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MSP arrived wtih dead battery pack?


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Hi All,

I received an GW MSP today. When I turn it on, it just beeps constantly and won't accept the sequence to unlock it from transport mode. However, it does connect to the original Gotway App, EUC Word and WheelLog. Both the EUC World and the WheelLog app show the batteries as having about 24 Volts of charge (and yes, I set them both to the 100 volt versions). Either the GotWay app doesn't have this value displayed or I can't find it.

An experienced EUC rider, who also has several wheels from GW, came over. It was his 'expert' opinion that the state of charge is depleted to about 1 volt per cell, well below the 3.3 volt shut off level for GW wheels, and that it will not be possible to recover the battery packs.

Then there is me, I'm new to EUC's and just wanted to learn how to ride one. I have emailed the seller and they are asking for a video to 'prove' the issue and the serial number from the wheel. He maintains that I have not yet 'proven' to them that the wheel is defective, only GW can determine if the wheel is defective and to issue a refund, and that I will be charged a restocking fee if the wheel arrives and it somehow starts to work.

A couple questions for the forum:

The charger shipped separately, does it make sense to wait for the charger and to see if the wheel accepts a charge?

Where is the serial number located on the wheel?

Given the evidence at hand, is there consensus that this battery pack is discharged beyond recovery?

Thanks all, I'm new to EUC's and this may very well mark the end of my exploration with these devices.







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Sorry to hear that you have had this disappointing start to your introduction to EUC ownership.  However, despite the very low state of charge your friend has found on testing, it would still be worth waiting for the charger to arrive and give it a chance to put charge into the cells.  If you are successful in getting a full charge into the wheel, it would be wise to leave the charger plugged in for a couple of hours after the light goes green to help balance the cells.  I wish you good look and hope that all works out well and that this does not see you give up on EUC's as a hobby.  Hopefully this turns out to be a temporary glitch, you can put it behind you and then start on your journey to the undeniable enjoyment that only EUC's can offer!

Edited by fbhb
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Attempting to charge it was my first instinct as well, will give it a go and report back towards the middle of next week.


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Definately I would ask full refund if it is Dead on arrival.

They could send you just new batteries, but if there is some faulty constant current draw, that would kill new batteries also.

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Well, the rep at freemotion has instructed me to charge the wheel when the charger arrives.

The situation just seems to get weirder as the rep has also stated that he knows nothing about EUC's and has been emailing others for information. His english is also poor and it seemed to take forever for him to understand that I wasn't trying to unlock the top speed of the wheel, simply that I was trying to unlock it from 'transport mode' so the wheel was active and self balancing which I am still unable to do. When I turn on the wheel it just beeps consistently, will not accept the unlock button press sequence and will also not shut off. It just goes on beeping for about 15 minutes until it somehow (thankfully) stops beeping on its own.

Through what can only be described as a poor ability to read english, the rep also misinterpreted one of my emails yesterday and then got angry with me on the phone, started talking over me and at one point implied that I had dropped the wheel. The wheel has never left my home and was opened carefully on a carpet in my recreation room -- it has never left my house and most certainly was never dropped. The interaction started to feel all too trumplandish. I adopted a conciliatory tone with the fellow and talked him down, but in all honesty the interaction was frustrating. I'm the one with 3k on the line, not him.

I guess they also want a video of the wheel doing it's thing before I put it on the charger so I'll take a breath and put that together for him tomorrow. When the charger arrives I'm thinking I'll plug it in to an external wall outlet and have it set on a concrete pad just in case something bad happens. Who knows, perhaps it will charge up, but if I trust the opinion of people who actually know something about the wheel rather than a relatively uninformed rep this entire hoop jumping routine is going to be a huge waste of my time.



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2 hours ago, UniMe said:

Who knows, perhaps it will charge up, but if I trust the opinion of people who actually know something about the wheel rather than a relatively uninformed rep this entire hoop jumping routine is going to be a huge waste of my time.

At this point, video evidence seems to be the only way forward for this stubborn seller.  So do as he asks and make sure you document everything by video, with the help of your friend again, that you are unhappy with and definitely do it outside for safety reasons!  Once you have physical proof, he will have to honour your claim as there will then be nothing left for him to argue about.  Failing that, the video evidence could also be used to make a claim with your credit card company, if necessary!  I do hope this gets resolved with a satisfactory out come, good luck!

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That really stinks that this happened. I hope you can get this sorted soon!
Definitely be very careful if you do plug it in! If the cells really are down to 1V, odds are they are permanently damaged and cannot be recovered. I personally wouldn't plug in a battery in this state, it's not worth the risk!

Edited by redfoxdude
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Thanks everyone, it looks like I need to just return this wheel and take the risk of them hitting me with a restocking fee and needing to incur the cost of shipping which they would otherwise pay. But, it's $500 or $3000 at this point, so cutting my losses at $500 is probably the smart move. I guess I could also tie them up with paypal, but at the end of the day my time is also valuable. Thanks Chriull, hearing from a moderator on this forum is reassuring. I don't really know anyone yet and am still on a steep learning curve.

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On 7/19/2020 at 12:08 AM, mrelwood said:

Sorry to hear this happened to you on your first wheel! An incident like this is incredibly rare, don’t let it put you off!

 Measuring the individual packs is really all that was needed to close the case. I would definitely not plug in the charger! A video on the measuring process could’ve been useful as well, but I wouldn’t show or mention it to the seller unless they ask you to open up the wheel. If they really want to be difficult they could claim that the warranty is off once the wheel has been opened up.

 Anyway, the case is very clear, and the seller is responsible. A PayPal dispute is an easy process and would take less of your time than fighting with an ignorant seller.

Thanks for the feedback! I really dislike conflict and talking to that guy has been awful. I'll look into the paypal route, it may create the distance needed for me not to feel so stressed by the interaction. The packs are reading 26 volts or so when drawing from both packs. I'm guessing this is why the wheel won't unlock and just beeps away until it shuts off on it's own -- there's just not enough juice in the system and/or it's in some sort of crisis/lockdown mode.

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55 minutes ago, Rywokast said:

the thing that surprised me the most was that it was able to "turn on" at all, I mean no lights came on and it didn't balance

Great idea. As the voltage measurement seems only be done by the motherboard

6 hours ago, UniMe said:

but they are basically the same was what EUC World and another app display i.e. 26 volts or so when drawing from both packs

It could be that the failure is only the motherboard reporting the wrong measurement and everything else is fine!

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Take a picture of the reading and show to the seller. Anything under 2.8V per cell is considered harmful. That's 56v for an 84v wheel, or 67v for a 100v wheel.

Otherwise you'll be sending it back without any real proof other than claims.

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Theoretically it should be fine to swap the board and the packs, to save on shipping. It would give me peace of mind that it won't happen again. But you have to decide for yourself if the seller is worth the favor or not. Telling you to charge a 1V cell means they have no respect for safety and who know what they'll send you.

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Ya, it's the knowledge and respect thing that has me unsettled. The seller rep really didn't seem to know what is going on, so much so that I'm not sure if it's ignorance or disrespect asking me to charge the cells from their current state. I'll send you a PM.

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Sorry you're facing so many issues on your first wheel. 

FYI, FreeMotion shop doesn't have the most sparkling of reputations over the years (see below). I've been through my fair share of crap distributors, so I'd say document Everything (including dealer interactions), and at the very least, like said before, PayPal dispute is fairly easy and typically sides with the buyer, so you will be made whole worst case scenario.


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8 hours ago, alcatraz said:

If you haven't done so already, please exclude the control board by measuring the pack output voltage with a multimeter.

Was just thinking of a recommendation were to measure to @UniMe - the easiest and hazle free spot.

From ecodrifts msp teardown 


after opening the side with the mainboard


i'd measure directly at the capacitor legs (red squares).

They should be directly connected to the battery, have no insulation and no connectors need to be touched?!

As always with measuring battery pack voltage - be carefull to not (accidently) short circuit the pack with the probes! Make sure the dmm is in DC Voltage mode - in current mode it will short circuit the pack, too!

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