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This one trick to BOOST the performance of any wheel🚀


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Fully agree!

60kg people get magical ranges compared to my fatty fat fat 85kg. Heavier (100+kg) people use more battery, but it's not so much worse.

I think lighter people are smaller, and wind resistance is by far the #1 battery usage (as seen by going faster and losing range like crazy). Wheres heavy people don't have so much extra wind resistance compared to a more normal weight.

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Im assuming with an EUC the heavy you are the more it affects the range, but the EUC will still get you to its max speed, or will weight affect the top speed? I weigh 92 kg and I still get 15mph on my Xiaomi scooter as to when I was 89kg, either way my scoot still pushes me to top limit. Is it the same as an EUC?

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1 hour ago, chrisjunlee said:

Lose 20 lbs 😋

But seriously, I wonder how much of a difference shedding a bit of weight would make. 

Summoning @maltocs :lol:

Have you done range test of you vs Brandon the MCM5? Or Brandon just broke the law of physic and got unlimited range on the MCM5? :laughbounce2:

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44 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

I think lighter people are smaller, and wind resistance is by far the #1 battery usage (as seen by going faster and losing range like crazy). Wheres heavy people don't have so much extra wind resistance compared to a more normal weight.

That is such a good point. Cross-sectional area! I'm at 63kg, so I'm definitely enjoying the benefits :efee6b18f3:

I also think there's a critical point for the motor load, where beyond it, performance/efficiency falls off a cliff. Wish I had actual spec sheets so I could quantify it better.

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9 minutes ago, AlexEssex said:

Im assuming with an EUC the heavy you are the more it affects the range, but the EUC will still get you to its max speed, or will weight affect the top speed? I weigh 92 kg and I still get 15mph on my Xiaomi scooter as to when I was 89kg, either way my scoot still pushes me to top limit. Is it the same as an EUC?

It's all about motor load. Max speed is the lower of:

  •  x % of motor load (let's say 80%)
  • an artificial set point: so even if you're only using 10% of power, there's a fixed software limit.
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1 hour ago, chrisjunlee said:

Lose 20 lbs 😋

But seriously, I wonder how much of a difference shedding a bit of weight would make. 

@houseofjobmirin my clickbaiting skills?


Weight affecting EUC performance (really any PEV for that matter) is legit.

I know riders who simply always get 5 mph less max and XX miles less range than the ordinary because they are in the big boy category. Also, these guys tend to only be able to ride Gotway, as they need the maximum capacity battery size, not even for "long range", but "regular range".

I know back in the sub 1kW nominal EUC days, at one point I lost 5 lbs and immediately felt a slight power/torque boost on my crappy iPS Zero 340Wh.

Obviously, this gets masked if the company is artificially software limited, as you explain to @AlexEssex

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28 minutes ago, chrisjunlee said:

It's all about motor load. Max speed is the lower of:

  •  x % of motor load (let's say 80%)
  • an artificial set point: so even if you're only using 10% of power, there's a fixed software limit.

I wouldn't put too much trust into the manufacturers. I don't believe there is a motor load limitation.

At least on Gotways, all limits are speed-dependent, so naturally they don't take rider weight into account. For example the "80%" 3rd alarm is just a speed alarm where the speed depends on the battery charge (= voltage). The Kingsongs have a behavior where the pedals get softer with dropping voltage (I believe) but that's also not exactly a real, reliable limitation/warning.

Also, an overlean happens so fast, I don't believe the wheel could even react unless it's severely limited by like a "50% alarm".

Maybe the real alarm is the battery alarm and the generally reduced speed limit due to the voltage drop? And the fact that the wheels are built quite strong so you don't run into limitations? Which in my opinion, together with watching the battery (the technological component limiting theoretical power output), is exactly the right way to go.

So I wouldn't hope for any limiting alarm unless a manufacturer 200% confirms it's there. It may not even be so easy to do technologically (or be too constraining) to have that.

TLDR: Always assume the worst so they can disappoint you less;)

33 minutes ago, houseofjob said:

I know riders who simply always get 5 mph less max

Really? On EUCs? What alarm do they get?

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4 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

60kg people get magical ranges compared to my fatty fat fat 85kg. Heavier (100+kg) people use more battery, but it's not so much worse.

Try a 20kg child. All of the sudden the Inmotion V5F becomes a long range wheel :lol: 

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On 7/15/2019 at 12:08 PM, Kens said:

Summoning @maltocs :lol:

Have you done range test of you vs Brandon the MCM5? Or Brandon just broke the law of physic and got unlimited range on the MCM5? :laughbounce2:

no, haven't done that test as I know the answer, the wheel will outlast my son. I think I mentioned this stat before somewhere else, but when we rode through 20 miles and three hours of griffith park, his 50lbs on the 512WH MTen3 and my 200 lb a$$ on the 800WH MCM5, he ended up with 50% and I with 20%. He was really tired. On the MCM5 it would have just made a dent. 

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