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V12 Cutout tracking


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3 minutes ago, Paul A said:

Yes, paying thousands and then having to fix problems seems a bit unfair.

KS18xl has never had a problem in all these years.

The new wheels are surprisingly problematic.

Yeah it seems crazy because their profit margin is very very high on these wheels over cost to build minus expensive battery packs of course but skimping on quality whether it be mosfets ,soldering or even too small of wires just doesn’t make sense in an engineering standpoint and for safety and quality .it’s up to us to put the bad companies out of business or make them work harder for our money for quality products.My friend just won the lottery a year ago and I wish I could talk him into starting a company in The USA that would build quality euc’s .He has never rode one before ,I think I’m gunna try to get him addicted to euc’s  🤣🤣

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1 hour ago, Robse said:

This spin test doesn't make any sense at all.  "Take your new wheel - for which you just paid +$2500, lift it up, let it spin wild (dont drop it... bad, really bad for you surroundings) and se if it breaks.  If not, then you are now 100% sure that it did not go "kaput" this time.      And that's the only thing you a now sure of....

It's the only "official" stress test I'm aware of right now aside from Ewheels' suggestion of bouncing it down some stairs, and it has weeded out defective boards in the previous batch, so while not the best solution, what better alternative is available if you are a V12 owner? The concerns you raised are not real hurdles - how much the unit costs has nothing to do with performing the spin test, and you can do this outside away from anything you might hit. Wouldn't you rather see that the unit can handle some level of stress before you ride it, rather than blindly believe that its fixed and put your safety in someone else's hands? The built in diagnostics tool is trash BTW - when my wheel cut out with burned mosfet, the diagnostics still showed everything functioning perfect :facepalm:

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5 minutes ago, conecones said:

It's the only "official" stress test I'm aware of right now aside from Ewheels' suggestion of bouncing it down some stairs, and it has weeded out defective boards in the previous batch, so while not the best solution, what better alternative is available if you are a V12 owner? The concerns you raised are not real hurdles - how much the unit costs has nothing to do with performing the spin test, and you can do this outside away from anything you might hit. Wouldn't you rather see that the unit can handle some level of stress before you ride it, rather than blindly believe that its fixed and put your safety in someone else's hands? The built in diagnostics tool is trash BTW - when my wheel cut out with burned mosfet, the diagnostics still showed everything functioning perfect :facepalm:

How has your rs19 ht and exn been performing any issues with them ? 

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Yeah… nevermind. I just went out on a test ride and the wheel just turned off sfter a minute at 3km/h. Lcd and button non responsive, wheel is not balancing.

dont ride your v12s…

Edited by rolis
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5 minutes ago, Dosingpsychedelics said:

How has your rs19 ht and exn been performing any issues with them ? 

Solid as can be, but this isn't the thread to be tooting Gotway's horn. I feel the same disappointment as other V12 owners. Some anger tossed in there as well, as my worst injury to date was from the V12 cut out, faceplanted so hard hitting a speed bump at a measly 20 km/h that my helmet cracked open.

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41 minutes ago, conecones said:

It's the only "official" stress test I'm aware of right now aside from Ewheels' suggestion of bouncing it down some stairs, and it has weeded out defective boards in the previous batch, so while not the best solution, what better alternative is available if you are a V12 owner? The concerns you raised are not real hurdles - how much the unit costs has nothing to do with performing the spin test, and you can do this outside away from anything you might hit. Wouldn't you rather see that the unit can handle some level of stress before you ride it, rather than blindly believe that its fixed and put your safety in someone else's hands? The built in diagnostics tool is trash BTW - when my wheel cut out with burned mosfet, the diagnostics still showed everything functioning perfect :facepalm:

I dont agree ;) - its simple;  with the knowledge of the sudden cutouts in mind, would you buy a "brand new wheel" from a dealer if he informs you, that spin test is done, and everything seems right?   $2500 is a lot of money, at least in my opinion,  and giving that amount away for a "maybee maybee not" defective product, that can break your bones, and make you do the silly walk for the rest of your life, thats not what to expect from such an expensive "toy".  I expect that the unit can handle the stress, i do not expect that i have to test it.  And if there is the slightest chance that anything is wrong, then the manufacterer has to take action.  I know this is not to expect from inmotion or any of these chinese hrnmm... erhhmm....  you know.   Lets have a beer :cheers:

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1 hour ago, conecones said:

I think you misunderstood me. I am not suggesting doing the spin test to justify buying a V12. It should be very clear in this thread that most of us are recommending AGAINST buying it. My suggestion/question to do the spin test is for people who already own the V12. If you are an owner, do you trust Inmotion that the new board is fixed? I say no. We should explore ways of stress testing this new board without having to put riders safety at risk.

My dilemma is there are no good choices:

1. Return it? Cannot do even though I bought from a great retailer because no official recall from Inmotion labelling the units as defective.
2. Keep riding it? Will not do because I have too little trust in the QC.
3. Sell it? Will not do until I am willing to ride it myself, because I do not want to cause another rider to get hurt.


Ok - all clear :-)   i see your (damned) dilemma, and i think we actually agree.  If i  owned a V12 i would be raving mad at Inmotion, nor would i under any circumstances dare to ride it. 

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Did InMotion even do any rigorous testing on the new board before mass producing them? It seems not.
InMotion have been making some rookie mistakes lately. And isn’t the V13 coming out later this year? After this fiasco, who in their right mind would put a deposit on that wheel.


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6 hours ago, rolis said:

Yeah... Inmotion should pay me for the work I did today :D



So I guess you rather want it glued in the case like some mobile phones. 

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31 minutes ago, EUC Phenomenon said:

Did InMotion even do any rigorous testing on the new board before mass producing them? It seems not.
InMotion have been making some rookie mistakes lately. And isn’t the V13 coming out later this year? After this fiasco, who in their right mind would put a deposit on that wheel.


So how can you tell they didn't test it? I mean we can assume many things but to know for sure... 

Now this seems to go in many different product groups not just EUCs or Inmotion. We like in times where product recall or rework is getting to be the norm. 

Now you could have bought a "tested" wheel that has a few years of user history by now. But most of us don't choose to do this I know. I myself bought 3 different 1st batch/edition wheels. 

In the end it is us the consumer that drives the ever fast product to market culture. 

Now as of the V13 I can say Inmotion has gone a different route in development. But how that will effect the end product I can't say just yet. This will be something that we are not used to see. But I dislike the total focus on ever faster speeds. So I will stick to my V11s for now. 

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57 minutes ago, Unventor said:

So how can you tell they didn't test it? I mean we can assume many things but to know for sure... 

Now this seems to go in many different product groups not just EUCs or Inmotion. We like in times where product recall or rework is getting to be the norm.

I didn’t say they didn’t test it. I’m asking how much testing went into it. As people have said many times, we are the EUC manufacturers tester. But how long are we going to go through this until InMotion get it right? I think it was late December last year the cutouts started to happen and now it’s JUNE and we are getting problems with the new board. Is it going to be another 6 months before InMotion come up with another possible fix? This is my first wheel and It hasn’t been a good experience so far.

Edited by EUC Phenomenon
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1 hour ago, Unventor said:

Now as of the V13 I can say Inmotion has gone a different route in development.

What different route have they taken? Hopefully the route where the wheel doesn’t cutout going over a small bump.

Edited by EUC Phenomenon
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1 hour ago, EUC Phenomenon said:

Did InMotion even do any rigorous testing on the new board before mass producing them? It seems not.

The worst part is, they are not supposed to merely test their stuff (even if they did... or the riders do, eventually). They are supposed to design their stuff so they know what can be done with it and what cannot. Building electronics is not some inscrutable mystery.

18 minutes ago, EUC Phenomenon said:

This is my first wheel and It hasn’t been a good experience so far.

I can understand why you must be immensely frustrated. This is the worst fuck-up seen so far. People waiting over half a year for a fix for the one absolute worst-case problem a EUC can have (and never should have), and then that fix might not even be a fix, who can tell?

1 hour ago, Unventor said:

In the end it is us the consumer that drives the ever fast product to market culture.

Sorry, but that's such a dumb comment. Blaming the buyer for expecting a working and safe 2500€ product? Did I forget about the part where we put a gun to Inmotions head, forcing them to make bad hardware and release the wheel then?

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11 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Sorry, but that's such a dumb comment. Blaming the buyer for expecting a working and safe 2500€ product? Did I forget about the part where we put a gun to Inmotions head, forcing them to make bad hardware and release the wheel then?

Sorry, but I believe @Unventor may have a point.

I have to say the buyers should share some of the blame.

For example, there are enough buyers who would preorder first batch wheels (even zeroth batch sometimes) knowing full well those wheels will have issues. 

What can I say. The manufacturers keep repeating this charade models after models, and buyers keep coming back for more.

And the competition among the manufacturers don't help either.

If one manufacturer comes out with a hot item, and garner a ton of preorders, the other manufacturers would have to scramble to announce something that looks competitive or even better in order to steal back some of the preorders and sales. The manufacturers don't have to worry too much about issues because the buyers complain a bit online, and then will always come back again to preorder for the next round. Manufacturers know that most buyers will only buy one of competing choices that are available for that particular round, so they are forced to respond fast. After all, not everyone can buy one of each euc in one go like @FrenchUsa. 🙂

And the said thing is I am not immune. I said I won't buy another early batch, but guess what, I close to preordering one. Nah, I am not addicted. Logic is meant to be defied.

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On 5/30/2022 at 4:58 AM, evans036 said:

yeah, in my case the new driver board had been squished during transit such that all the mosfets had been push onto the pcb. one of the mosfets was not only bent but also pushed sideways which made it really difficult getting the heatsink holes to align.

first attempt at install caused a short between the mosfet and the heat sink (found the short via multi-meter). on the second attempt i managed to get everything lined up before tightening the heatsink/mosfet bolts and it seems fine now.

the temp sensor on the board also had to be epoxied because it had come loose due to bending of mosfet during shipping

the v12 seems to be running fine after riding 20miles

pic of driver board as delivered:



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19 minutes ago, Clark Wong said:

Hello , This is Clark from official Inmotion ,could you please let me know who sent you the new board ?We sent the boards to our distributor with good package , that's unacceptable you get the board like this. 

i got that board from ewheels. i am not happy.




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10 hours ago, rolis said:

I have recieved my v12 today. Started it up and it stopped working in about 2 minutes. Internals still on, but no balancing, no input/output on the top panel, "please repair" screaming at me. It was just a glorified speaker with some LEDs. 


10 hours ago, rolis said:

Brand new, straight out of the box with the new motherboard.


9 hours ago, rolis said:

I just went out on a test ride and the wheel just turned off sfter a minute at 3km/h. Lcd and button non responsive, wheel is not balancing.

dont ride your v12s…


Maybe packaging of postal items is not the only issue to investigate and respond to...

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17 minutes ago, Paul A said:

Maybe packaging of postal items is not the only issue to investigate and respond to...

Sorry, I dont understand what you mean.

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Continuing the previous post:

With the android app there were no issues:


So I went for a really slow test ride to see If it is really ok.

After about 200-300 meters, the wheel stopped balancing under me without warning and started yelling “please repair”. Same issue “com communication”

Edit: im in the train and got bad connection, but let me continue.


Then after I pulled this heavy speaker home and let it sit until it shut down after the standby time was over it turned on without a problem!

Link to part 3/3



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There would be many owners that do not belong to a forum like this one, would not be as technically skilled, would not have an Android phone, would be experiencing the same problems... 

IM lack of quality control on an issue of app incomparability is surprising.

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