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  1. Dear MK rider who went right past me this evening who I did a total double-take to, stupidly blurted out your wheel model and then carried on running past... I also ride EUCs! Thanks, just wanted to say that. But also we should meet up some time for a ride.
  2. Just saw that. Applies to electric unicycles, too. Those kinds of “here’s the law” articles the BBC puts out occasionally are big reminders the Beeb is a government mouth piece. No thought on whether classifying everything as a carriage as per a 180 year old law is a stupid idea or not.
  3. Nice video! How far was it? Terrain wise, the V8 would’ve had no issue.
  4. Kael


    Awh I'm just kidding! Can't be mad at you!
  5. Kael


    Definitely not a repost! @Marty Backe ? Most guys on here are 40+, we need at least some content with younger people!
  6. Kael


    You sure? Video was uploaded just 3 days ago. I think it’s a new one. More of a long chat. I don’t think OP needed to delete his post.
  7. Kael


    They’re all inherent death traps, which I can attest to with my hilarious fail just now stepping on to my wheel and somehow pressing the power button at the same time. No injury but reiterated the fact that the gyro is the only thing keeping you upright.
  8. Kael


    Please tell me you can shut the voice up and switch it to a beep sound instead.
  9. Kael

    V10F vs KS18L?

    That reads like more negatives with the 18L, why do you prefer it? Do both wheels not use Kenda tyres?
  10. Kael


    Urrghh, I can't take the teasing any more. It should be a week or two before these arrive in the UK and I'm thinking of taking a forum holiday until then because the wait is killing me. Normally I don't really care all that much about such things, but I have a yearning heartache for a new wheel!
  11. Kael


    Love this video. Some of the best sponsored content I’ve seen. They’re all having so much fun!
  12. It’s really lovely this time of year. We’ve been lucky as it’s raining only at night and the water in the Lake Windamere has been a warm 18°C (great for kayaking) but the low flyovers by the RAF certainly aren’t quiet! Thanks! Just an iPhone X. For the convenience, the pictures aren’t bad at all.
  13. Went out as moral support for the other half on a run in the Lake District. Unfortunately that meant I had to take my own photos! The V8’s not much of a climber but we made it up this short hill eventually!
  14. He’s riding a bicycle, so it’s likely to be entirely different. Probably the energy he is generating.
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