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Dave Wood

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  1. Yep another IXS Trigger FF owner here, definitely holds up, iv used mine for over a year now all year round as you can tell from the black tape over the vents to keep me warmer over this winter lol
  2. Yea i saw this picture when i was doing my research, this 1 post on facebook and its lead to the community shitting on them so let's give a little context shall we? it's literally the ONLY example of a broken pedal from probably thousands sold that i could find so quite clearly a faulty set which you get with anything you buy.. Glad i wasn't put off by the negatively towards these pedals and i would 100% buy again, btw how many % of 'chinesium' stock pedals fail from average use? its pretty rare from what iv seen on social media. not saying NyloNove aint better just saying from my experience theres nothing wrong with the chicways... There's another huge factor to be considered here and that's availability, NyloNove is never in stock so virtually impossible to get a set or atleast that was the case when i was buying .
  3. i personally try not to leave charger on after its turned green, i figure the green is there for a reason.. i have experience with balance chargers from my diy eboarding days and they always do the balancing towards the end of the charge not after, i know we don't use balance chargers with our eucs bur im presuming our bms's act in a similar way during the balancing process so that's how iv always charged my eucs, charge until the green light shows and switch off iv never had issues with unbalanced cells or degrading cells
  4. Ah ok thanks, how much filing did it take and ain't you worried about it weakening them? I have them on my MSP and they were more angled than my stock pedals aswell but after a couple of rides iv gotten used to them and they just feel normal now ☺️
  5. Iv been thinking of fitting somekind of retractable pole on my msp carry handle, yet to find something suitable but was looking at something similar to them retractable washing line props, would work as similar to a v10/11 or nikola centred trolley handle but you could also fully retract it when not use. i hate my msp trolley handle and who ever was the gw employee that thought it would be a good idea to place it on the back of the machine needs firing lol
  6. Did you file the pedals or the hangers and how did you do that?
  7. Iv always covered the vents in rain and I still had the problem, I'm fairly sure it's the leds aswell although you definitely should cover the vents too in bad weather, Gotta remember your sometimes driving against the element's at considerable speed so the front of the machine is particularly vulnerable especially this time of year
  8. Yeah didn't do anything fancy just strips of reflective tape over the front leds and also the vents under the headlights.
  9. yeah exactly same thing you described that's why i commented, Doesn't necessarily have to be rain its winter and cold there's moisture in the air. happened 2 or 3 times times to me before i read about front leds been susceptible to the elements , i use mine as my transport to work everyday rain or shine as iv said covering the front leds has fixed the issue for me also the headlights have them holes underneath which can let in moisture and dust off the road ect.
  10. I had this issue a couple of times after riding in damp weather, iv since found out the front leds can be supsectable to water ingress and since all the lights and leds are connected to the same circuit it can cause issues, iv now covered the front leds with reflective tape and never had a issue since
  11. I use diy ones but i don't really find myself needing them for acceleration but they definitely help with braking, iv also found them especially invaluable in a safety/stability sense when you hit them unexpected bumps, just having more contact points with the wheel that pads give you has saved me from flying/bouncing off the wheel numerous times.
  12. Why wouldn't you just send it back to speedyfeet? they offer a 2yr warranty so where's the problem...
  13. Do we really need a thread on this? Surely just use your common sense and walk like everyone else and don't be seen as a nuisance... The great thing about eucs is their dead convenient and easy to trolley around.. who knew
  14. Surprised something as tragic as this hasn't happened sooner judging from the majority of clips iv seen of riders around pedestrians, i literally had a argument with somebody on facebook a couple of days ago about people riding too fast around people, Can't say im surprised though when people with influence like ustride post extremely careless riding examples for views like his veteran sherman demo day video...
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