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5 hours ago, UPONIT said:

Will this  make people quit whining about the V13's range? :D




rider weight, terrain traveled(ie road conditions and elevations) and never mentioned, tire pressure. there's a reason jimmy carter told us to inflate or tires to max pressure, more range with the gas shortages. biden will be advising us about tire pressures soon.

jason is installing different batteries in his, like he's done with the s18 and mten4, i wonder what his wattage will be? could be even less range, on paper.

and temperature for us and tesla owners.


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6 minutes ago, Josiah said:


This reminds me of the nurse at the hospital showing us how to install a car seat when our first kid was born. The baby’s first trip home!

ooh, looking good! looks like home to me!

that's the rear of the container. 

maybe this is the late january shipment? seems like i saw someplace, jason had sold 100 wheels, the first batch, and the second batch was only thirty. that looks like about thirty in that container. 

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btw, to be the safest for the rider, screw the batteries longevity, when do u charge?

i put 20 miles on my s18 in two days, first time down to 88% and yesterday rode it further down to 55%. it thinks it has 29.1 miles left in the tank.

i'm thinking i don't want to ride at under 50%(i'm a real scaredy cat). if charging at 80% is safer for me, i'll do that, i'm just ignorant!

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That's not unsensible. I don't leave the house without my batteries being 100%, which means I charge after every ride, no matter how short it was. I believe it's Li-poly that requires uses of the full pack range for efficiency (not that we're talking about that) whereas Li-ion doesn't care.

Although most wheels these days will actually hold you up all the way till the no-juice tiltback kicks in, but for the last 50% you definitely need to slow down your average speed, and be careful with acceleration and braking to not be dicing with danger, but you're unquestionably even safer if you don't go under that 50% at all.

In my case I can't find journeys long enough to get my Master's battery under 85% before either I'm knackered, or it's started raining and I have to go home anyway ! :)


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13 minutes ago, Tawpie said:

NOTE: When I do charge my non-smart BMS wheels, it's to green LED + 1-2 hours. Every time. So I allow extra time!

i noticed when i charged the s18 last time, the light turned green, there was still amperage showing in the app, i think. the s22 just shuts off for sure. i'm not sure about the s18. 

i have to charge using a gasoline generator, so the last little bit of trickle might not be worth it, unless i gotta run something else like my ac. being offgrid is like living in california when they start their rolling blackouts.

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1 minute ago, Funky said:

My 18xl charger turns green. But still drawing ~50W from wall. In those 2 "extra" hours, it slowly goes down to ~2.5W. At those ~2.5W my wheel normally beeps 6 slows beeps. Letting me know it has finished "balancing" all cells. And is fully charged.

If i unplugged it right when charger turned green, it is showing "full". But all cells have not yet truly balanced, charged fully. Because in those 2 hours it slowly went down from 50W to ~2.5W.

I personally do it always - when i'm charging.

good idea!

i have a watt meter.

i’ll use it next time i charge it!

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2 minutes ago, novazeus said:

good idea!

i have a watt meter.

i’ll use it next time i charge it!

I personally do it always - when i'm charging. Because if you don't balance often, you may get problems with battery. Because without balancing one cell could go more empty and over time it will go even more empty without balancing. Till you battery dies. In your case i would try to balance it for at least 3 hrs each 5-10 charging time.

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1 hour ago, Chriull said:

The last "trickle" charge is not the balancing stage, neither does the reaching of ~2.5W mean that balancing is finished.

Balancing is a continous process starting around the change from constant current stage to constant voltage phase. "Long" before the green light shows up. And only if the cells are out of balance.

After the green light there is lower current and "less" balancing can happen as before.

As long as the cells are not too much out of balance, so the bms can balance them again it will do so either way.

so, in my situation, having to run a gasoline generator to charge my wheels, kinda like tesla owners, should i bother with leaving the charger on, which means the generator is gonna burn another gallon with just a little load on it?

i'm gonna try and rotate my charging around the needs of these three wheels and my 2200 wh bluetti(solar absolutely sucks, so do generators btw, everybody overstates their specifications). i can charge 3 of those devices at once on my medium size generac.

sometimes, if the others need charging, the s18 doesn't pull much, so i can let it trickle if necessary. the watt minder will be an interesting experiment.

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how about a line conditioner. i have one for the old  desktop i built, then moved it to a big screen tv, that still got fried when lightning hit the extension cord outside. funny thing. the line conditioner still worked. the $5000 tv was shot. line conditioners are expensive, so i'll never buy another one. an it guy told me to get it for my computer build.

funny thing, it will run off the generator, but not the bluetti power station.

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When lightning hits a utility line, voltage at your house does not become "lightning voltage." It does spike, because the lightning voltage appears at all the step-down transformers, which feed your house. But you only get a small percentage of the lightning voltage. Still damaging, but actionable. 

If lightning directly hits your circuit (the feed to your house), you get full lightning voltage. Stuff will break.
If you're not injured, consider yourself lucky. Then replace the stuff later. 
But preventing equipment damage in this case is nearly impossible. 

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it hit an extension cord that was being fed from my old house. it hit this big ass oak tree next to my container first and richochet off to the ground where it hit a 12/3 extension cord. Bob was inside with me laying next to the cord in the container on piers, and the bolt arced off Bob. sounded like gunfire. Bob seem fine, but he no longer argues about coming in when it starts thundering now.

tampa is the lightning capital of the world, and me nestled under giant oak trees in the middle of pastures, makes this place deadly. safest place to be is in bed in this container, according to my buddies at the power company, "bird on a wire" i'm sure that's what saved Bob. 


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30 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

looks great, looks like a few containers also. What's that about a 42ft boat? Great place though, no need to worry about neighbors.

great guess. it's actually a 38' fountain sportfish cruiser with two 350 hp cummins diesels. i averaged 40 knots bring it to loggerhead marina from las olas in ft lauderdale. but overall, yup 42'. 

yeah, very valuable property. apt property was going for $50k to $75k a door for raw land at not near as good location as mine. so ur std 300 unit apt complex on 12 acres would sell for $15mil to $22.5mil. and i can probably get zoning for 2000 apts here if pasco is smart.

but what a great place for euc's. apt renters here def would not need a car because everything is next door. if u notice wesley chapel blvd dead ends into the creek, that's where the bridge goes. easy access to all 17 lanes of interstate.

but with bidenflation, and interest rates going up, these developers are scared to pull the trigger. forbes just ranked tampa as the best place to live in florida, and they are correct. not even close. if ur retired and rich, and don't mind crowds in the winter, like getting into a restaurant, naples is great, ft myers was great, i lived and worked down there. all over. 

king's highway is named after my greatgrandfather's cattle teail to punta rassa. judge ziba king, cattle king of south florida. 6'6" 225 pounds. played poker with diamond jim brady and others. amazing how humans traveled quite a bit back then.

the outlet mall is on our old 540 acre north of me. technically contiguous with the mall separated by cypress creek.

if i sell off pieces, i'm gonna try and hire dawn to be lead instructor in our euc proshop here. teach, repair and sell. just for grins, because this is a perfect place for them. 

not if they are still firestarters and that woman in the nyt article said one out of ten million batteries would cause a fire.

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2 hours ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:


True story, it's called a faraday cage.

yeah that and since they irradiated my body with the maximum dose in 2014, i figure i don't need any more. the container on piers prevents radiation and radon gas.

if u do survive the cancer u got treated for, chances are the radiation they used would create secondary cancers.

this is the protocol i invented for myself, and then two months after i completed my radiation, they tried it on rats. i was the first big laboratory rat, and i had to fight like hell to get the doctors to give me what i wanted. doctors aren't smart and even if they were, their hands are tied. they just follow a script. i know they aren't smart, i built their houses, the really rich doctors. it's just medical is like stealing. they "practice" medicine. i'd tell the doctors i was gonna practice building their home.



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