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    Inmotion v5f, Gotway EXN (sold), V12 HS

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  1. I feel stupid that I didnt think of this. There was this suggestion: “On most phones you can connect to multiple Bluetooth audio devices and just use one for audio output. And they usually remember which one is the one you prefer to use. On iPhone you tap that icon and a list of all available audio devices appears, and you select which one you want to use“ and from there I can choose between devices and if I want to use just my phone and no bluetooth speaker, I can do that. well, someone has to ask the stupid questions 😬 this time it was me
  2. Yes thats great, but not when you want to do anything else on your phone when traveling
  3. The title is quite self explanatory. There were a few instances where this happened and while its a great prank, it can be quite uncomfortable because of the loud speaker 😅. So is there any chance of password-locking or turning off the possibility to connect to the speaker?
  4. rolis


    Took my v12 and my old v5f on vacation for the first time. It is so much better to go somewhere with a wheel! The video did not fit into the 3mb limit https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgASwXuKL38/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  5. I would just like to share on what to look out for when installing the new board besides shorts, and checking for blown mosfets. There are two very important steps when to look out for mistakes: 1. When putting together the case of the two boards - Be sure, that the motor phase wires are not in the way of anything. There is a heatsink on the blue board that might squish one of the wires. And be careful that the other wires are not pushing on any other components. The phase wires are very tough to bend. 2. When installing the top part with the display and the handle - There are a lot of wires that can get stuck in between parts and get damaged. Check before and during the installation of the part if there are any wires getting squished.
  6. No idea. Mine already came with the new board. Still broken, but the new one, so I cant compare.
  7. There are loads. And those who are riding theirs with the new board don’t write on the forum Mine works perfectly after the board switch.
  8. That was the first thing I did when I turned the wheel on besides the noise, do you like the tire? I have one on the way and I am wondering if it will be a significant difference to the original.
  9. I cant compare since I only rode the v12 with the newest board. My distributor decided not to sell the v12 back when problems arose with the old board and decided to wait. Thats why I only have the new one.
  10. Hi everybody. Its been a few days so here is my update on the V12HS with a new board. Firstly, it seems that these board failures seem to happen when installing the new boards. There haven´t been many instances of them failing. You have to be very careful not to squish any cables when putting the box together where the two boards are located and then when putting the top part with the display and handle on as well. This might not be the issue, but the V12 is a pretty complex build and it´s a bad idea letting the final consumer have a go at it. Secondly... I love it! It rides like a charm. I have been riding it nonstop for the last 3 days and I don´t think it will fail on me. Now its time for upgrades. Pads and pedals are a must!
  11. Its probably time to put this out. Do not ride your V12 with a new board. There seems to be an issue with the new boards. There will be more information soon and your distributors will get to you too.
  12. rolis


    there is no easy way to get to the back of the screen to look at its board, so I wont do that 😬
  13. rolis


    Uuh I can actually help with this since I got my v12 guts on the table. There is the board with the power electronics(black), the blue board controlling the screen, LEDs, speakers and such and then there is a small little green LED cable distribution board. On the blue board there is a small coin battery Then near the screen you can find a small blue board that is used for no-cable-connections between the blue board and the screen, button, light sensor (photo in next post because of size)
  14. rolis


    I very much hope so. I know of another v12 with the same/simmilar problem, but hopefully a new board will solve this.
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