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My first EUC the road to ...failure or sucsess ?

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Well after my first attempt on a EUC a Ips i5 that wouldt take a charge.... im taking a second attempt n orderd a New learning wheel.... to se if this EUC World is for me or not :ph34r: 

This is a noob going into EUC space...

So my weapon of choice  :blink: is the prob boring to You pros a Ninebot one S2..

Dream EUC of the future a Sherman or a Ninbot Z10 (i know its prob a stupid risk)

so let the adventure begin when the white snow ball arrives. :facepalm:

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  • xSAMCOx changed the title to My first EUC the road to ...failure or sucsess ?

Since its Winter here in Norway :popcorn:i got acces to the gym at work ill figure i practice in. 
The sherman is prob my fave wheel but i prob Get frustrated if i crashed a 3k wheel learning so small step to a bigger step later. Could bought one as my first  sumtimes one has be lill sensible looking at a few You tube vids there seems to be a learning curve to master .... first

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6 minutes ago, null said:

Congratulations, it should be good fun. If you aren’t a giant and can avoid riding too aggressively you’ll be fine.

Consider some makeshift side pads (some stiff foam bit), which will make mounting and dismounting easier.

I have about 1000km on a S2, it’s a nice (if underpowered) EUC.

ps: check the battery health before any return is impossible,  There must be some old stock around. The battery could also just be in sleep mode, if needed look it up.

The place i orderd from was out of stock before xmas n got in more now but if its old ones i dont know. Yes prob a underpowerd wheel but its more one to learn on take those baby steps. Maybe ill make sum side pads for it. Or sum protection for my first failure attempts :mellow: i cant wait this will be fun


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You are setting yourself up to fail, by not getting it thru your head. You WILL learn the euc and it WILL become second nature. Entertaining the idea of failure, will only make it more likely to come true. I'd imagine most people who never learn the euc, never made up their mind to KNOW they will learn it. I approached my first euc with the knowledge that its was IMPOSSIBLE that I couldnt figure it out. I had never seen one in person and had no assistance. I now love riding them. I am not amazingly talented or tough or strong. But what I did have was conviction. Could I have been wrong.... of course. Would I enter into the challenge with the idea of accepting defeat... NEVER!!:furious:

Good call on the smaller invstment of a lighter and cheaper wheel. Nothing wrong with starting out HUGE, but you wont ever find one wheel to rule them all anyhow. You also won't own just one wheel in the end. If a little less expense makes you feel more comfrotable with learning and less worry of damage costs.... do that! Even once you get good on an euc and buy others (yes, you will!), the smaller wheel will become handy as a spare or to let newbies give a go. Me, I aint putting a brand newbie on my 80lb $3k wheel. Fwiw, I find much joy in ALL my wheels and its not dependent on size or speed. Oddly, my most limiting wheel is the one I ride the most and enjoy just as much, if not more, depending on destination/needs. Having a wheel that isnt UBER expensive, allows for a much less worrisome ride, and provokes much dumber attempts at random idiocies.

You WILL learn this and you will love riding. Just as you learned to ride a scooter (yes, it takes learning too), you will learn these. No more of this "if" and "maybe" crap. Spend the money, put in the effort and you will reap rewards. Its simple, undeniable and basic connect the dots :)  Welcome to the nuthouse!

*yes, euc had one hell of a learning curve for me. Nothing a little determination can't easily fix in a week or two! I chose grass for my first 2 days, as falling was part of my plan!:efee6b18f3:

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6 minutes ago, WasDevNull said:

I agree with @ShanesPlanet.   You will learn.  I'm hard of hearing with terrible balance and not even 2 years in & ~ 2000km and I can ride in figure 8's without really trying too hard.  You'll get it if you stick with it.

ANSWER ME THIS: DO YOU ALSO SEEM TO NOT LOSE ABILITY OF WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED, EVEN AFTER A BREAK? (<-for the hearing impaired) I was very relieved to find its similar to a bicycle. Once you get past a certain curve of learning, you dont digress. Thank GOODNESS I found it to be this way. Same with swapping out wheels. After 2 mins, its all the same as it was before.

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I also once claimed I never needed go faster than 25mph or own more than one wheel. Lucky for me, I dont care about need, its about wants. As i recall, I argued against the very point I have come to accept. Fast is never fast enough and one more wheel is never enough. Being 'selfish' has its rewards too. Hooray for ima get mine!

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3 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

You are setting yourself up to fail, by not getting it thru your head. You WILL learn the euc and it WILL become second nature. Entertaining the idea of failure, will only make it more likely to come true. I'd imagine most people who never learn the euc, never made up their mind to KNOW they will learn it. I approached my first euc with the knowledge that its was IMPOSSIBLE that I couldnt figure it out. I had never seen one in person and had no assistance. I now love riding them. I am not amazingly talented or tough or strong. But what I did have was conviction. Could I have been wrong.... of course. Would I enter into the challenge with the idea of accepting defeat... NEVER!!:furious:

Good call on the smaller invstment of a lighter and cheaper wheel. Nothing wrong with starting out HUGE, but you wont ever find one wheel to rule them all anyhow. You also won't own just one wheel in the end. If a little less expense makes you feel more comfrotable with learning and less worry of damage costs.... do that! Even once you get good on an euc and buy others (yes, you will!), the smaller wheel will become handy as a spare or to let newbies give a go. Me, I aint putting a brand newbie on my 80lb $3k wheel. Fwiw, I find much joy in ALL my wheels and its not dependent on size or speed. Oddly, my most limiting wheel is the one I ride the most and enjoy just as much, if not more, depending on destination/needs. Having a wheel that isnt UBER expensive, allows for a much less worrisome ride, and provokes much dumber attempts at random idiocies.

You WILL learn this and you will love riding. Just as you learned to ride a scooter (yes, it takes learning too), you will learn these. No more of this "if" and "maybe" crap. Spend the money, put in the effort and you will reap rewards. Its simple, undeniable and basic connect the dots :)  Welcome to the nuthouse!

*yes, euc had one hell of a learning curve for me. Nothing a little determination can't easily fix in a week or two! I chose grass for my first 2 days, as falling was part of my plan!:efee6b18f3:

Ill give it a good go and if this is my call aswell i can se myself on a future sherman :mellow: going at turtle speed on the roads.

Got a helmet ,the one the Black cobra got the air 2 or what it was called. Sum protective gear but it might be overkill on the dinky joe One s 2 :ph34r: im Ready 


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3 hours ago, WasDevNull said:

I agree with @ShanesPlanet.   You will learn.  I'm hard of hearing with terrible balance and not even 2 years in & ~ 2000km and I can ride in figure 8's without really trying too hard.  You'll get it if you stick with it.

I manager to tame that kiawano pogo stick from hell :unsure: i hope that helped sum on balance going this EUC World with baby steps. It looks so cool to go on trails with a back pack on n music in the ears on the bigger euc You tube channel guys but i se its prob not the first thing to aim for so.... learn n progress up the ladder

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3 hours ago, Tawpie said:

I hope your bank balance is topped up. For some of us EUCs are like drugs—except the first one isn’t free.

I find myself wanting another wheel or two and I’m far from mastering or coming close to the limits of the one I have. Don’t need another one no sir. Nope, don’t need a used mTen3 to horse around on. Don’t have time to ride a long range cruiser, no need for that. Don’t need to get anywhere anytime soon so why go so fast I can’t hear the beeps? Nope. No need at all.

On the other hand, I live in the US so “need” has nothing to do with it. Constitutional right don’t’cha’no.

Or wrong, depending on the point of view.

Bank balance isnt unlimited but its not bare bones can afford a few wheels if im hooked. But like my passion on oled tvs one has to know when enought is enought :whistling: they say. 





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i Started on the S2 at the start of this year, its great wheel, fantastic if your in the city and just want something small and nibble to get around. You'll love it. I still use it when i go into the city and have to park out of the way, throwing the wheel in the back and be able to park just outside of the centre and ride in has earned its weight in gold :) 

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14 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Having a wheel that isnt UBER expensive, allows for a much less worrisome ride, and provokes much dumber attempts at random idiocies.

Same problem condition here. :efefd0f676:


13 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Fast is never fast enough

More head room is always welcome!


10 hours ago, xSAMCOx said:

can afford a few wheels if im hooked.

That is good, because standing on a EUC is like standing on a slippery slope .... literally and figuratively. 


10 hours ago, xSAMCOx said:

But like my passion on oled tvs one has to know when enought is enought :whistling: they say. 

WARNING: It takes a few wheels to get to that point. And, it is hard for an addict to know when enough is enough. B)

Addiction aside, it is good clean fun for adults and children of all ages, from 4 to 104 years! Welcome to the forum and hobby! Judging from your other electric fun, I am sure you will learn this new craziness without too much effort.


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7 hours ago, NickNonsense said:

i Started on the S2 at the start of this year, its great wheel, fantastic if your in the city and just want something small and nibble to get around. You'll love it. I still use it when i go into the city and have to park out of the way, throwing the wheel in the back and be able to park just outside of the centre and ride in has earned its weight in gold :) 

Alright that can be a use for it after i out Grow it. Im lill exsiting to Get going prob after way to many You tube videos of the big channels :popcorn: heros ones follow 





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5 hours ago, Scottie said:

Same problem condition here. :efefd0f676:


More head room is always welcome!


That is good, because standing on a EUC is like standing on a slippery slope .... literally and figuratively. 


WARNING: It takes a few wheels to get to that point. And, it is hard for an addict to know when enough is enough. B)

Addiction aside, it is good clean fun for adults and children of all ages, from 4 to 104 years! Welcome to the forum and hobby! Judging from your other electric fun, I am sure you will learn this new craziness without too much effort.


Thank You i like the passion here m its reminds me of ev car forums where people discuss rather than just arguing left n right like on av forum sites.

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14 minutes ago, xSAMCOx said:

Thank You i like the passion here m its reminds me of ev car forums where people discuss rather than just arguing left n right like on av forum sites.

Well, this isn’t a forum for trolls as no sane person would venture into these realms and actually start reading what we blabber about. Thats where the comraderie comes from.

i will chime in with my $0.02 as I was in your shoes about a year ago. I drove home from work one day and this dude (thanks @mrelwood) drove past me. I had to go home to look up what the heck he was riding and decided on the spot to give it a go. I also did not know a soul who had one, so i had to learn it all on my own... youtube is your friend but boy did it take time for me..

I decided to get my started wheel used. Found a good deal on a used ks 16 b/c. I didn’t want to go too expensive as I did not know of this shit was for me or not. I built myself a railing on my deck and drove back and forth with this aid for HOURS over the first two weeks. I can still remember the feeling when I managed to go my 5 meters without holding on to my makeshif railing system. Pure joy.

here is some advice and insights from my first season of riding

  • invest in your gear. There are only 2 types of riders, the ones who have taken a spill and the ones who will take a spill. When I started I had as much invested in my gear as my EUC. I want to keep on riding after my spills instead of nursing injuries.
  • start saving your €$£ or whatever you use. At first you will think ”20km/h is plenty for me”. This feeling will soon be replaced by ”i wish this thing was faster”. I decided to get a new wheel when Imfound myself constantly riding at the tiltback speed of the ks 16 (30 km/h) and I wanted/needed more safety (head room). Note, I am not riding my KS S18 a lot faster, I cruise at 35 km/h, but the added room on top gives me security if I ever need it.
  • If you have someone in your community that rides, reach out to them! My skills drasticlly increased once I started riding with more experienced riders like @mrelwoodand @UniVehje. Plus its a lot more fun to go to a meet and ”talk shop” and then ride together.
  • and yes, like @ShanesPlanet said, dont get rid of your starter wheel, as it will become a great tool to introduce your friends to this hobby/sport. I have one buddy who has put more than 500 km on my old ks 16. He will be getting a bigger wheel in the spring... so I mnaged to hook one more idiot to this crazy mode of transportation.

and lastly, as @ShanesPlanet already mentioned in this thread several times, don’t get deterred by early failures. We all have a different learning curve, but stick with it as it really is like riding a bicycle, once you get a hang of it, you will (probably) know how to ride for life. It took me eons to learn, while my buddy learned in 2 hours... i accredit this to me being a great teacher though :thumbup:

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I got sum protective gear already but im still missing those hand guards :mellow: not found a easy local  place to buy any ,so those can be a Amazon order. I reallly like those lazy rolls protective clothing i stumbled across on a You tube vid last week can se a future order from them of the more ease of having pads in the clothing. 

Orderd a bumper kit from speedy feets in Uk this morning  :unsure: after seeing duff early vids falling left n right.

On the speed i guess a future bigger wheel might be on the cards , maybe sooner than later :wub: i really like that sherman but 35kg weight it one heavy thing to handel ,but dont se myself wanting to lift that in my car daily. More one have in the garage n rool out.  

20kmh is rather slow, my 2 Ninebot scooters goes 30kmh a speed i feel its ok ish but not to fast i prob be happpy with 30kmh 


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2 minutes ago, pico said:

I am absolutely in love with the S2. The most comfortable pedals (rounded edges)for barefoot riding. Hint, don't do what I do :whistling:.

Very light and sturdy.

Highly under rated starter wheel in my opinion. Very good freestyle wheel. Ninebot made a mistake in not fitting it with the pads by default. If you can get one with good batteries(!) nearly on par with the V5F. Easier to learn on than the V5F. Ideal to practice in a gym.

Welcome to the addiction!


Thank You enjoyed ur video so i will check out ur channel more. Yeh i prob adicted before Even getting it :blink1: i just found a kick stand for the one S2 i just orderd this  keeps adding up fast. As ohh this seems handy :w00t2: pluss now u stressing me with ur riding skilles lol i be Bambi on ice vs You i see.

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Just ignore Pico's riding skills. Im fairly certain he's an Alien that was sent down here to undermine everyone else's confidence in slow speed abilities. He ALMOST got away with it, but his hat... oh that hat!

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1 hour ago, ShanesPlanet said:

but his hat... oh that hat!

I have to wear some protection you know :roflmao:



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