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    Inmotion V8F

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  1. From the photos, it looks to have too generous manufacturing tolerances and low quality steel. For me both are clear defects, but for Begode it could be standard quality.
  2. I really hope they don't use those devices to faceplant EUC riders.
  3. I picked it up from newspaper. https://www.hs.fi/talous/art-2000010399839.html
  4. @bene The proposal has passed two voting's. It comes into force at June 1st. https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/vaski/EduskunnanVastaus/Sivut/EV_28+2024.aspx
  5. You are welcome. Today has the proposal passed first voting. https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/vaski/KasittelytiedotValtiopaivaasia/Sivut/HE_10+2024.aspx
  6. This the latest proposal to my knowledge. https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/vaski/HallituksenEsitys/Sivut/HE_10+2024.aspx There is going to be some changes to it.
  7. Eucner

    Inmotion E20

    Not for enthusiasts, but this will be legal for riding on sidewalks in the EU.
  8. Actually at the first I said your force arrows were in wrong direction. Then I said the arrows were in the direction of displacement. It's your presentation and up to you if you want to show forces, displacement or something else. Just label it correctly and have right direction. When acceleration and braking the thicker part of tire will be on the different side of contact patch. Hence there is 4 different cases. You can condense them into 2 pictures, if you add 2 arrows showing moving direction for accelerating and braking. I followed your orders, and that's how I found errors in pictures. I didn't ask you to make any pictures. It has been your free choice all the time. I've spend some time trying to help you, and that's my free choice. Your pictures will be helpful when they are correct. I assume that's also your goal. I'm sorry if I haven't been able to be clear enough in my communication. I feel you not being fair to me.
  9. I don't know how this relates to the subject. Gravity is pretty constant, so not much pushing and pulling. Gravity is a force, which creates deformation in the structure.
  10. There should be 4 pictures. There was no tire pattern difference in your pictures. The direction of movement was missing. The deformation of tire should be similar in both tire pattern orientations. When accelerating the contact patch moves forward and when braking backwards. The contact patch is more elliptical than oval.
  11. 21700 batteries depending on test method and chemistry have exothermic energy of 0,6 - 1,1 MJ/kg. Magnesium has 24,8 MJ/kg. Li-ion thermal runaway has certainly capacity to ignite Mg. I wouldn't count Chinese manufacturer's using non-flaming Mg alloys, if not specified and independently tested.
  12. Yes, that's partly true. There is difference how rubber behaves when it is pushed against ground or pulled off. The first one has longer contact patch. The compression side can also buckle and the stretch side can't. The rigidity of tire comes mostly from ply layers. The variation in road tires tread pattern will have much lesser effect. So, perhaps no need to dig this too deeply. The tire wear comes from deformed rubbers slippage under the load. The wear gets exponentially bigger when slip increases. Regarding the water flow direction, it is also important to note what happens in cornering. The front tire pattern will spread water out of the corner and rear tire pattern into the corner, which is bad because that's the way we are going.
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