained responses. Disappointingly, not a single person has said, "Good on you", or "You're brave, go for it!"


I had exactly the same thing from ALL my friends (and still do) and I was 'only' 47 when I started riding. Not one of them has any interest whatsover, and find the whole concept comical.

Could this be the subject of an old or new thread? I do not recall seeing one, and I have not looked. 

TOPIC: What has been the reaction to your EUC riding from your family and friends? For myself, the reactions have been neutral to mostly positive. I seem to be the odd man out here. What about the rest of you?

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3 hours ago, Scottie said:

What about the rest of you?

My family is just starting to take me seriously! :roflmao: 

Everyone around me is still shaking their head...And waiting for an occasion to tell me "I told you!" 

I just love adversity...:laughbounce2:^_^ 

and self imposed challenges...

However I have full support of my GF!

Edited by pico
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My ankle armour after three 15 minute sessions. The left one is getting dented in the same spot, around my original injury. No way would I be practicing without these. I feel the hit but it's completely absorbed by the shell.

Starting with my right foot on the wheel, if I don't get my left foot on properly and I veer off to the right, that's when I get hit. Still trying to control the wheel with my dominant right foot, I step off with the left and the wheel whips around because its leaning the wrong way. Gotta get that left foot on and sharing control...

Anyway, I'm moving a little further each time.


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@Ubuteas you continue to practice your feet, ankles, legs and core will get stronger and control will come. Funny thing for me was how much better my regular balance got—taking a sock off can be done without sitting down or leaning against something. I never knew that. Tree pose (either foot) is even doable now where before it was meh at best.

Soldier on good lad.

I still love your solution for ankles. Brilliant.

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@Ubute Good on ya, bud! Great thinking with those pads. I'd also recommend looking into some motorcycle riding shoes, as they'll have armor around the ankle as well, and will probably be a bit more comfortable. Maybe something in the riding shoe style, so they aren't so big and bulky. 


Keep it up! Post a video when you get comfortable!

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On 12/8/2020 at 11:59 PM, Ubute said:

I'm a bit embarrassed at my outburst. I was at a low ebb. I am aware that those close to me are concerned for me and I'm grateful for that. Envy? Maybe, I don't know. Maybe when I can actually ride!

A wise joker once said:

It feels really weird to be the same age as old people.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Flyman I am inspired and a bit amazed, in awe, and happy for you. How is the V8F riding going? How far along on the flying lessons? I did a good bit of flying myself back in the day. As different as the activities are, I find EUC riding is just about as entertaining and thrilling as flying.

@Ubute Are the ankle guards still taking some hits? Hopefully the guards are finding less and less action as you improve.

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