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InMotion V8S


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Looks like InMotion has released an update to the V8 series:

  • 1000W motor (up from 800W)
  • 728 Wh battery (up from 480Wh)
  • 15kg (up from 13.5kg)

Still has the same max speed of 35 km/h, although I hope it's closer to a real 35 km/h without the 7% inflation, now that they have more battery and motor power.


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54 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Wow, that's significant!

This might point to 40 21700 cells (instead of 40 18650s). I wonder how they found the space.

Will be interesting to see if they changed the shape of the shell to accommodate the larger battery capacity (the overall wheel dimensions haven't changed according to the specs on the InMotion France website).

I'm a little disappointed they didn't bump up the speed to 40 km/h like the 5 km/h bump going from V8 to V8F.

Edited by Asphalt
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14 minutes ago, Asphalt said:

I'm a little disappointed they didn't bump up the speed to 40 km/h like the 5 km/h bump going from V8 to V8F.

It's still 2p (presumably), so the battery isn't "stronger" than the old one, just bigger. No allowance for more speed, there's the V10F for that.

The V8S seems to be the V8F replacement, just with the different cells they use now.

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5 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

It's still 2p (presumably), so the battery isn't "stronger" than the old one, just bigger. No allowance for more speed, there's the V10F for that.

The V8S seems to be the V8F replacement, just with the different cells they use now.

Battery Cell specs:

  • V8 - LG MH1 6.4Ah / 480WH
  • V8f - LG MJ1 7.0Ah / 518WH
  • V8s - ??? 10.1 Ah / 728WH

If the V8s battery cells are 21700, shouldn't they have a greater discharge rate than 18650, leading to the possibility of a bit more speed?

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I find it curious that this V8S is not showing up in other markets or is it? From what I gleaned from reading the French Inmotion website, it looks like you have to jump through hoops to ride in France. On another note I think the V8S would be a great wheel for a petite commuter rider. Do we have any community members who are on the petite side of things to comment on this stuff?

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To replace my V8F I would need a V8X with the same speed because the limits in several countries are close to 25 km / h, so this will no longer be the first selling point for many manufacturers. To sell in the future it will be autonomy. So a dream V8X should have 100 km of range in 16 inches to keep handling and performance, that's what most new riders are looking for. It is better to travel far than too fast. If there is a suspension, it is comfort but not a priority. Don't add multiple settings and no extra maintenance, please no brittleness.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Finally, something new about the V8S. EcoDrift article! Nice pictures and disassembly.




They don't like the waterproofing too much.

The cells used are LG M50T 5000mAh. Pretty cool how they managed to get 740Wh of battery where 480Wh used to be.

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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Well of course the other news was the V8S officially appearing on both ewheels and EUCO a few weeks ago.

But I was definitely glad to see the ecodrift teardown. (<3 those guys.) Helped clarify a few speculations for exactly what changed and how this was accomplished. Overall an awesome refresh, but damn that current price is just a bit high for what I consider a 'casual bicycle-class' wheel--here's hoping it's in part a product of the current battery crisis and might settle a bit lower in 6 months or something. Or if only they could get the V10's few more mph and 2.5" tire into something the overall size/weight of the V8F/S (so a cross between the V8S and the MCM5 v2).

Edited by AtlasP
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While I appreciate that a lot on here will go into major yawn mode when a V8 is mentioned, they really do have their place in the market. I have a V8f and really like it.. it’s so easy to throw in the car and to use as a lightweight city run around. I can’t say the range disappoints me either for my use age. It’s very rare that I’d want to ride more than 20kms around a city anyway. To be honest I wouldn’t want a 80kmh, 150kmh range and 40kg wheel anyway. What weight does the V8s come in at?  I guess not far short of a V10. I guess the increase in prices of all EUCs is due to shipping costs, that have gone up hugely of the last few months. 

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1 hour ago, Nostris said:

While I appreciate that a lot on here will go into major yawn mode when a V8 is mentioned, they really do have their place in the market. I have a V8f and really like it.. it’s so easy to throw in the car and to use as a lightweight city run around. I can’t say the range disappoints me either for my use age. It’s very rare that I’d want to ride more than 20kms around a city anyway. To be honest I wouldn’t want a 80kmh, 150kmh range and 40kg wheel anyway. What weight does the V8s come in at?  I guess not far short of a V10. I guess the increase in prices of all EUCs is due to shipping costs, that have gone up hugely of the last few months. 

The V8S is only a couple pounds heavier than the V8 & V8F.

The V8 line is indeed the Toyota Corolla of the EUC market--one of the best-selling EUCs of all time, cheap & effective in its category of last-mile/casual-bicycle-replacement especially for its relatively lighter weight compared to most alternatives (important for many people/use cases including when used in conjunction with other public transpo like taking on a bus or train).

Conversely the original V8/V8F's battery was certainly inadequate for many people. (This doesn't even require some marathon riding session.. a few smaller trips throughout the day--true all-day usage--and the V8's capacity is quickly exhausted.) And I think for many people only a couple pounds is worth the significant bump to range.

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5 hours ago, varamontelo said:

La différence d'autonomie entre V8F et V8S est trop courte. L'autonomie accrue était la raison de cette nouvelle production, mais ce n'est que cela, donc insuffisant dans ce métier face à la concurrence des autres marques. Je pense qu'il valait mieux doubler l'autonomie d'un V8F et arrêter la production du V10. Il était possible d'avoir 70 kms entre 18 et 20 kilos, en 16 pouces.

In English please:) https://translate.google.com/

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La différence d'autonomie entre V8F et V8S est trop courte. L'autonomie accumulée était la raison de cette nouvelle production, mais ce n'est que cela, donc insuffisant dans ce métier face à la concurrence des autres marques. Je pense qu'il valait mieux doubler l'autonomie d'un V8F et arrêter la production du V10. Il était possible d'avoir 70 kms entre 18 et 20 kilos, en 16 pouces.

Edited by varamontelo
bug traduction google
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23 minutes ago, varamontelo said:

La ...

Still as french as it could be ;)

That's how google understands it

"The autonomy difference between V8F and V8S is too short. The accumulated autonomy was the reason for this new production, but it is only that, therefore insufficient in this business in the face of competition from other brands. I think it was better to double the range of a V8F and stop production of the V10. It was possible to have 70 kms between 18 and 20 kilos, in 16 inches."

and deepl's version


"The difference of autonomy between V8F and V8S is too short. The accumulated autonomy was the reason of this new production, but it is only that, so insufficient in this business facing the competition of other brands. I think it was better to double the autonomy of a V8F and stop the production of the V10. It was possible to have 70 kms between 18 and 20 kilos, in 16 inches."

Edited by Chriull
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20 hours ago, Chriull said:

Still as french as it could be ;)

That's how google understands it

"The autonomy difference between V8F and V8S is too short. The accumulated autonomy was the reason for this new production, but it is only that, therefore insufficient in this business in the face of competition from other brands. I think it was better to double the range of a V8F and stop production of the V10. It was possible to have 70 kms between 18 and 20 kilos, in 16 inches."

and deepl's version


"The difference of autonomy between V8F and V8S is too short. The accumulated autonomy was the reason of this new production, but it is only that, so insufficient in this business facing the competition of other brands. I think it was better to double the autonomy of a V8F and stop the production of the V10. It was possible to have 70 kms between 18 and 20 kilos, in 16 inches."

A valiant auto-translate effort. Unfortunately commenter doesn't understand the technical differences and corresponding product differentiation between the V8S and the V10 line.

  • The V8S is still over 10 pounds lighter than the V10 line, which is of distinct value to a decent chunk of particularly smaller/petite riders. (My g/f can and does use a V8 daily including carrying its low-30s-lbs up/down steps and in-and-out of public transpo & ubers without much trouble, but she simply could not/would not comfortably do so with the 45+ lb V10[F]. Adding a fair amount more weight which she very much does not want for more range which she doesn't need for her particular usage would be a major downside.)
  • On the flip side, the V8 line is woefully inadequate for heavier riders who need the V10's all-around beefier hardware as a baseline, and for whom the V10 line is the necessary entry level they cannot go below.

Eliminating the V10 line would remove any of IM's options for heavier riders under $2k. Making the V8 line any heavier would make it less desirable or perhaps remove it as an option altogether for those riders limited by carrying weight. Alas getting the V10's beefier motor, larger tire, and larger battery capacity into something the size/weight of the V8 series seems to be beyond the current level of technology. (The MCM5 V2 would seem to be the closest, and yet still it comes with trade-offs that make it more of a sidegrade to the current V8S or 16S and not really in the class of the V10 series.)

Edited by AtlasP
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Like you I own both lines. Two very different beasts for different purposes.

I use V10F for comfy rides.

V8F for tricks or get my Pizza fix 10 minutes away...I stripped mine it down to a mere 13.5kgs (no Handle, no side lights, no side panels (!) )

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