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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. You can now. Sorry for the initial restrictions, it's for spam prevention.
  2. Decide on the camera, and then ask real people with that camera for real life experiences editing that footage and what works and doesn't work.
  3. Not sure if it would work, but a nice suspension idea would be a soft ring between tire rim and motor. Same principle as a soft tire. Along with some soft pedals. No mechanical devices needed, like springs and whatnot. Comparably cheap to build. The old Inmotion concept shows spring suspension. I wonder what it will be... and what the result will be.
  4. (Moving this topic to the "Learning to Ride" forum. Sorry for the second move, but we moderators try to keep things in places where people expect them. If you would like it in a specific place, just tell us, it's up to you.)
  5. Go faster. It is quite hard to go slow (like walking speed and slightly over) and it is much easier to go faster - 10mph and above. You're in a slump because you're training to do things at too slow speed. Speed up and it will be much better. Do the exact same thing you do in the video, just get up to speed quickly and stay there. With learning progress, you can slow down after speeding up and will still be stable, down to slower and slower and slower speeds. I recently made a similar post for a similar situation, see here: I think 99% of your "problem" (not a real problem, luckily) will go away with more speed. You can also consciously try to keep your hands at your side (touching your pockets, but not in them) to prevent arm flailing. This will automatically make you do more hip-twisting instead of shifting weight between the feet. The hip twisting is also something you can consciously train. (To explain how to balance via twisting the hips, think how you would balance a bicycle at very slow speed - by rapidly twisting the front tire into the direction you would fall. Work the same with the electric unicycle under you.) A 14D is pretty much as good as it gets, small, light, nimble. I believe more speed will solve everything. Don#t be afraid of moderate speeds (and wear at least wrist guards). Good! Anything that distracts you (like being afraid of something) makes you tense, which makes it harder to ride and learn.
  6. This is a good tip. Instead of waiting, ride the wheel in a no-high-stress scenario (e.g. downhill or just normal flat riding at moderate speed), if you can. The wind will cool it much faster than waiting for a still wheel to cool takes.
  7. The GX-16 charge ports have 5A listed as official maximum current. Not sure how much current they can deal with. But 7A and 9A is a lot! You really should get into contact with Gotway if you want to make a charger that works with their wheels. You can ask them the technical questions.
  8. I don't know about EUCs, but from my biking days, it was always some tiny little pebble getting inside the tire and puncturing the tube. But I guess it depends on the surroundings what gets you
  9. Don't see these 360 cameras as 360 cameras, that does them a great injustice. See them as regular action cameras that magically film exactly what you would have wanted to film in hindsight. Because you can freely adjust the field of view later, as often as you like, in any way you like (just some editing work required choosing the perspective). That's their real strength - not some 360 gimmicky stuff. Why would anybody still use a regular action camera now that 360 cams exist? They're brilliant. That's how I see them. So ask yourself how often you would use a general purpose action camera.
  10. Ask her what she prefers, EUC or Onewheel. Just tell her the truth - EUCs are better in every aspect except the ease of learning, so she will take a EUC if she's in doubt - and let her decide. As for wheels... which one do you have?
  11. The Insta 360 family of cameras has this "magic" (computational) selfie-stick removal. It's a fantastic effect. Such a small idea, making such a huge improvement in the video. Brilliant. Like having a personal camera drone. Not sure if any other cameras or software exist that do that.
  12. Is the sound similar to the "magnet sound" you hear if you change direction very quickly and strongly (in a pendulum)? Low speed direction changes? A bit like grating or sand rubbing in the wheel? If yes, maybe one magnet of your motor is demagnetized and "slips" under high stress and produces a similar sound? That's the best idea I can come up with - be aware it is pure speculation, haven't heard of this happening before. Maybe it's tire related, but I think probably not. It's always good to check your tire pressure (3 bar is standard) and extremely carefully and thoroughly (easy to miss) look and feel (with your fingers) whether tire or tire rim have some deformation, so you can do that, won't hurt.
  13. Please post in English on this forum. Use Google Translate if you need help. Google Translate: Not sure what this means, maybe you can be more specific.
  14. They used different widths for magnets vs. coils to get the desired characteristics - more torque but not too much speed loss (with even more torque). The Ecodrift guys seemed quite impressed with this idea (MSP disassembly article). Of course it's no huge innovation, but for the level the manufacturers are acting on, this is pretty clever and thrifty. Gotway seem to be doing and trying a lot of these technical improvements all the time.
  15. That's not true. They're the only ones with 100V wheels and 126V research, extra small (mten3) and big (Monster) wheels, their new motor design is highly creative and specialized, they had a ton of board revisions and improvements, firmware revisions, wheel revisions (there are more fundamenally different versions of the Nikola alone than Inmotion has models overall, for example) and they're still the most willing to experiment and fast-iterating of the manufacturers. Gotway are doing a lot of different stuff (maybe not the stuff we want, like build quality and ergonomics). If they are not innovative, who is?
  16. Actually, it is welcome if you want to make your own themed topic (along with posting in the aggregate threads) It's up to you.
  17. I have a hard time seeing the market getting smaller, but maybe there is some kind of saturation reached. And the lack of a competitive enough cheaper entry model is a big problem, I guess. The King Song 18 incher indications are the juiciest bit for me. There seems to be something definitive going on.
  18. The date doesn't matter, just the battery capacity. The date would be just a hint for the battery capacity. Sorry if I haven't been clear.
  19. Not sure how Inmotions serial numbers work. Other serial numbers have the date as part of them, e.g. ...20191114... would mean assembly date of November 14th 2019. Maybe there's a hint in the serial. I don't believe there is a separate date somewhere. You can ask Inmotion support whether they can tell you. It's a one sentence question. I think this is the official site for that in the US: https://www.myinmotion.com/pages/support
  20. One more great blog article by @EcoDrift. They interviewed GW, KS, IM. Monowheel manufacturers answer your questions (Russian original) Some things are lost in translation, but it's interesting nonetheless. Maybe a native Russian speaker can help clear up some things. Some points (there's more, so just check the article out): Gotway: hired a "quality engineer" 2 months ago, results should be visible to sellers and riders 126V "too dangerous and not advisable" now, but possibly in the future no plans for 2020 except model updates (I might be understanding it wrong, maybe it's just referring to the msuper?) no 3 inch wide tire 14 incher/MCM6 in the works, because that would require an expensive new shell design King Song: suspension is the next goal, also hey have a better intelligent BMS looks like their next wheel might be a new 18 incher? no plans for speeds >50kph/31mph Inmotion: new wheels will be IP67 water-protected (IP55 now)
  21. That sounds just like the standard speed wobbles. Your legs tense up when braking, which diminishes your ability to automatically balance out all the rapid movements of the wheel at speed. As all other speed wobbles, it should go away with experience. You can always increase your PSI to see if anything changes. Maybe low PSI aggravates wobbles?
  22. The 750Wh vs 650Wh thing should be the only thing that might be different. Seems like the wheel originally came from ewheels anyways if ewheels-branded wrist guards are included. Does the wheel have a production date or a serial number? You can go from that - either the date is obvious, or you ask Inmotion support - to infer your battery capacity. Maybe @Nick McCutcheon @Jeffrey Scott Will can help.
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