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Dramatic decrease of mileage in cold weather


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Just noticed that my MSX mileage is significantly smaller in the cold temperature compared to warmer weather:

A month and half ago, outside temperature = 25-28 degree of Celsius, battery temp = 35-39C, mileage = 15.3wh/km  or  0.065km/wh.

Today, outside temp = 1-3C, batter temp = 16-21C, mileage = 21.3wh/km (0.047km/wh) .  I was not able to reach my destination!  Sad.

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Don't leave your wheel inside your car as I did once. Four hours after bringing the wheel inside it was still like a block of ice.

Wheels behave extremely drunk when they are below freezing. Some, for example the Segway S1, won't even allow you to ride them.

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  • 2 months later...

I took my MSX for a ride in cold temperature.  The  following is the three mileage points I collected so far:


Early September, ambient temp 26C, mileage 15.3wh/km  or  0.065km/wh

Late October, ambient temp 2C, mileage 21.3wh/km  or 0.047km/wh

Mid January (today), ambient temp -8C, mileage 48.3wh/km or 0.021km/wh


This means, I can only ride at -8C for 30kms with a full charge down to 10% for my 1600wh MSX.  In the summer, the range is nearly 100kms.

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On 10/21/2018 at 7:28 PM, EU_commuter said:

Just noticed that my MSX mileage is significantly smaller in the cold temperature compared to warmer weather:

A month and half ago, outside temperature = 25-28 degree of Celsius, battery temp = 35-39C, mileage = 15.3wh/km  or  0.065km/wh.

Today, outside temp = 1-3C, batter temp = 16-21C, mileage = 21.3wh/km (0.047km/wh) .  I was not able to reach my destination!  Sad.

As already said, the capacity of the battery decreases as the temperature drops. This, however, is not the only factor reducing range. As the temperature drops, air density increases, which increases aerodynamic resistance despite maintaining the same speed. Winds, which in winter are usually more frequent and stronger, are also a factor. Another thing - in winter we ride very warmly dressed, which increases the front area and thus the air drag. Next, at low temperatures air pressure in the tire also drops, which translates into higher rolling resistance. If there is snow on the road, the rolling resistance increases even more. All this means that the effective range in winter is reduced, sometimes by as much as 20-30 %.

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And I thought Sweden was cold...

My experience is the same. 30% drop at around 0 degrees C.
I took my fully charged MSX for a ride and did 36km. I had 55% battery left. Darknessbot reports 22.1C.
Went for a ride later that evening and did 16.3km. I had 73% left directly after the rid which then went up to 77%.
I have had it for less than a week.

With my Ninebot One E+ I notice around 30% range reduction and I started to notice around the same with my electric longboards when it started getting under +10C.

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