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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. meepmeepmayer

    IPS S5

    @FreeRide Awesome, thank you! @Marty Backe Forgive me, but I have sinned Too many EUC videos to watch them all nowadays.
  2. meepmeepmayer

    IPS S5

    Can you tell exactly which video? I'm assuming it's one of Ian's live streams, but I didn't watch any of them so it will be hard to find.
  3. meepmeepmayer

    IPS S5

    Ouch! So in addition to quality control problems and a scammy manufacturer and scammy seller taking your money and running, the S5 itself is badly constructed and the shell keeps rubbing with heavier riders? What a disappointment. IPS seems to have great technical know-how and even an app that may be better than what other manufacturers got (*cough* Gotway *cough*). But they just don't have anything else to go with that, service, quality, decent behavior, or just good wheel models (except for the i5). That's sad. Also I wonder how they stay in business like this. I guess one should always buy from Ali or other platforms with buyer protection/money charge back. For $2000 you could have gotten an msuper X or Z10 instead of two broken, bad wheels
  4. Freezing on boot is different from freezing during usage. I don't think you have to worry about the latter I believe the V8 also occasionally had something like this, but it was during boot only. So I hope you're good. And since you wear your full Batman gear anyways, I really don't see any reason to worry.
  5. I'm not talking about riding that thing (though that also seems unnecessarily unergonomic). But a run off, where the wheel gets torqued? Your shins are already dead with that number of metal tubes
  6. A nightmare for your legs and especially your shins... no thanks! Inmotion had a similar design study.
  7. Really? Nice! How does it work with the prices when they have to pay sales tax and online sellers don't? Seems quite the conundrum.
  8. Evtl. liegts auch am Land. Wenn man in Nähe Tschechien oder Polen ist, mal von dortigem Internetanschluss schauen. Oder das Zielland beim Versand ändern. Vielleicht ändert sich der Preis.
  9. Haha mangelnde Geschäftsfähigkeit kann man den Chinesen nicht vorwerfen 170€ "der hat's ja" Aufpreis!
  10. Wow that picture Looking cozy. @Michael Hernandez You can get rid of pedal dipping in curves by doing a calibration and taking care of these two things: Do NOT tilt the wheel sideways during the entire calibration step (which includes switching the wheel off and on at least once). Make sure it's still, don't hold it in your hand, put it against something hard and firm. It shouldn't move during the entire process (which is over later than one may believe). Sideways tilt is what produces bad calibrations that produce pedal dipping when the wheel is too sideways (=in curves).
  11. Open it and have a look I guess that would be the job of a good dealer. Or at least a good dealer would have to know such details exactly.
  12. Really, wow that is a huge upgrade. So the rumored Monster V2 only adds the 2500W motor, then? Or does the upgraded 84V one it still have the old Monster motor with (possibly, don't know) thinner motor cables? There's two things to consider here, board and motor cabling/axle thickness. How to find out if a 84V Monster is this upgraded variant or not?
  13. The 100V version has the nice TO-247 mosfets like the msX and MCM5, the old Monster has ACM/msuperV3 level electronics. @Bob Eisenman recently showed some heat damage on his 84V Monster, despite not doing extreme things. I wouldn't get a 84V old Monster for that reason (at least not for the price). It's nearly two years old now. There was a table posted here where a Monster2 was mentioned, but not sure how reliable that information is or when we would see an update: Also be aware that due to the uneven battery distribution, the Monster alway tends to the left. I never liked that when I tried one. EUCs should vanish beneath you when riding, not always be on the back of your mind. Right now I think the 100V is mighty fine, and so is the 1600Wh msX. The battery size difference is not that big (1240Wh vs 1554Wh). I guess it depends on what kind of wheel you want.
  14. Somehow the name and guy reminds me of Flavor Flav. Instead of a big clock, why not hang a EUC on a chain around your neck as the electric-mobility-future fashion statement?
  15. Any way to watch this somewhere else? Geoblocked ("not authorized in my location"). edit: Episode 1 is on Youtube, so the second one might appear there, too. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwff7OoSHp3el6GqnSwcSdA/videos?flow=grid&view=0 So far, you can see a V8 for 0.1 seconds in the intro
  16. I get the panic response from women/girls too, seldomly but it happens. Just from surprise, no dangerous situation or anything. Guess that's how it is.
  17. Nice. I like your narration, makes it more interesting and like a journey (just the video would be too boring). Also it's cool to see the "innards" of the city. The stabilization of the Insta360 is godlike. Too bad the seam is visible where they stitch the image together. Since you have such a long selfie stick, try holding it vertical, too. The higher vantage point should give some nice views. How do you record sound? Does the 360 have a decent enough mic to use in non-windy situations?
  18. Wow you really want to open the motor? Cool. Only remove one of the motor covers to keep the shape, and be very careful not to damage the very brittle hall sensor wires. @Rehab1 once opened a motor, there's a thread but I can't find it. Maybe that helps. Pls make pictures if you find anything in there Pretty sure the magnets are glued on. You may be right about the polarity thing, I don't know but it sounds plausible. If you have more friction in one wheel, that would explain the range difference. Either it's the ball bearings (or (more likely here) a consequence of a magnet issue. 2A vs. 1.5A charging shouldn't make a difference in battery life, both of that is far below problematic charging currents. But maybe here were different end voltages. I'd still bet on the increased motor resistance explanation.
  19. Maybe a magnet is missing or not magnetized in the motor rim? That would explain what you describe. Check if it really is once per revolution, maybe you can isolate a specific spot on the tire/rim assembly. I don't see how a wiring issue could produce these symptoms. Then something would just work or not, but how would it produce periodic behavior? Also, two wheels of the same model should behave identically, so you should get the same range (with the same rider). Maybe a missing/failing magnet throws off the hall sensor counting the magnets going by and you get shown a false (lower) range due to this while actually getting the right range? The difference would be tiny, though. Number of magnets divided by number of magnets +1, with something like 50 magnets thats around 2% difference in registered range (while real range is the same). Probably too small to notice, so is it something else? If you have too much time, you could do a very controlled test to see if both wheels show the same range for the same route or 20m difference per km. Maybe you and your wife ride slowly the same, suitable route next to each other. Is the wheel new enough, can you return it? After all, something seems to be wrong with it. That would be the simplest solution. If you want to or have to DIY, you could switch motors between wheels and see if the problem moves, to test the missing magnet theory (only thing I can come up with). But that's quite the operation.
  20. ACM is at 5300km (3300 miles). I have no photography skills, just see something, stop, and put the wheel somewhere so it is in the picture, and take a succession of quick photos (usually one of them works, often the first). But thanks! Pictures are taken with my Xiaomi Mi A1 phone, which has a passable camera (no image stabilization and so-so dynamic range, colors are not too accurate), but its camera app itself is working pretty well. The HDR mode makes up for the mediocre camera a lot (I use it by default, the regular mode isn't very good) and the panorama function is nice in that it allows dragging arbitrary width-panoramas (instead of adding sections like the original Android Google Camera does, but that app also has some other cool panorama modes I miss having). Also it has a second 2x telephoto camera, which creates these desaturated-color zoom pictures that look nice.
  21. Ride this afternoon. Along the river into the mountains, crossing a bridge, and back. Around 55km. -- Cows chilling in the shade. It was summerly warm. About where the mountains start on both sides of the water. Wonderful views and colors, those cute island, just nice. Way ahead. View from where I had to turn around. Maybe the next bridge would be doable with my battery? I'll try some day. Bridge I crossed and former customs station on the Austrian side (the river is the border for a bit). On the way back, same spot but on the other bank. You can see here it gets flat. God rays from behind a mountain. River kilometer 202, as you can see. Looking back. Path home.
  22. Really nice video! Loved the map and the narration where you went and how you felt, very personal. This ties it all together and makes it more interesting than "just" a video. Also, getting up at 3am for a group ride, respect
  23. Nice skillz! Also nice red-white paint job on the first Monster. Is wheel #2 a MAX?
  24. KS16mm, a finger wheel I always wanted a small finger wheel to fiddle with. -- From today. Route ahead. Cows and mountains. For some reason, there were a lot of baby cows (like the small ones in the middle). Shouldn't that happen in spring? It's mid-October Leafy path meets a river (blue at the end).
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