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Fahrtwind last won the day on July 20 2016

Fahrtwind had the most liked content!


About Fahrtwind

  • Birthday 09/01/1975

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  • Location
    Germany, NRW, Welver
  • EUC
    Inmotion V5F+; Inmotion V8F; Kingsong S18

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  1. I had the same error, the motherboard was replaced under warranty. Everything is fine now…I documented it a few threads above
  2. As you know: I had to change my motherboard, last MB was on 2.09. The new Board came with V2.16, I coulnd´t find any differences/improvements
  3. Sorry I was wrong (had a look at the wheel yesterday). The collar is from the outside - so no chance the cap was pressed in...
  4. Sure it rolled out? I am pretty sure, there is a notch/collar which prevents the cap from falling out. I guess it was pressed in. Maybe you can find it inbetween the motherboard and top cover. I think the cap is not sold seperatly...if you don´t want to change the whole top cover, I would glue a piece of acrylic glass inside the top cover...
  5. I had the problem with my V8F, charging stopped at 81,4V - leaving the wheel connected to the charger for hours after the light turned green didn´t help. I measured the voltage of the charger: 81,4V. I opened up the charger and found a setpoint potetionmeter (covered with white goo) and adjusted the voltage back to 84v. Now everything seems to be fine again. Why does the output voltage changing over time? Anyone found the same behavior with an inmotion charger?
  6. Ok, here I am living in the countryside in a perfect world. To visit a town like Vanvouver - especially the rough part -will be a new experience for me…thank you for your support!
  7. Fun fact: from the Hotel „Atrium Inn Vancouver“ to Eevees: 600 meter walking. I contacted them, I hope they can help me…
  8. Viel Spaß und präsentiert uns gut! Möglichst keine Stürze oder Ausfälle. Ich bin leider in Kanada - ohne Einrad
  9. Hmm, I think I have seen this pic already somewhere
  10. Hi, I have got the same behavior with my V8F. My KS S18 always stays connected! Latest Beta...
  11. Changed the motherboard, and the S18 is back to live!
  12. She is alive and charging! But just for the records - I spent one hour to fit the Mainboard to the top frame. Whatever I tried, I couldn’t install the top cover. The rear holes of the cover didn’t match the thread of the Aluminium frame. The enlightenment came after a cup of coffee. Just for the records: How stupid is this? I had to break away 3-5mm of the mainboard! There was a predetermined breaking point. I have no clue why KS delivers boards with this trip hazard! In bed just after midnight…
  13. Thank you again! I pushed it in the pocket close to the board beeper connector with some force…the beeper has a plastic housing. I will need a tool to get it out again - hopefully I never have to reinstall a mainboard…
  14. Sorry, missed that post! Ok. But the cable is very short and will be squeezed by the Aluminium part underneath. This can’t be the correct way to install it
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