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About Beowolve

  • Birthday 03/17/1979

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  1. Servus Werner, hab dir eine PM zwecks Kontakt austausch geschickt. Ich denke es müsste noch mehr Fahrer in Linz und Umgebung geben, aber vermutlich sind einige von denen nicht im Forum aktiv.
  2. Servus Werner, Ich arbeite in der voestalpine und fahre wenn es schön ist von St. Florian in die Arbeit. Also ein kurzes Stück, vom Monalisatunnel bis zur Haupteinfahrt teilen wir uns dann sogar die Strecke ;-). Vermutlich bist Du früher dran als ich. Wir könnten uns nach der Arbeit mal treffen und wir fahren z.b. am Donauradweg entlang eine Runde. Einen Arbeitskollege von mir hab ich auch schon angefixed, hat aber erst sein erstes v5f als Einstiegsgefährt. Bin gespannt wie lange es dauert bis er sich ein ordentliches Kauft ;-)
  3. How good do this padels fit on the v10? Can you post a picture?
  4. Same. You can fix that with a little paintjob, and you have an almost perfect wheel for you (and me too :D).
  5. Interesting, I have only used a ninebot s2 and the v10 so far and don't have that feel. Might be a thing if your are used to other wheels and it might go away after a while. My colleague has bought a v5f and he actually disliked the V shape so much, that he modified it so that is now flatter. Should be easy to adjust by yourself. It is strange that all other KS wheels don't have this, is it possible that this is a demo unit thing? Did anyone who testet the wheel in china also experience this?
  6. Someone read my older posts, haha. I have already seen the 16X for 1800€, same price like the 18L but with more battery 🤔.
  7. Hallo, sind hier irgendwelche Fahrer aus Linz und Umgebung? Ich hätte lust mich mal mit anderen Fahrern zu treffen um gegenseitig EUCs zum Ausprobieren auszutauschen. Die meisten Fahrer werden wohl aus Wien sein, hätte auch kein Problem da mal einen Ausflug zu machen. Vielleicht kann ja jemand aus Wien einen Group Ride organisieren? lg, Andy
  8. Good acceleration and braking ist more important for me then range and max speed, if that wheel has no major issues its my next wheel next summer. The V10 is too new to be replaced :D.
  9. Haha, If I tried that she would think that I am in the midlife crisis. Wait, she allready does that I anyway, so I could just by a new "muscle" euc and later argue that I am in my midlife crisis, accept it.
  10. Thx US69, that Z10 price is definitly the best right now. The main problem is not the price itself, it is to convince my wife that 40km/h is safe and that I need more power to drive safe. However a lower price makes that task easier as well :D. The KS18L would be my prefered wheel but this wheel has it's own hardware problems and for me that locked wheel thing is more problematic.
  11. Thanks for the infos, good to have a forum like this!
  12. Ok thats exactly what I noticed too. Everone is quiet about that, so it seams to be fixed but no real confirmation. My weight is about 75kg, not lightweight but also not heavy *g*. Guess I am going for it anyway, it's by far the cheapest wheel of the newer ones I can get in europe. www.onewheel.be (best price I have found so far) V10: 1059€ V10F: 1339€ KS18L: 1867€ (at eunicycles.eu) Z10: 1949€ (at funshop.at)
  13. Hi all, I couldn't find out if the overload problem is still existing or not, can someone bring some light to this topic? The thread about this wheel is quite long, hard to find out that's why I created a new one. That overload problem deserves its own thread anyway. thx
  14. Hi all, since some wheels did go up in flames (inmotion v10f for example), I decided to load and store my wheel inside a metall box in the future. Besides the extra safety, the box I choose should look nice so my wife accepts it as well . It turned out, that finding the right size wasn't that easy, eventually I found the optimal box for my 9bs2. The box doesn't look too bad and has enough extra space for all my euc utils and the charging device. Enders Aluminiumbox VANCOUVER 123 l https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00JBZP442/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_xvUYBbM3907CK Has enyone done this allready and maybe found a better alternativ? We could collect all candidates here to have a nice list of boxes suitable for different wheel sizes.
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