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Riding inside stores?


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[Split off from another thread]

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The following quote by @xiiijojjostarted this discussion. The staff would like to remind everyone to be respectful to each other and keep the tone friendly and constructive. The example below is not a good one.

End edit


On 11/9/2020 at 8:39 PM, xiiijojjo said:

But personally i use my euc in the supermarkets and anywhere else inside for that matter. There was only ever a problem once where i had to exit a store, other times they just tell me to use the carrying handle and to step off it. But most my local supermarkets know me and they have never seen me walk.

You ride your wheel INSIDE the stores?! Is there anything about you and your daily activities that is not utterly impudent and antisocial?

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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3 hours ago, mhpr262 said:

You ride your wheel INSIDE the stores?! Is there anything about you and your daily activities that is not utterly impudent and antisocial?

Yes I do and surprisingly it has only even been a problem in the one instance otherwise it was handled politely by me complying with their request for me to step off it, I'd then ask if it was okay to continue shopping while using the trolley handle, and have always been told yes. I'm not pushing past the 80% beeps down Isle 3 my man. 

I don't consider that impudent as I'm not going any faster than walking pace, thereby not endangering people or property. I don't consider my actions antisocial either as there almost hasn't been a single day in my riding life when I haven't been stopped by pedestrians, cars or bikes to give them the 2 min spiel about "how fast does it go? How expensive it? How difficult is it"

If anyone wants to talk to me when I'm stationary or slow moving I always inform and socialize. Just because you disagree with my actions doesn't make me antisocial. But I understand countries like England use the term to describe behavior that is frowned upon although not antisocial in nature, so I figure that's what you meant. 

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I really don’t think it would be a good idea to ride indoors anywhere that children or very old people could be.
I understand that we ride on bike paths and walk ways with children and the elderly. The parents of said children brought their kids to a bike path an should expect the have to watch out for them. They should not have to watch out for bicycles and EUCs in grocery stores. My EUC is legally a bicycle .... I do ride around people walking at a college, as do bicycles. 

That said hammer down in the adult book store! .. .... Just watch out for the elderly. 

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Only feathers I seem to have ruffled other than those of old white people in my 4 years of riding is people from this forum who think they can dictate my way of thinking and acting simply because we ride the same type of vehicle?! these people somehow turn me into the Danish ambassador for eucs which I never applied for. Guys in case this hasn't gone through your thick skulls I am an adult and a criminal I don't care about your feelings or the legalization of weed or eucs I'll keep doing both at exorbitant quantities and speeds respectfully. 

You guys do you and will keep doing me and as an adult I will deal with the consequences down the line be it fines, prison or death. And in case I die in a high speed crash or while going 5km/h in a super market I just hope my death negatively affects the people trying to control my actions and attitude towards riding. 

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Well, I'm one for restoring harmony. My Daren attitude may have underestimated your skills and regards to safety.

Heck, wasn't there a dentist doing full dental work riding a hoverboard in Alaska?

How about posting a video of you riding inside the store? That should shed some light and clear the misunderstandings here. 

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Have you read anything in this post? I don't go faster than walking pace in stores , also it is a bad idea for people not capable of sustainably riding at walking pace unlike myself.

The reason i don't use the trolley is because i have the skill needed to ride in stores and on top of that i was only born with two arms and in a scenario where one is used for a trolley i would have to put down the shopping basket every time i pick up an item with my free hand, put it in the basket, bend over and pick up the basket again. However you are free to do that if you want to.

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Dnmrk snds like a grt place to live!

how many times hv u done this? u hv nvr been asked to dismnt? 

any other folks rolling arnd inside ( other pev, sktboards etc)?

When u hv to stop or cash out u keep one foot on pedal? 

Riding inside is very fun - i learned to ride after hours in my school.  euc very nice way to get arnd large indoor spaces. But like Icarus i flew too close to the sun - i almost mowed down school principal going arnd a corner one day so they clipped my wings ☹️

Im at a new even bigger school now so I ride again. endless smooth floors - heaven!

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3 minutes ago, amelanso said:

Dnmrk snds like a grt place to live!

how many times hv u done this? u hv nvr been asked to dismnt? 

any other folks rolling arnd inside ( other pev, sktboards etc)?

When u hv to stop or cash out u keep one foot on pedal? 

not a great place to live

1000's of times over the course of 4 years, no

no other pevs inside

yes 1 foot on pedal when stopping to pay or pick up items

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12 hours ago, xiiijojjo said:


..........1000's of times over the course of 4 years,....



So you're basically riding inside the store EVERY OTHER DAY!!! 

What are you buying, bro? I can't wait for the video!!

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5 hours ago, atdlzpae said:

And I want a second video that shows him running away from the police! :D

I just moved to a country where euc's are legal so i don't think i'll have to do that again but if i ever have to i'll turn on my phone camera for sure lol. Also i will attempt to try and ride inside stores here but it's a very different country and supermarkets so i have no idea if that would even be possible. 

I can however still post videos about my riding style once i have a wheel.

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