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afternoon little ride. (all weights rounded up or down to nearest pound).

rider weight with gear 192 pounds.

naked rider weight 177 pounds (sear that image into ur brain).

v13 weight 119 pounds (no pads, no spikes on footplates, kickstand installed, seat installed, michelin pilot street 2 tire now with 13oz of slime in the innertube, vicious grip tape on footplates, yoga mat on sides, bottom of footplates and rear and front handles).

tire pressure at 47psi starting out. max sidewall pressure 45psi(tire leaked down 4 psi  overnight, hoping it will eventually plug wherever it's leaking from)

road 1/2 km long stopping and starting every 1/2 km without stepping off. 

half of the road with structure knocking down the wind, other half between two open fields. winds 10-20mph with occasional higher gusts(i have lots of wind socks, called moss hanging from the trees).

not hammering it at all. just a leisurely practice session. all pavement.

34 days of ownership today. no problems except leaky tire now. 

should hit 1000 miles plus tonight. going on charge now. 


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hello thousand mile club. 

just joined. and with my 30 plus mile ride tonight the tire stayed at 47 psi!

maybe the 13oz of slime finally settled in the hole in the innertube causing the leak.

even with the light on i'm getting one mile per one percentage of battery. but if u don't put air in ur tires, mileage will suck. i know exactly when the innertube started leaking because my mileage went way down. i could go faster at night but i had lots of cottontails playing chicken on the road with me, daring me to run them over. good practice emergency braking. i think the v13 brakes really well.

80 plus miles today and i can still walk. after the first 50, i wasn't sure. the suspension is ok, but not a cadillac, that's for sure. and my 60 year old road lined with oak trees is pretty treacherous.

not bad considering the first day of riding the day afteri got it was march 17th.

btw, didn't get it fully charged after the earlier ride. only started tonight with 90% battery.



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Yeah it really does. I hope Inmotion uses this new bar they've set for all of their future products. And beyond that I hope they work to raise it higher as they iterate through new wheel. 

Having broken my shoulder on a V12 HT that had a driver board failure after only 2 months of ownership, has really made me see just how important these safety margins are from EUC manufacturers. I don't think I can buy a wheel that doesn't have some redundancies on it. 

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only 50 miles today on the v13. two segments. 30 and 20. still holding air at 47psi. might drop it to max pressure of 45 though. not that 2psi over max matters. 

but just did 10 miles on the s22 which i hadn't ridden in a long time. it's tire was low, maybe 25psi, idk for sure because i hooked it up straight to my little compressor that gives a reading. anyway i put it at max sidewall pressure of 41psi. way better than i had it trying 35psi. 

first thing i noticed, it's fatter, hitting me about mid calf. and the motor is way quieter than the v13. the stock knobby tire is as quiet as the michelin on my pavement. less body squeaks than the v13. a tad bit softer ride even with the stock sliders.

it's a good wheel and probably the one i'd use off ranch to run errands. at 77 pounds it's 42 pounds lighter than the v13. it feels like a 9be+ after riding the v13.: the v13 commands ur attention every second. stopping at the gate today i missed grabbibg my 2x4's and wound up on the ground with it laying on my leg. i've never dropped a wheel stopping as much as i have the v13. course braking perfectly to grab a 2x4 perpendicular to the pavement isn't easy. i'm grabbing a 2x4 now that runs parallel to the pavement, much easier. the v13 actually stops very well, so if u undershoot ur thing ur grabbing, ur tipping over. i've got both wheels dialed in pretty good now, but having my toes hanging so far over on the v13 is giving me a toe ache on my left foot big toe. nice having the footpads lowered and forward on the s22.

btw, love the kickstand on both wheels, but omg, on the v13 for sure, the kickstand should come with it. makes screwing with the tire so much easier. at 119 pounds u need any help u can get. 

the s22 amateur is a fine wheel and i won't change out the tire. i'll save it for the s18.

about the same top speed because of the rabbit population, and i almost forgot, i prefer the headlights on the s22 better. more focused beam and longer throw. much better than the v13.

mileage is identical. one mile per one percent of battery. because the s22 only charges to 98%.

my 2 cents.


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  • 2 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Flying_By said:

I broke my femur and my scapula on the right side and have ligament damage and all the shits.

Very sorry to hear this, probably the worst i have seen yet. I Hope for a speedy recovery for you.

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28 minutes ago, Flying_By said:

right up next to them they pull a U Turn and without any time to react I t-bone their driver side while seated at the above mentioned speeds.


Just want add that this is one of the deadliest scenarios for motorcyclists too. If they don't see cars, they will do the u-turns.

So the rule of thumb is to keep relative speeds low.

I hope you make a complete recovery.

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32 minutes ago, Flying_By said:

Hey just wanted to share a fun little V13 story while I’m recovering from the worst crash of my life. So back in Mid April I’m riding at like ~25-30mph down the road and come to a car that’s slowing down to a stop seemingly for no reason (no signals, etc.)  Naturally I assume they’re just slowing down to parallel park or something. It’s a road with a middle passing lane so I decide I’m gonna go out around them and as I’m right up next to them they pull a U Turn and without any time to react I t-bone their driver side while seated at the above mentioned speeds.

Now lemme tell ya, I’m fucked the fuck up. I broke my femur and my scapula on the right side and have ligament damage and all the shits. For the record I was wearing just about every piece of high end gear you possibly can (I wear a damn Leatt kidney belt for fuck sake). But the real point of this story is that my wheel is basically fine by all accounts. Of course I can’t ride, but it’s in the care of a trusted friend who also rides quite a lot and he can’t find anything wrong with it, from batteries to frame. So anyway, this crash should be a nice feather in the cap for any V13 owners, it can go cruising & passing speed directly into a metal wall and survive with very little practical damage. Anyway, here’s the carnage pics cause I know you want em.


I do wonder how many people have broken something riding on EUCs? I never got the impression it was an awful lot, but I'm beginning to wonder. I broke my shoulder on a V12 HT that just died on me. I did nothing wrong. Now when I am on the V13 I am just fearing that my wheel is going to just cut off on me. 

Your injuries are BAD! I bet that hurt like crazy! The sucky thing with your crash is that it was impact damage. Your gear is really good if you have a cut out and are spilled from the wheel. Not so much if you run into a brick wall. 

What is your recovery time looking like. Probably 6-12 months at a minimum. Hang in there!

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1 hour ago, Flying_By said:

Hey just wanted to share a fun little V13 story

Dear oh dear. Speedy healing as possible dude. Really makes me think twice about whether we are safe to go playing amongst the big metal boxes. We've got the speed and wheel robustness now to make us think we can, but we really don't do well in the accidents.

Did your gear help in ANY of the ways it was supposed to ? Other than that you're not dead, obviously ! But do you think you would have been without it ?

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38 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

We've got the speed and wheel robustness now to make us think we can, but we really don't do well in the accidents.

It looks like the days of mostly single vehicle accidents are over.

We are now getting into impact type collisions, involving other vehicles that are typically many folds more massive than us.

For those who are riding like motorcyclists, I hope they already have or are getting proper motorcycle safety training. 

Before the US marines made it compulsory for marines to take motorcycle safety courses for those who want to ride motorcycle on US soil, there were more fatalities at home than in the battlefield.


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10 hours ago, Flying_By said:

the worst crash of my life

That was really a horrific event! I’m happy to sense a really positive attitude despite of what happened, despite it being someone else’s fault. I really hope you heal quick and fully!

 I keep wondering about the speed you were riding at. Surely a damage like this requires a good amount of velocity?

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18 hours ago, Flying_By said:

they pull a U Turn and without any time to react I t-bone their driver side while seated at the above mentioned speeds

My buddy hit a car the exact same way. He was damaged about the same as you. Couldnt ride for 6 months and he is just getting back into riding now after tons of physical therapy. Seems like this is a common thing with cars just randomly pulling U turns and always ends with similar results. Speedy recovery man

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First off I'm very sorry to hear about your accident and am so glad you are here to tell the tale, swift recovery.

13 hours ago, mrelwood said:

 I keep wondering about the speed you were riding at. Surely a damage like this requires a good amount of velocity?

He said he was travelling 25-30Mph in his post which is a fair speed to crash at . Amazing he survived this, and only with the injuries he had. Certainly could have been a lot worse.

Safe rides everyone.

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On 5/1/2023 at 6:11 AM, Flying_By said:

Hey just wanted to share a fun little V13 story while I’m recovering from the worst crash of my life. So back in Mid April I’m riding at like ~25-30mph down the road and come to a car that’s slowing down to a stop seemingly for no reason (no signals, etc.)  Naturally I assume they’re just slowing down to parallel park or something. It’s a road with a middle passing lane so I decide I’m gonna go out around them and as I’m right up next to them they pull a U Turn and without any time to react I t-bone their driver side while seated at the above mentioned speeds.

I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope you make a fully recovery and will ride again. Maybe we all can learn something from this to help us in the future and especially me being new.

A few takeaways

  • Fully gear up
  • Don't assume a vehicles future actions
  • If a vehicle/person displays erratic behavior, slow down
  • If a vehicle/person displays erratic behavior, go from seated to standing position 
  • Choose a durable wheel 
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its not about how well your V13 survived.  really.  im just happy you are in relatively good shape minus the few broken bones.  you know how lucky you are ?!?!?  you lived to post about it on this forum.  the other side of the coin is much darker and sombre...

the outcome of your accident just proves that wearing safety gear works in the riders favor IF an accident does happen.  barring being completely run over by a tractor trailer,  your outcome is IMO, good to great !  you will live to ride another day, of course in full safety gear again.  and when approaching motorists who slow down on the road,  i guess you will be exercising extreme care just in case they dont see you.

take time recovering from your accident and let your bones heal 110% !!!  i guess this will give you some time to binge on a few streaming sites,  catch up on euc review videos on youtube,  take up knitting, etc,...  as long as you give yourself and your body time to heal up...  if you have a wife or partner,  i sincerely hope they take it easy on you and they dont do the classic "I told you so,..." finger pointing expression and gesture at you (rolling eyes).

take care !!! im sure all of us are looking forward to your post-recovery first-ride-after-accident euc ride video/post !!!


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On 5/1/2023 at 2:43 PM, RamonatheCat said:

Im sorry about your crash I'm glad you have a good outlook on the recovery process. Could you share what chest armor you had? It makes me want to order some...

Leatt 5.5 HD Pro with the extra flank protection. I’ve heard their 6.5 suit is also good. And Alpinestars just came out with the A10 Bionic V2 which looks awesome. The key with all these is they have good shoulder protectors too.


Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! I figured if I ever went down like this it’d be my fault for riding like a crazy person. Hopefully the insurance pay out is pretty sweet, got a few new wheels I’ve had my eye on 😅

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  • 2 weeks later...

New v13 rider here.  I have previous experience with sherman v1 and BG master.  This bad boy took a little while to get used to, like 40 miles.  But i am feeling it now.  Just gotta hone in the pads just right.  Using Clark bio pads.

As far as the speed limit.  I was getting frustrated hitting that limit beep during a group ride.  Once I got home.  Pulled up this forum and went back to check my inmotion app.   I have 48 miles total on the v13 and it presented an unlock button when you go into the speed limit setting.   Approve it, then move the bar to the new limit.  I think its 55mph on mine.   Plenty for me

I usually don't hit 45mph very often.


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