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Riding inside stores?


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Ok, I'll delete my post but still laugh a bit at the thought of particularly zealous "who, me?? PSH UNIMAGINABLE" posters having tried it at some point then thought better of it and now unwilling to admit ever being so misguided

All in all I must agree with the 'absolutely not, never' sentiment because even if the worst nightmare of slipping and having EUC burst out from under you and hurting someone, possibly very badly, doesn't happen..

It's skirting the line what might turn you from bringer of astonished smiles to countless folk including severe sticklers happy to see you being responsible...into careless nuissance or dangerous hoodlum, and earn you the sort of scrutiny that could easily last indefinitely, something you really ought not start down the path of nor continue along.

Edited by Lillerskates
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I take full responsibility for my actions, be it on a wheel or on foot or on wing, and heaven help us if I ever progress to rockets.

I RIDE in EVERY store, but I will usually push a shopping trolley.  I am going no faster than walking when others are in the same area.

Only ever get the pleasant questions and the odd look. Never had a problem.  Just be respectful around others. 

If you do not scare the footers, their curiosity is less likely to be overwhelmed by anger.

Stores in the USA provide electric driving carts to anyone free of charge to shop in the stores,  Mobility is protected by the A.D.A.

If it is against the law where you live, then NO, don't ruin it for those of us that can "get away with it"

Not everyone signed the same "social contract"


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There are no EUC rules. However there are laws and accompanying consequences of being caught breaking them. Whether or not people follow these laws is up to the individual along with whether or not they're caught. 

In general i think following the law leads to an easier life by the definitions of most people. 
Being a good person and to be considerate of others is nice and something to strive for, for sure.

I just believe it's possible to be both a good person while being considerate of other but also breaking the law at the same time, to the dismay of some, but of actual consequence to no one other than the individual breaking the law in case they are caught. 


On a side note: 
While thinking on the topic of being a good person and being considerate of others i began realizing just how selfish and inconsiderate driving cars is compared to an EUC.

Not only does the car take up more space on the road and with parking (you can't very well fold your car up and haul in into your apartment) it's also more of a nuisance with the amount of noise, pollution and smell it creates. It takes the lives of a disproportional amount of drivers and innocent pedestrians. 

Even in cases of accidents with no deaths the damage is far more severe to anyone involved simply because of the size and mass of the vehicle. I also believe an EUC to have the potential for far less frequent accidents in a statistic, because of how much easier and necessary constantly orientating yourself is compared to how complacent one can drive a car without suffering potentially fatal consequences.
On an EUC you know just how little it takes to cause a crash so you are overly careful and orientate yourself constantly from instinct. In a car you get a sense of security that isn't necessarily a false one considering you are driving a big metal box with a large mass.


Edited by xiiijojjo
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Lol, Sure you can ride it anywhere you like, even at burial grounds.

But would it be cool/respectful? Hmm, i think not?

But hey if people have ridden cars in stores, why not use euc.

I get that you aren't zooming true store lanes, same speed as fellow peasants that use so called legs. But hey you do you.

If people aren't saying anything, it doesn't mean it's alright. I bet most think you're simply crazy, not worth even saying something.

(Especially if you got all that safety gear on you.) Ofc if you got it..

Good thing there's still no laws for these things.

I think we found our first euc K.A.R.E.N. <3 Joke, joke.

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8 hours ago, Dosingpsychedelics said:

Do you use it while pushing a shopping cart 🤣👌🏻

I have a couple of times. I have carried furniture while riding... One time i even put a heavy clothes washer on my EUC to move it a few kilometers. 

One time for whatever reason i moved all my belongings into my new apartment at the time using only the EUC.

added after Hellkitten liked this.

Being broke makes you resourceful. So buy an EUC and get smart


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