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    Orem, UT
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    S18 King Song

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  1. I've been getting the exact same problem you described (on my Master and T4): on cold temperatures the display won't turn on, but after it gets warmer it works. I've asked my dealer for a possible solution. I'll let you know. So far it is a temperature related issue for sure.
  2. Please any updates on this issue? I've been having the same problem on my Master and T4. So it's probably hardware related (and it's just happening now that the temperatures are low). Thanks.
  3. Please, does anyone know a link for a city street tire to the Begode Master? Thanks.
  4. Sag is 20% when I stand up on the wheel. When I start to ride it over bumps etc., it goes all the way to 50% or more.
  5. It doesn't move all the time, it's the opposite. It keeps the ride stable and very comfortable.
  6. I like that kind of sag. They say it's the extreme one LOL. I'll try to tape it later. But I rode on grass and it did EXTREMELY well!!! Feels much more stable than the other wheels I had in the past (16x, Tesla etc.). Liked a lot!
  7. Can you send me a picture of what you're talking about? 40 days ago with Green Fashion but I just received it now.
  8. Don't know if my S18 is the second batch, but the suspension out of the box is flawlessly. It's excellent! I don't see any need on doing anything on the bolts etc. Congrats @Jack King Song !
  9. Don't know if my S18 is the second batch, but the suspension out of the box is flawlessly. It's excellent! I don't see any need on doing anything on the bolts etc. Congrats @Jack King Song !
  10. What is your favorite suspension dial settings?
  11. How much do you weight, please? Also, are you pumping the negative chamber without the KS block? You should.
  12. Please, I kindly ask to a V11 owner to post his weight and best psi suspension settings. I'm 200 pounds 6'2 - What settings should I go for? Many thanks!
  13. Was kiwano a scam? Or just really a bad product?
  14. Check his weight. For heavier guys the range will be much smaller.
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