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My 6-inch Miss From Becoming A Hood Ornament

Marty Backe

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4 hours ago, mezzanine said:

Not kidding, the thought scares me a bit.  The issue being that social media and tech isn't exactly going to stand still in the meantime, either.  We're accelerating towards an abyss, I fear.  The recent posts in the Photo thread being exhibit A.  

You're at a discovery age. I predict (assuming that you're a person that seeks wisdom) that you will mellow and achieve wider perspectives on the world and humanity.

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I hope he's not referring to my T-shirt and mousepad printing antics?  :blink:  I don't recall printing a cool T-shirt as one of the seven signs of the upcoming abyss.  It wasn't even in the movie!


We live, we eat, we poop and pee, we die.  May as well make the best of it and have some fun rather than worry about this, be scared about that, dwell overly on things beyond our control.  You largely make up your own reality whether you realize it or not.  Choose to be upset, angry, or negative.  Or not.  I try to choose the later.

So many people live in the misery of their own minds creating anxieties and fears themselves which form their perspective on life.  Why bring yourself down when there is no need to?  How we respond and react to stimuli and external events in life play a critical role in how we feel.  Feeling down and depressed is what some people make themselves feel because they think along certain pathways, and they cannot see a different side of things so they trap themselves with their own thoughts.

Those who think outside the box might seem unconventional and crazy to some, but  I think there can be benefits in not following the norm.  I say don't be your own Handicapper General like in "Harrison Bergeron."  Free your mind, and your soul is sure to follow.  :innocent1:

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On 6/17/2018 at 5:50 AM, Marty Backe said:

Just got back from a run to the grocery store. Took my Tesla.

I was cruising on the sidewalk, probably 12 to 15-mph, along the town center area with lots of parking lot entrances off the main town road. As I approach one of the entrances I see a car come from behind and proceed to turn into the entrance just as I'm about to cross the entrance. Hmmmm.

I immediately take evasive action, but I'm limited because of how fast I'm traveling. I'm trying to turn enough to miss the corner of the car, but not so fast that I'd lose control of the wheel. It's all happening in slow-motion now. Somehow I miss the bumper by literally 6 or so inches, and the car has now stopped (so at least I won't be run over) as I continue past the hood. My next nemesis awaits me.

Since the car essentially pushed me off my sidewalk trajectory I now find myself heading straight towards a 4+ inch tall divider. Images of @Shad0z's broken collar bone flash through my mind :cry2: I'm still traveling fast and my instinct tells me that it's going to be impossible to stop. As I'm coming to this conclusion I've already initiated a braking motion and somehow simultaneously I manage to jump off my moving wheel and continue running, hurtling over the divider and coming to a stop on shaky legs. I hear the Tesla crash behind me.

I turn around and walk back to the Tesla, managing a John Wayne swagger the best that I can. You know, like no big deal, I do this all the time. Meanwhile the people in the car are staring out their windows, mouths literally agape :shock2:, thankful that they didn't hit me and simultaneously wondering what exactly they missed hitting.  I could see their mouths forming the words "I'm sorry".

I chalk this near miss up to a combination of them not paying attention to the sidewalk and me not riding defensively enough. It was literally the fault of both of us, I believe. Definitely provided my adrenaline rush for the day :blink1: And the Tesla was great, turning off nice and fast. If I was on my old ACM it would probably still be dancing away :lol:

I'm happy you're OK. Such shit is SCAAAARY!

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On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 8:16 AM, esaj said:

Here you go:

Probably lots of other videos of him doing slides in his channel

Sorry, but I just have to say... @EUC Extreme rocks!!! My first, last and only EUC Idol.

When I get around to my EUC wold tour, his is a definite stopping point!   #EUCExtremeFanboy

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