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MSP (HIgh Torque)


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9 hours ago, Giffy said:

Definitely love my MSP

I second that! I hope the EXn will be as good. 

On a side note, on the way back from the grocery store this morning I heard some noises coming from the right side of the shell. Upon closer inspection I found that I was missing two bolts. Easy fix, eWheels sent me some extras - they are the best!




missing bolts have been replaced, but I found that most of the shell bolts were loose. Probably due to the GW bounce the wheel had earlier this week while out on the trails. I also have to fish out a random RC bolt I installed when I misplaced a few stock bolts during the tire change.




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42 minutes ago, gon2fast said:

Upon closer inspection I found that I was missing two bolts

funny, I had something similar happen. I looked down once and noticed that the metal peg that held the petal up was falling out because the setscrew went missing. The only thing I could find at the hardware store was a big old bolt to fill the hole. It's been there ever since. 

Gotway MSP.jpg

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58 minutes ago, gon2fast said:

second that! I hope the EXn will be as good

It truly is as good, much more stable at speed, however much more of a heavy large wheel to do errands on, lifting it up using the trolley etc. The wheel really moves out!
just installed a Street pilot 2 on the MSP 70/90-14, and really happy with it. The wheel is so much more sensitive turning, and not bouncy at all like the stock tire.



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My Kids have had quite the attitude this week. Made them do my quick climb on foot while a cruised on the MSP... they deserved it LOL.





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Question - how long do you keep your wheel boxes for? I have 8 intact wheel boxes in the rafters of my garage and I think that it is time to get rid of all but 2 or so. I do my own maintenance and don't sell wheels so I do not think it is a necessity to keep the box (in my situation) for more than a month or so moving forward.




Where is my box cutter LOL...




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  • 3 weeks later...

Ate chit on the trails during lunch break. Thank goodness I upgraded my safety gear this year. No damage other than a broken USB speaker. Gear up folks, this mishap would have had a very bad outcome without gear...

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One more thing about crashing, IMHO the best way to prevent serious injury when tumbling is to keep your body loose through the fall (if you can). For me I just flop/go limp once I realize the ship is going down. Works for me when I can react fast enough.  

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best wheel ever. anyway, I am going to HI/HA next March and I am going to ship this guy in advance. 


no, maybe the V11. If I lost a wheel I would not cry over that one. MSP would be devastating though LOL.

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364 days later I can say that the MSP HT is my favorite wheel to date. 1901 miles and the only issue was changing the tire which was an ease. 



3 regional park visits today, 2021 riding season is on!


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I did three regional parks earlier today. Easiest to hardest (climbs/terrain). By the time I got to the final destination my back and legs were thrashed. I rode 3/4 of the way up a very steep and rocky incline to access a new trail. I had to walk the last 1/4 of the way to find out that the new trail is only for hikers LOL (actually I was very hot, tired and pissed off). The ride ended with me out of control on a decline bouncing over very large rocks. I was able to turn the wheel into the hill and stop before I was ejected. Walked it the rest of the way (defeated LOL).

Sometimes getting your ass handed to you is a good thing. I for sure know what to do if I get stuck on steep inclines in the future  (versus watching my investment break apart as it tumbles down a hill).




BTW - it is no longer a electric unicycle, it is a ridable smart speaker


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Back on the trails today. Did a quick climb and decent and then had to stop to hop on a work call. Set back out after the call wrapped and promptly got my ass handed to me again on a super rocky trail. Hit the floor a handful of times and ended up quitting and turning back. Nobody else was on the trail so there were no witnesses to my shame LOL. 

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Set out in search of new terrain today. After a few google searches I found an interesting space not to far from my house so I clocked out for lunch and set off. Turned out to be a bit farther away than planned, but kept on. Once I arrive at my destination I drove up a big incline then into a huge and very beautiful valley. I was getting excited as I made my way down the hill to the parking area. 

And then it goes all wrong...

As I get to the parking area I notice several Park Ranger trucks. Park Rangers don't like PEVs.

So I am sitting in the truck wondering what to do as I really want to ride this spot. Fire up the truck and plan on parking past the Ranger's trucks and trolleying in... NOPE.

There is a Park Ranger sub station right near the entrance of the trails so I was done there. 


One might say why run/hide? Well, this season has been rather intimidating with the amount of reckless material being posted online recently. I saw a sign on a trail on FB specifically banning Onewheels and electric unicycles. Looks like the mountain bikers informed the Rangers, but there is nothing in the park rules concerning such devices so an invitation to leave is all that could happen (I assume). This is getting real.



Still ended up getting a good climb in elsewhere LOL.


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I had a bad experience on Friday afternoon at my local regional park. Pulled up, noticed a horse trailer so I was riding at a lowered speed until I located the equestrians. As I was coming down the steep climb I found the two horse riders on the same path. 

Needless to say I was not going to rush up on the rear of horses so I opted to turn back and take an alternate path when I got back to the base of the hill. 

As I got back to the base of the hill the two horse riders were waiting (blocking) on the trail. No words spoken as I approached so I proceeded to wheel by them at a very slow speed as far away as possible. Once past I got the classic," I don't think you can have those here.."

No words from me, just kept going as the actions of these people actually created an unsafe environment for myself and the horses.  Secondly, had I stopped to debate ignorance, which is pointless, the riders could have been bucked and by default it would have been my fault.


FULL DISCLOSURE - The last property I lived on had no less than 2 horses at any point in time, my wife has an extensive background in all equestrian events and my daughter currently trains 3 times a week for her vaulting. I do not mount animals, but I know horses LOL.




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I took a break from the trails recently. I feel that it is a necessity to have a leash while on the trails. I always figured if the wheel went over the edge I would follow behind and intercept, but that is laughable. Once I am off it is gone. 

My biggest concern up until now was my wheel getting away and potentially causing a fire. My new concern is having a EUC come crashing through the brush and strike a hiker/biker/horse/squirrel.

I have been on pause from trail riding until I can find a leash solution. 

Solution found - $5 large dog leash from the discount store. Rated for a dogs up to 100lbs so it passed the lift test without issue. Perfect length once wrapped through 3 belt loops. No obstructions when mounting/dismounting. I think it will work great on the trails.


Proper looping. Twice through the two front belt loops. I tried through 3 loops at first, but did not like the way the leash sat on my left/right leg. The central placement is much more comfortable. (Notice the cat laughing at my leash in the background)


Lift test - no issues.


Making sure half mount position is comfortable and that there were no safety risks when mounting


Riding while kneeling down to make sure the leash is not at risk of making contact with the tire (And ripping my pants off while pile driving me into the ground LOL).

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21 hours ago, gon2fast said:

I feel that it is a necessity to have a leash while on the trails. I always figured if the wheel went over the edge I would follow behind and intercept, but that is laughable. Once I am off it is gone.

That seems like a good idea. But I do have concern.

Depending on the terrain etc. if the wheel went over the edge ... could it take you with it?  :cry2:  :confused1:

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1 hour ago, Scottie said:

That seems like a good idea. But I do have concern.

Depending on the terrain etc. if the wheel went over the edge ... could it take you with it?  :cry2:  :confused1:

I would rather go over the edge so I can do all that I can to prevent injuries to others and damage. I also creep along the trails so I doubt my MSP could man handle me. Destroying my pants... that is a real threat (as well as a shameful day on trails LOL).

The same leash on a Sherman or EX - no way.

I tested it on a climb with a variety of terrain earlier today and did not notice it one bit.   

Best $5 I have spent this week...

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1 hour ago, gon2fast said:

I would rather go over the edge so I can do all that I can to prevent injuries to others and damage.

How do I salute someone over the internet? This ... :thumbup: ... does not seem good enough. :D


I know this is not the EX thread, but I can't help but ask how you like that one because I have a deposit on the EX. Here goes: How do you like the EX? Torque? Suspension? Overall handling? Etc?

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7 hours ago, Scottie said:

I know this is not the EX thread, but I can't help but ask how you like that one because I have a deposit on the EX. Here goes: How do you like the EX? Torque? Suspension? Overall handling? Etc?

Wish I could tell you as I have not received the wheel yet.  I caught some chatter of upcoming revisions and switched an EXn order to a EXv2. No ETA currently...

All I know is that 50 were supposed to be manufactured with the eWheels batteries, black board, suspension revision* and small bearing upgrade.

*I believe this will extend the ship date

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Had to open up the MSP tonight. I really like how simple GW/BG wheels are to work on, though I can't speak for newer models yet. Anyway, there was something rattling around in my inner shell post off-road ride today. Upon initial inspection I found that one of the screws on the handle was missing. It had fallen down the shaft and gotten stuck somewhere. Took the left side cover off and found a lot if dust, but no sign of moisture (good since I was riding in the snow/salt in Tahoe earlier this year). Never found the screw or any large debris, but the rattle stopped. I will take a look on the other side tomorrow and also inspect/clean out the dirt/debris. 

I also noticed that the remaining screw on the inner handle appeared to be stripped so I put a small piece of duct tape over it.

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Went for a ride in Richmond today and as soon as I removed the MSP from the hatch the dang screw noise reappeared. Still rode for a bit, but a screw bouncing onto my control board (BOOM) was in the back of my head as I trolled along around 10MPH.

The speaker side has a bent pedal rod, I hate taking that one off, oh well LOL.


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47 minutes ago, gon2fast said:

 a screw bouncing onto my control board (BOOM) was in the back of my head as I trolled along around 10MPH.

No shit. Nothing, and I mean nothing is left to rattle around in my wheels. Whether thats a plastic shaving, a bit of electrical tape, a blob of solder and certainly not a screw! You're a braver man than I :)

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