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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Hmmm... 16X advantages: * Trolley handle * Significantly higher pedals (if true). * Torque (?) * Looks better, a little less oversized. * Build quality Nikola advantages: * Gotway Glide (presumably) for relentless power delivery, ride feeling, more power on mountains. * More comfy 17'' tire. * No extra speed edge, it seems... or maybe? * ... that's about it. I'm a bit disappointed in Gotway now. Their first-iteration amateurish design is a bit lame in comparison for a +2000 moneys wheel. Usually they always had some kind of ace in the hole, but now I don't see one. Looking forward to see Marty compare how the wheels really ride when both are released.
  2. @Jason McNeil Isn't the Nikola 17x3 whereas the KS16X is 16x3? Also, isn't the Nikola expected to be a bit faster? 45 or 50kph for the KS16X and ~55kph for the Nikola (essentially the same just with no hard limit)? Also, that's quite a difference in pedal ground clearance! Will it really be that big, or might they have measured differently?
  3. Glorious day for a nice ride. Bit hazy like yesterday, but great weather and views of the still snowy mountains. It's definitely spring, lots of animals pairing up. Here's a pair of geese. Never seen this type before. They were side-eyeing people (including me) stopping and having a look, but in the end were very chill and just ate some grass. More mountain views. I did a short detour from my round trip into the mountains, could not resist. It's up the small valley you can see here. Scenery. Some Llamas along the way. Up into the mountains. And up. Getting notably colder, and there's still some snow. Where I turned around. I was worried about my battery. Justifiedly, came home on the very last of the low battery tiltbacks, but I made it home There's an ACM hidden in the shadows. Map of the round trip with the detour into the mountains.
  4. Wow You haven't even had the wheel for a year, right?
  5. Correct I have you to thank for my "I must go riding now" attitude after last Monday
  6. Just being relaxed doesn't magically solve any wobble, no matter how bad. The wheel is wobbling, after all. But being relaxed allows you to automatically dampen away wobbling that would amplify and crash you otherwise. Tired legs aren't relaxed, tired legs are tense. Tense legs and you get wobbles. Whether tense from being tired, or cramping because of a sudden wind burst, or because of sitting down (I always get wobbles if I try to sit on the wheel). I think it's because your legs react too slowly to dampen away the wobbling when tense, and you end up with chaotic balance of the wheel.
  7. Thanks! Without wheel, the photos would be too boring I think.
  8. Ride today!! It was almost warm! Almost... The route was along a river and back. Still barely spring, as you can see. But no longer winter Small ford along the way. Wonderful water colors (looks nicer in real life). A bit further along... Colors! Further up the river. I've been told my pictures look postapocalyptic because there's no people in them. Friday afternoon is always pretty empty, it was actually hard to have people in the picture, but here are some. How many do you count? Point of return. It's always nice to see that it's 33km back home and thinking "no big deal" Rural scenery a few steps away. Snowy mountains hiding in the afternoon haze. Swans, pond, ACM, mountains. Saw a lot of swans today, never saw any before. Mountain view. Gorgeous sunset on the way back, looking behind me. The church spires are a neat detail. I promise there's other people in those vehicles More sunset. This definitely proves I did NOT release a deadly virus so I could ride undisturbed (as certain people surmised) Route (clockwise). Just a quick 60km ride I need bigger batteries.
  9. It's interesting how there has been an evolution of form factors since the original Solowheel, and now it seems to converge upon the "tall egg". No more low, circular wheels like the old Ninebots, ACM and 16S (I really expected an evolution of the KS16 form factor from KS, not something totally new). But I guess the round ones were always more of an exception. This one looks good, though, and if the tall egg means default seated options, I'm all for it. Even if it seems to be slightly disadvantageous for packing in more batteries (they could, but every design wastes a lot of space). That's hilarious. And, as I've learnt, more true than one would think (the UK is more stereotypically British than I ever imagined). Get some "puke" and "trash" and whatnot stickers (I'm sure there are novely ones to be found somewhere) and do something like this. Add a little UK flag and maybe some text "the British wheel" and voila!
  10. It's called lying. Manufacturers lie. Those numbers are lies. LIES Not for one second have I ever believed any of these rider-dependent specs are given in good faith. Let's not kid ourselves...
  11. 3 year old weak (unsafe for heavy riders) and slow wheel vs. current, powerful (=safe) and fast wheel. What is even the question? V10 !!!
  12. Doesn't work for me unfortunately https://youtube.com/watch?t=56&v=HsLSOcbi7pc (Timecoded. Think of Lisa as Marty.)
  13. Cool, enjoy (finally!) The long wait must have been unbearable...
  14. What, really? Oh come on. That is slapstick level of nasty I assume there is no secret meaning of "fractured" that isn't "broken bone"? Your high cautiousness makes more sense with that context. Maybe steel-toed work boots will be the next protective gear trend... - Anyways, 16X. The extra bass speaker is a cool idea. They seem to consequently go with the mobile speaker idea, just like with the big speakers in the 18(X)L.
  15. That is a fantastic idea!!! No complicated or electrical mechanism, just manually adjust the angle how you see fit.
  16. So if this is only a prototype, I guess the release will be towards the end of the year? Going by the 18(X)L schedule? Will GW will have their next 16 incher after the Nikola out when the Rockwheel KS16X releases? But it certainly looks nice. I wonder for how long the design existed and how much influence the ninebot Z was. I'm surprised KS did a 3 inch wide tire. Expected 2.5 like the V10, and maybe just a modest 16S update. Nobody would have said "Kingsong!" when shown this design. Finally, might it get a smaller 14 inch brother?
  17. Video stills make it look like a gaming PC $2000 IS overpriced. We've been at ~1Wh/€ or Wh/$ with the 84V ACM. That is much more fair. It's more like overpriced vs. even more overpriced now.
  18. € my friend Your cheapo wheel paradise USD prices don't tell us Euros much.
  19. Looks neat indeed! Though whine + 45kph makes me hear a little voice echoing from the mountains... "Niiiiiikola" it seems to say. Let's see the price and more hands-ons...
  20. Not a bad place to ride! Or bad weather. Meanwhile, here...
  21. From this thread: click $2000 for the MSX 1600Wh vs. $2100 for the Nikola 1600Wh. They indeed seem to make it more expensive than the MSX Oh well, let's see how this translates to the final prices.
  22. Pedals are interchangeable on all Gotway wheels, so just buy a pair when the Nikola is released.
  23. If you look at the V8 weight in pounds and the Nikola weight in kg, the Nikola number will be the smaller one... is that good enough?
  24. Well, low weight or good safety+speed+range, choose one option. Can't have both at stage of technical development. An easy choice to make for most people. Batteries weight what they do for now, and I guess while the motors are crazy heavy and could certainly be improved, making them even like 50% lighter by using aluminium instead of steel would be too expensive. Waiting for these light polymer solid state batteries and some lighter motor constructions...
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