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People staring and asking questions... part and parcel?


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1 hour ago, Dzlchef said:

What are the credits worth???

I'd have to carry cards to hand out.  Maybe put the forum on there as well?

I'll have to think about that level of commitment. 

Well, like I said, I have no idea what the credits are worth, but I assume something meaningful.

I have a stack of EWheels business cards (from Jason) with my referral. I hand those out to people that express a strong interest. It's actually less about getting a "credit" but more about an easy way to direct them to a useful resource.

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1 hour ago, Marty Backe said:

Well, like I said, I have no idea what the credits are worth, but I assume something meaningful.

I have a stack of EWheels business cards (from Jason) with my referral. I hand those out to people that express a strong interest. It's actually less about getting a "credit" but more about an easy way to direct them to a useful resource.

Yeah, but I don't have the EUC harem you have.  Still trying to whore myself out.  This addiction has no dignity 😞

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I’m in a college town so I LOVE talking to people about the EUC, literally 50% of my riding time is spent socializing with people. 

The best people to talk to are the ones who pull up beside me on the road while I’m going 25+mph and shout “what is that thing!”

Just today there were a group of girls in an SUV that almost ran me over trying to chase me down, all with their phones out recording me, and as I’m making a left turn and them a right turn, one of the girls boldly shouts “we should fu*k sometime!!” 


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1 hour ago, Darrell Wesh said:

I’m in a college town so I LOVE talking to people about the EUC, literally 50% of my riding time is spent socializing with people. 

The best people to talk to are the ones who pull up beside me on the road while I’m going 25+mph and shout “what is that thing!”

Just today there were a group of girls in an SUV that almost ran me over trying to chase me down, all with their phones out recording me, and as I’m making a left turn and them a right turn, one of the girls boldly shouts “we should fu*k sometime!!” 


:laughbounce2: Oh God, I love this. Where were EUCs when I was young? :furious:

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12 hours ago, Marty Backe said:

I have a stack of EWheels business cards (from Jason) with my referral. I hand those out to people


5 hours ago, Darrell Wesh said:

Just today there were a group of girls in an SUV that almost ran me over trying to chase me down, all with their phones out recording me, and as I’m making a left turn and them a right turn, one of the girls boldly shouts “we should fu*k sometime!!”

Maybe we should have some personal business cards to hand out also just in case anyone says we should fu*k sometime , we get a fu*k Jason gets a wheel sale ,,Aaaah what the hell just invite Jason round we can all talk about it together 😂😂

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On 5/2/2019 at 1:42 PM, prasket said:

I have even let a few try it out with just putting their arms on my shoulders and getting on.

I'd be worried people would get hurt on it. Getting on an EUC takes preparation... body armor, safe environment, minimum level of fitness, etc. What if they hop off and the thing rolls into the street in front of cars, or into the water?

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On 5/2/2019 at 6:42 PM, prasket said:

have even let a few try it out with just putting their arms on my shoulders and getting on.

Cheapest way to upgrade your wheel: pretend you cant ride, ambush a rider in the park on your wish list wheel, with a barrage of questions, get invited to try it, hop on and disappear into the sunset. "see ya Sucker!"

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17 minutes ago, Smoother said:

Cheapest way to upgrade your wheel: pretend you cant ride, ambush a rider in the park on your wish list wheel, with a barrage of questions, get invited to try it, hop on and disappear into the sunset. "see ya Sucker!"

I don't ever see anyone:laughbounce2:

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27 minutes ago, Smoother said:

yeah but i know where you live and I've had my eye on your  an MSX for a while now. :ph34r:

Ooooh yeah , I'm on it mostly so you'll have to take the z10 ...shit why did i say that 😂

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On 5/6/2019 at 8:11 PM, Michael Tucker said:

30mph with a full face at night works for me. The only thing I hear is the wind.

If I have the misfortune of being at a red light with someone:

"How fast does it go?" - "It depends"

"How much is it?" - "It depends"

"What's it called?" - "A self-balancing electric unicycle"

Lights green - "Bye Now"

About that..

After more than 3 years riding EUCs i came to the same conclusion of the "it depends", but i'd like to separate things, as a friend of mine mentioned the other day ( @takeda ) i was talking to everybody, stopped and tried to "inform" them about this non-pollution movement thingy etc. I've got tired, i want to ride my thingy and don't get stopped.

I may talk to a guy that seams he is in same age as me, i won't talk to kids and more (no point really), and i'm avoiding the old people, cause half of them get scared and the other half are over-the-top curious and don't stop with questions, "but" only if i have time to spare and maybe on my way back home etc.

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