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Quality of videos in The Video Thread


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12 hours ago, pico said:

I am left speechless! :barf::crying::blink:

Dont be  a little editing and or sharing  is all it takes. too many videos without effort being posted in my view, its not good. that's all. 

Edited by RayBanMonster
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10 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Im on day 3 of edit  and was going post another boring ride of me thru the hood, but you are probably correct, i neednt bother. I would like to step it up, but i am just NOT GOOD at preparing and filming and all the editting. Hell,my computer doesnt like it either.  I admire the skill it takes. Sadly, I spend a LOT of time to just get my shitty videos up to the crappy standards they are. It takes me forever to align telemetry and to even get the damn camera to work. I just dont have the skill to make it a little more effortless. YOu guys do great work and I feel like some are definitely working in video or have trained in video. You make a good point Ray, hurts me to admit it, but it is what it is. Even thinking of content is a nightmare for me. Rather than hear my stupid opinoins and risk offending or incriminating myself, I make the videos pointless. People used to ask for simple videos to just watch and feel like they were out for a ride, or to see how other people and where other people ride/live. Sadly, I also am not overflowing with information that I think anyone would benefit from... So, carry on you pro's, I'll perhaps consider not entering into the arena where I am terribly outmatched.

I think youve misunderstood me a little... Heres my issue.. if youre going to post a video, you can discuss something about the wheel or the ride, or yourself.... its not about being whizz bang filmic.

Its not about superb editing, its not about these things at all. Everyone is invited including you.

I just feel like some 2 pages back an unedited film with no commentary  and poor shots of the wheel isnt really good content on its own

Please dont take my commentary as a personal attack, my friend. It isnt about your content at all.

Its ok to have shots of yourself learning,  its fun, that is good content.

Some folk seem stuck in a rut is my point... I think they can share more of themselves and their passion, I think thats what people want to see.

Have an opinion, share it.. thats all.


Edited by RayBanMonster
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43 minutes ago, RayBanMonster said:


I just feel like some 2 pages back an unedited film with no commentary  and poor shots of the wheel isnt really good content on its own

I agree, but posting videos from others (Chooch, Wrong Way, Kuji or similar) is more boring in my eyes. 

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9 hours ago, buell47 said:

I agree, but posting videos from others (Chooch, Wrong Way, Kuji or similar) is more boring in my eyes. 

?Some of the best EUC riders content by views more boring:?  How so? I dont get that. Iam keen to learn...

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8 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

I know what your saying but unfortunately it has come to a point where many members are intimidated to even submit a video.

There was a  member that would regularly criticize other member’s video productions and many actually quit the forum because of his unfair analysis. 

I don’t have any answers other than let’s try to complement fellow member’s hard work. Remember most have devoted hours into producing their video production for everyone’s pleasure. 

Warning, Debate ahead:

I get that Rehab Thank you for contributing, ( this isn't about you though, treasured & appreciated you are in contribution in the forums )

So, allow me to continue my "angsty" rant which isn't at you, its about  "LAZY video  mission creep", I feel needs to be headed off now.

If a member feels intimidated to post (hopefully its mild not strong) ... SO BE IT.!  WHY? Because that's how it should be! RAISE THE BAR. The Video thread is the "space mission" in this forum lets stop pretending. 

We need a  high bar regardless,  despite hobbyist entertainment. We are representing huge numbers of increasingly interested people.  WE/ You are unique... lets stop pretending... When people see every single EUC rider they are fascinated and amazed. That carries a huge responsibility.

Lets not forget... this is the most incredibly ECO progressive slice of a transport industry right now too,  &  it is incumbent upon us all to influence the laws & wave a flag of legitimacy to bring inclusion to us all over the world.


This "hobby"is so profoundly NEW,  not even the law can keep up.

This "hobby" deserves to be promoted well,  not showcased as a sorry dribble, esp when we know folk observe best through video.

This "hobby" is so not a hobby for higher numbers.. it is a transport tool and needs credibility right now to stop us being legally marginalised.

Every single person that owns an EUC right now is like a "god progression"  We all feel it & know it from the comments that happen to us & keep continuing.. (bless them, we were once also like that)  . It is a profound &  decent thing to enjoy but be humbled by our representation....despite the fact we pay for it hard when we get the riding wrong! (Face-plant hell)

We /You are trailblazers 

A poor attention to video quality this time  is lazy, and doesn't reflect upon us well whilst review and legal determination is happening. In this regard it shows a cavalier attitude to what we / you/them are experiencing and strips us of our rights, for if one thing is for sure.. WE ARE BEING REVIEWED RIGHT NOW HARD BY GOVERNMENTS OVER THE WORLD. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO SLACK

The majority of video is fine.. no problems... I just got mouthy over seeing lame video disrespecting road traffic and with poor commentary.

Banal videos without opinion, or showcasing value, opinion or great style   shouldn't be perpetrated much. This is bigger than self.

Conclusion. It takes no editing skill whatsoever to at least talk positively your values and experience with the wheel  if your filming skill is bad. after all.. youre still riding the damned wheel.

PS. To everyone...   Its not just about you.. its about US.

Edited by RayBanMonster
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39 minutes ago, RayBanMonster said:

The majority of video is fine.. no problems... I just got mouthy over seeing lame video disrespecting road traffic and with poor commentary.


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7 hours ago, RayBanMonster said:

?Some of the best EUC riders content by views more boring:?  How so? I dont get that. Iam keen to learn...

Not they are boring, YOU are boring! Why? Shane has explained it for me very well.

1 hour ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Fwiw, i think its downright awful for people to post videos from other people. I know how youtube works. I know how to go watch videos of the people who market themselves and have great content. I REALLY don't need a third party, pushing videos that arent theirs. Why would I assume that the collection of videos that I like (made by others), needs be regurgitated here by me, as if my opinion and 'best hits' list makes a single solitary fuck to anyone else...


Please don't feel offended, because I also don't like boring videos. But, here is the right place for ALL good and crap videos and I know how to Block people and I know who is making good stuff that I like and who is making crap which I don't click. Same on Facebook, I have a long blocking list because of daily boring videos. I like it clean. :efee612b4b:

To all people with boring shit videos, please don't feel offended, because that's the reason why I don't post videos, nor I have a camera for filming. My videos would be the same boring shit for other, except for my family. 

Sometimes I use my smartphone and (try) to film some spectacular things when riding alone. At home I show it my family and they doesn't look spectacular anymore. :laughbounce2:

Then I delete the shit, but that's me, others prefer to show the boring stuff to others and that's your damn right (unfortunately). :roflmao:



If someone wrote to me here or on Facebook about Power-Pads, but didn't get an answer, sorry, you just shouldn't have posted so many shitty videos, then you wouldn't be on the blocklist. :rolleyes:



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I have to say @Mike Sacristan I've always found you slightly irritating since I called you out on YT for not wearing a helmet and you snapped back at me to mind my own business. But I held back from commenting further as you clearly had no desire to change your ways or even acknowledge your role as an ambassador of the sport.

But I won't stand by and say nothing about your misogyny. The childish sniggering about it being a 'moist' Saturday was one thing, but the final comment on your first video - "right in the vagina" - is just vile. Seriously, that sort of shit is unacceptable and is part of the reason the sport is still primarily one for 'bros'.     

Edited by Midlife Cricycle
Not clear who I was responding to.
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Just now, ShanesPlanet said:

Don't get your panties in such a twist. The world is full of all types. Fortunately, most of us don't give a shit if a random stranger finds something 'unacceptable'. What baffles me is, why would you sit thru 30 minutes of video of a man you find irritating? Im also wondering who's in charge of this 'assign ambassadors comittee'? Help yourself to my videos, one can only hope you find them equally offensive. Just a heads up, I don't wear a helmet very often, am not an ambassador to anything, and am also irritating to damn near everyone... Its so nice to see new people around here, welcome to the forums.

Saying "the world is full of all types" to excuse shitty behaviour is a cop-out. If you have no desire to make this community more inviting to 50% of the population, that's up to you. But I seriously doubt you speak for the majority, as you claim. That you admit you are irritating to damn near everyone suggests the opposite is closer to the truth.
The IG video I watched is not 30 mins. More like 2.

What I don't understand is why you are so active on this forum when you have such obvious disdain for nurturing a healthy community?  

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Yes, it is my opinion that him saying "right in the vagina" is offensive to women and is the sort of attitude that keeps more from growing the sport. You can dismiss me as just another PC, bleeding heart, censorship-obsessed type but, like you, I don't give a shit. When I hear that stuff, I'll call it out. Not for you, because you are clearly not going to change, but for others who may be watching/reading and wondering if it's just them that get a little uncomfortable hearing such stuff. If more men called out other men's misogyny rather than dismissing it as just a little 'locker-room talk', the world would be a better place for all of us. It shouldn't matter whether it's a locker room, a board-room, behind closed doors or out in the open. The more it gets called out, the less we will hear it. Too bad if it makes things a bit uncomfortable.

For the record, I used to find humour in that sort of stuff too. Then I stopped being a teenager.  

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