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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @disordinaryI just asked. Will get back to you when I see a reaction, or maybe you see it for yourself.
  2. Ok will ask. I'm a bit busy atm but will do when I have the time
  3. You can manually do this by using the web address t.me followed by the username. If I do this, I get the "send a message" option. https://t.me/BMV_Mark_Dobrovik When I search for the username in Telegram I get the above user and some other group with currently 149 subscribers. Maybe this helps.
  4. What was your user name/identifier there? I don't think any of us mods is active on Discord, but I can ask in the channel what went on.
  5. Selling underpowered crap did bite them in the ass eventually! I wonder if they are done for. Because I have difficulty seeing them getting back into business without designing a completely new Onewheel with performance compared to modern EUCs. Something they didn't feel like doing for the last 5+ years.
  6. I changed the title to clarify that the term "Segway" is used here as a general moniker for this type of rideable. It's not an official Segway brand product. We mods don't see any issue here (for the quality of the forum or for potential buyers) as long as that is clear (and it was). If Segway do not want their brand used this way, that's another question, but that is their decision.
  7. Yes. @Jason McNeil, who posted above, is the ewheels owner (not sure if you knew). Do the sales@ewheels.com thing as recommended above to contact them.
  8. If I remember correctly, the V8 and Solowheel Glide chargers are not compatible (different charge plugs) despite being the same wheel otherwise. Just check your charge port to see if a potential charger has the right number of pins/holes (I think it's 3 vs. 4). Any 84V charger with the right number of pins should work, maybe there is also the possibility of an adapter cable.
  9. I think you would fall off backwards when you accelerate hard, and especially to the front when you brake hard, which (unlike strong acceleration) isn't always avoidable. As your feet are side to side, you cannot brace forwards or backwards properly, like when you stand on an electric skateboard where one foot is in the front and one is in the back, and you stand diagonally to brace along both axes. The sideways balancing should work, I think. It's more or less the same as on a EUC. There is some strange manual rideable called the GausWheel (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gauswheel) that is a bit similar in how you stand on it and the overall idea. Not sure how braking works there, I think they just do a quick side turn to not fly off forwards on hard braking, or they lean back with the leg braces on top? Again, I think the lack of bracing in the forwards/backwards direction is the question with your idea. Might work, might not work, I have no idea (I guess it depends... at very slow speeds it will work, and the question is how fast can you make it so it still works). Sideways balance shouldn't be a problem. Consider your idea a tiny e-scooter without a handle bar, maybe it helps to think about it this way.
  10. @Sloppin JohnThis is your chance if you want to pounce. Nobody better than ewheels, should there be issues with the first batch V11Y. And it might be there in a month.
  11. What is a good discounted price for the V11 that can be had from a reputable dealer? ewheels has it for 1900. To compare to the V11Y price (2200?).
  12. I wrote an explanation for the tire size mess in this thread: The Extreme is a "16 inch" (12 inch rim) wheel with a real tire diameter of close to 18 inches. (Replace "Patton" with "Extreme" in my reply, it is exactly the same thing.)
  13. That's great! (That you can wait, not the broken wrist) You can happily see how the Adventure (V14) and Extreme turn out. The world of EUCs could be quite different in March 2024, who knows. Good to see you're not giving up on your Nikola either.
  14. When you have a EUC and then suddenly you don't (because it's broken), it's an awful feeling, you really don't want to wait! Are you willing to wait, or do you feel like you need a new one quickly?
  15. Might help to add a bit of information about the wheel Like how old is it/where you bought it (warranty left?)/mileage/ and stuff like that.
  16. Yep. It's barely a rumor at all. Mostly wishful thinking. But of the good kind. Higher voltages make a lot of sense, so I expect to see them sooner or later, and who but Begode is going to be first?
  17. What about a Patton? Of the wheels available (and known) now, it's what I would choose. Waiting a little will give you user experiences with the Adventure (V14 - might be really good) and Extreme (and Commander Mini). Note the Master has a bigger tire size than all the other wheels mentioned in this thread (including your old Nikola), so if you want torque, I would go for the smaller tire size of all those others.
  18. You got practice/experience EUCing is very much learning by doing.
  19. Oh no, not the S9 missed! I thought there was a more specialized show than just "general tech stuff" IFA that I missed. But cool for KS to send someone there.
  20. This isn't exactly new, but it deserves being stated: ewheels sells the Adventure for $3300, and on EUCSale it's 3400€. That seems to be the regular price in $ or €.
  21. King Song was at a trade show in Germany? Where was that?
  22. Yep, 4x40 cells. One cell is about 70g. The extra weight is rather neglegible. Turns out, the motor and the general build is what makes EUCs heavy, not the batteries, these are surprisingly unimportant. Some numbers: 2400Wh battery (14x32=128 cells) is ~9kg. 168V 2960Wh (4x40=160 cells) is 11.2kg, only 2.2kg (5lbs) more The usual 3600Wh (192 cells) are 13.5kg. 168V 4440Wh (6*40=240 cells) would weigh 16.8kg 4800Wh (8*32=256 cells) are 18kg. So we have wheels with way more battery weight already. The 2.2kg weight gain of going from 134V 4p to 168V 4p would barely be noticed.
  23. I agree that regarding technology, it should be no problem to up the speed. Question is, do you want KS to make last minute changes that they have not planned for? Not sure about the results (if they rush it) or how long that would take (if it needs hardware adaptions and not just a firmware change). A speedy release is a quality of its own, too. I guess since @Jason McNeilapproached KS about this and he surely has some insights on what people buy, upping the speed is rather a good idea though.
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