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    Walnut California U.S.
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    ks 16s

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  1. Here are my thoughts in all seriousness, I believe King Song made a smart move here (strategically speaking) by only making the S18 only 20p3s. Keep in mind, they added new suspension which is revolutionary for us in the EUC world. It would be wise for the company not to stick too many batteries in this new unproven product when we all know batteries are not on the cheap thus making its debut at $2300-$2500. If this k18 proves to be a hit (which i think it will be) King Song can always come back and refine/upgrade this new product to appease the the rest of us. I really like this wheel, especially what they are able to squeeze in with the weight of only 22kgms, so there is definitely room here to add weight here, compared to 18inch wheels that are already out . Having said that, I think where they fell flat was probably not their fault, was our expectations of their product. They made a machine that looks rugged AF, so beautifully futuristic, looks like it could tear up the trails but only deemed a beginners/intermediate wheel (per kuji), what a bummer. If I am correct, King Song will eventually come out with an upgraded more powerful s18 (of course KS will never admit to that, because that will impact their current sales), and I'm willing to wait til they do. Let us not forget, this is a hobby for us but it is a business for KingSong. And if I am wrong, I will still enjoy riding my KS16s. Call it cautious spending or whatever on my part.
  2. Hey George, I'm just messing with you, thanks for being a good sport about it. Enjoy your new wheel!
  3. Agree, add one more Pness to this wheel and I think a lot of people will be all over it, pun intended . If it adds 3-4 lbs (give or take) to the total weight, so be it, (battery and modified of body) this would be my dream wheel.
  4. Sorry, when you said you had concerns about lugging around the new 16x, I had to do a double take on your profile pic and thought to myself, "are you kidding me?". Nice fun read otherwise.
  5. I started reading this tread from page 1 a few hours ago and only made half way thru, it's too long And all I want to know is.....did CHOOCH survive the fall from the hill? All I was thinking while the bear was chasing him was, DAMN YOU King Song!!!, why couldn't you have made the s18 more than the 31mph??
  6. I would advise against this, it's like buying a bicycle with training wheels, but in this case the training wheels are not removable.
  7. Curious, will these be available at ewheels anytime soon like the 18XL's?
  8. The consensus for the stock tire of the ks16x seems not good, any chance @Jason McNeil /ewheels can request Kingsong to switch to CST for future batches for the 16x?
  9. With his weight and almost no drag from his tiny body, I would venture to guess 55-65 miles, easy!!
  10. Curious as to what kind of range Brandon would get on the MCM5...
  11. Haha, she's dangerous with that projectile. Maybe use a leash (I mean of on the wheel of course)?
  12. "nobody spending Nikola money should have to do this" Agree with this statement 100%. Gotway should have to make it right for their Nikola customers. No one after spending 2k should have to modify their boards to feel safe riding them. Ridiculous!!!!
  13. And here I was thinking all along I was COOL riding my EUC as my daily commuter. Thanks for giving me a reality check.. Enjoyed your assessment never the less. "Cool factor: Onewheel and Esk8 > EUC You look kind of dorky with an EUC, at least most people think so. Whereas with the OW you're carving, doing tricks and just chilling. Same with esk8. This may vary though depending on who you ask."
  14. Disappointed to hear the Nikola was having trouble with overheat hill, especially given the relatively cool and overcast weather we are having here in southern California.
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