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Coolest way to deal with pedestrians?


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The weather is finally nice enough for comfortable riding outside! I feel like I'm playing a video game when I'm easily slaloming between pedestrians, except in a video game nobody is watching you. Here, everyone is staring and often people talk about you as you pass by! It's exhilarating and simultaneously terrifying.

Should I smile or wave at staring pedestrians? But I don't want to seem like a showoff by being overly eager.

Should I act casual by ignoring pedestrians? But I don't want to seem snobby when I've obviously heard someone exclaim their amazement.

What do you think is the best way to respond to someone watching or talking about you?

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I usually find myself in a more friendly mood when wheeling around.  I'll always give a hi or a smile as I roll by someone on a pathway.  People across the street even yell out "That's so cool!" and I'll yell back a thanks or just wave!  People give me the biggest grins, and I just grin back and give a head nod and a hi.  The ones who are frowning or ignoring me, I just might give a nod or just ignore back.  It's like I've got the new toy on the street, and everyone is curious about it!  Brings back good childhood memories.  Sometimes I'll slow down and talk with them briefly if they ask if it's hard to ride or how long did it take to learn it.  I usually keep on rolling after a quick reply as I don't usually like to talk with strangers.  It is a good way to meet and talk with people though if you're into that.

I usually use extreme caution when passing pedestrians so as not to crash into them, and I pass at a slightly faster speed than they are walking and then sped up only when I am safely ahead.  I know how it is to have bikers zip past at an extreme speed with me thinking geez I'm glad that I didn't suddenly decide to change direction...

If you're in a good mood and feel like it, certainly stop and answer any questions and be a good ambassador for the sport.  Represent yo!  I've been debating lately whether to let people try my wheel, but I think maybe I'll abstain from that for now considering the difficult time I had learning it and the possible injury potential for those new to the EUC.  It's hard though as kids give you that look like they really, really want to try it.  I did give a kid down the street a try at it, but in hindsight, he didn't have a helmet, and it could have gone badly.  There's also that stranger danger element so I don't like to interact too much with kids unless there's a bunch around or with parents.  I don't know - most probably just think it's so cool that I'm rolling around on one wheel without any visible motor or anything driving it.  It's kinda like magic!



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Depends on your own personality and what you want in the kind of attention you get from others.  I agree with you and an EU paints you as a "showoff" some people like this sort of attention and will purposely buy EUs with lots of flashing lights in order to do so.  Myself I tend to keep it low key.  The fewer people that know I just rode past the better.

The most I tend to do now is to acknowledge someone with a node or simple open and close of my hand wave to say thanks if someone stops to let me ride past.


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2 hours ago, Skylightica said:

The weather is finally nice enough for comfortable riding outside! I feel like I'm playing a video game when I'm easily slaloming between pedestrians, except in a video game nobody is watching you. Here, everyone is staring and often people talk about you as you pass by! It's exhilarating and simultaneously terrifying.

Should I smile or wave at staring pedestrians? But I don't want to seem like a showoff by being overly eager.

Should I act casual by ignoring pedestrians? But I don't want to seem snobby when I've obviously heard someone exclaim their amazement.

What do you think is the best way to respond to someone watching or talking about you?


Most people are interested, I haven't experienced any negativity yet.

However I do avoid busy places, trying to go for footpaths and backroads.

For the most part where there is space there is no issue passing.

However I dismount if necessary and people also appreciate/thank me for this.

I wouldn't slalom between people, it will only take one bystander to be hit and it will be literally over the whole world and seen as apocalyptic.

To be honest I dread the day this happens.




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4 hours ago, Skylightica said:

The weather is finally nice enough for comfortable riding outside! I feel like I'm playing a video game when I'm easily slaloming between pedestrians, except in a video game nobody is watching you. Here, everyone is staring and often people talk about you as you pass by! It's exhilarating and simultaneously terrifying.

Should I smile or wave at staring pedestrians? But I don't want to seem like a showoff by being overly eager.

Should I act casual by ignoring pedestrians? But I don't want to seem snobby when I've obviously heard someone exclaim their amazement.

What do you think is the best way to respond to someone watching or talking about you?



There is no one universal recipe for this - enjoy the moment and see what works for you. Some people will admire you more and think you are cooler if you actually ignore them and just roll by as if you are above it all. Some will appreciate your acknowledgement with a nod, a smile, a high five etc. some will love it if you stop and talk to them, and some will scream something to you as you oass by, like " how much?" and if you stop and start talking to them you will notice, to your surprize, that they will stop talking to you and your coolness will go down a few points in their eyes ( they actually expect you to be jerks like they may be and will stop respecting you if you show humane traits) - peopke are strange creatures, and human physchology works in weird ways. Sometimes people think they want one thing but they actually want the opposite. Often times ( and this happens a lot when i ride the wheel) the less attention i pay to others, the more they admire watching me. If i see someone real nice and polite who is genuinely interested i always turn around, stop and talk to them or even offer to teach them to ride.these folks may appreciate it that despite your " time traveler" or "celebrity" status you are kind enough to stoo and mingle with the "regular crowd" - this can add cool points to your portfolio.

if you want to keep your cool - one thing for sure - dont stop at every guy who shouts something at you or makes a remark how cool you are - this behavior will hardly fit in well with an overall image of an euc rider - remember you are a happy guy enjoying yourself and the gentle breeze beating on your face - you are in your own world, a better one for that matter - let other watch you and want to be like you :)

in time you will know what to do in each situation and this will come naturally. One advice is just dont worry about it and enjoy the ride - dont offend the pedestrians on purpose and they will enjoy the ride with you

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2 hours ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

It's hard though as kids give you that look like they really, really want to try it.  I did give a kid down the street a try at it, but in hindsight, he didn't have a helmet, and it could have gone badly.

What I practice with kids when I let them try the wheel is to hold their bodies tight and this way passing 10-15 meters. In that way I satisfy their desire to try but keep them safe.

I don't think anybody could hop on the EUC and ride it first time just like that, even the tight-rope dancer did not manage it on my wheel

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39 minutes ago, Cloud said:


he, he...do you use it for girls :P


1 hour ago, Cloud said:

If i see someone real nice and polite who is genuinely interested i always turn around,

Here is the key point. Totally agree.

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26 minutes ago, DS said:

he, he...do you use it for girls :P


Here is the key point. Totally agree.

Ohh i didnt realize its a girl! Ok im gonna correct my post :)


actually, if skylightica is a girl, i need to completely rewrite my post. Bascially no advice is needed - a guy on a euc is automatically cool no matter what she does to the pedestrians :) 

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7 hours ago, jer said:

I wouldn't slalom between people

Maybe slaloming was too strong of a word to use here. By slaloming, I only mean the act of passing people on the left or the right. I always silently stalk behind pedestrians slowly if there isn't enough space, then I pass them just barely faster than they're walking while leaving a wide enough a wide berth in case they change directions.

But seriously, these are thoughtful answers. Thanks, dudes.

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J quite likes the attention he gets, and either zooms past casually and looking awesome, or will reply if someone comments to him.   Tho generally he zooms past on his wheel and ppl then make comment to me as they see he's with me (I do not have a wheel............yet).   


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23 hours ago, Cloud said:

Ohh i didnt realize its a girl! Ok im gonna correct my post :)


actually, if skylightica is a girl, i need to completely rewrite my post. Bascially no advice is needed - a guy on a euc is automatically cool no matter what she does to the pedestrians :) 

And now, in everyone's mind, Skylightica =





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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, MaxLinux said:

I have one too! It's great!

The reason the bell works obviously is because subconsciously people recognize the familiar sound and think there is a bicycle riding the sidewalk right behind and step aside or at least get alert, even if the sound is quiet.


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On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 3:48 AM, MarkoMarjamaa said:

When riding, don't interact with common people. Simple nod is enough.

Remember your status. Here's my pose.



I'm getting a shirt made that says "I'm from the future, so don't talk to me unless your at least a 8."

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