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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @houseofjob has good links in his signature and might also know some more groups and stuff for NYC.
  2. [USA] SF/Bay Area, CA - baesk8 (Bay Area eskate) - don't be confused by the name, that's where all the PEV riders are: https://baesk8.club/ - https://www.facebook.com/groups/baesk8 - Check out @Alien Rides Youtube channel too for glimpses of what's going on. (I believe that's the main local riding group there, whereas PEVRA is more of a general advocacy organization.) - Awesome thread If you like, it can be moved (now or later) to the Local Meetup forum and pinned to the top. I think it's worth it. Say what you prefer. Also, I think adding the country (or at least continent) in front will be helpful when the list grows. @Hansolo You want to add all the French groups and events you know? (SF->Mexico sounds incredibly awesome!)
  3. Agreed. Cost for Gotway This is just a Tesla battery put into the top with the standard 3 pack connector scheme as used on the Monster and 100V Nikola, so zero extra effort for them. 800Wh up there would have meant a new shape battery pack was needed, or they make it from 4 packs where the 4th is from the MCM5 which means extra BMS cost and they need to figure out how to connect 4 packs. Extra effort/cost for Gotway. If you're wondering why I'm posting this stuff, I'm just dreaming of the possibilities
  4. That is the only non-stupid option to do this battery size. But you never know with these manufacturers... The real question that was answered here: Is there enough space up there for a (custom) 800Wh pack? And the answer is yes! Why live with 2100Wh if you can have 2400Wh!
  5. Wow what a bummer! It's like they don't know wtf they are manufacturing there. Good news is, if you look at the top space, looks like there's enough space so one could add another 20 cells and build a custom 2400Wh Nikola!The current pack on top there must be 2 layers of 20 cells each (probably one of the ready-made packs used in the Tesla), and you could add another layer. One of the MCM5 battery packs is flat 20 cells and might fit in there, you would just need some extra cables and connectors. Or you could have your own custom 60 cell pack built that fits in there. And that's before even thinking about cramming more battery into the lower spaces. Sweet!
  6. Looking nice! Do you by chance feel like opening the right side panel and and taking detailed pictures of all the electronics and batteries? Just asking for.. a friend
  7. @koto Sorry I meant the 126V Nikola, I clarified my post above. Both 100V and 84V are available now. I was just making fun of the situation where there's always a nicer, shinyer Nikola on the horizon.
  8. They didn't ask Marty yet if he wants to try one - Just like you guys, I don't know whether to laugh or cry and choose the 100V Nikola, 2100Wh Nikola, or wait for the 126V revelations.
  9. We know nothing except that Gotway is working on it (clarification: the 126V) . Maybe it's a done deal, maybe it's still experimental and might not even work.
  10. Guys, don't forget there's the 126V Nikola and the possible 1915Wh 126V Nikola (anyone who buys the 1600Wh 126V is going to be a sucker) It's a neverending saga!
  11. 11% more range on the 2100Wh (160 cells instead of 144). It really is a hard choice, speed and 100V shinyness vs. more range but not so much more it's easy to choose.
  12. Not my video. Another convinced guy.
  13. @Jean Dublin That math doesn't work The voltage is already part of the Wh number. Also: Wh numbers can be misleading. Cell count and type are hard facts. In doubt, compare these. 16X with 1600Wh: 120 cells with 3500mAh each (with the usual math that's 120 * 3.7V * 3.5Ah = 1554Wh) [120 is 6*20 and 20*3.7V=84V, here's the voltage, with a Ah capacity of 6*3.5=21Ah] Nikola 100V 1845Wh: 144 cells with 3450mAh each (1838.2Wh) [144 is 6*24, 24*3.7V=100.8V with 6*3.45=20.7Ah] That still doesn't take into account that the 16X depletes the batteries further than the Nikola, which gives it a higher range compared to 1600Wh Gotways. And possible efficiency differences, whether they exist or not. I still don't believe the 16X will be able to beat the 100V 1845Wh Nikola range. The Nikola has an 18% battery size advantage (144*3.45/120*3.5 = 1.1829), neither the battery depletion thing nor possible efficiency advantages will amount to 18%. Your stated range results seem to confirm that. But it comes close.
  14. Do you know where the extra BMS is? Isn't it quite big? I wonder where they put it.
  15. Good info! Maybe there is no efficiency difference between 84V and 100V wheels (possibly except at higher speeds, as some say) because the mosfets and motor are equally hot in both cases. I guess overheating is a bigger problem for the tiny eboard motors, while our huge EUC motors get cooled about equally. Maybe the 126V Nikola will be notably cooler, and then really be more efficient. Interesting! Can't wait to see some results (aka Marty 1600Wh 84V vs 1600Wh 126V range test)!
  16. Soft mode doesn't mean you need to lean more to accelerate. If the wheel is leaning forward, it has to accelerate or it would fall over. So different leans for the same acceleration doesn't work. Your body position necessarily controls the acceleration, regardless if riding mode. Soft mode delays the wheel's reaction, which allows you to throw yourself more into the lean and get easier acceleration, for the cost of less fine control for quick movements.
  17. 50 "good" miles for the 1600Wh and 60 for the 1845Wh comes out as exactly the same efficiency: 30.6Wh/mile. That would give the 2100Wh Nikola a "good" range of 67 miles, so 70+ miles with beeps.
  18. Will it at least tilt back then on overcharge? The video sounded like there's no warning whatsoever.
  19. Marty rode his 100V Nikola down to 0% and it showed 80V (3.33V per cell). See here. So I would strongly assume Gotway changed nothing and 0% is 3.3V on all Nikolas, just like with their other wheels.
  20. Great video. But I can't believe the Onewheel doesn't even have an overcharge alarm and just switches off!! I love the Onewheel concept, but apparently the Futuremotion tech is even more rotten and ancient that I had thought I believe that is Tony Vaio on his sticker-clad Nikola.
  21. You can ride it down to a very low percentage to see if it drops below 79.2V. But Marty's 84V range test gave the same result as other 1600Wh GWs. Also, besides (misguided?) wishful thinking, there's zero indication they didn't do what they always have done. So 3.3V is what I would expect.
  22. The latest 16S and 18(X)L come with an aluminium handle. It fits your 16S, you only need to drill new holes into the telescope poles. See here: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fecodrift.ru%2F2019%2F05%2F14%2Fnovosti-priehali-kingsong-ks-18l-s-novymi-datchikami-priehali-metallicheskie-ruchki-dlya-ks-16s%2F Ask your seller if he can send you such a handle.
  23. Everyone can make a poll. Just start a new topic, there's a "poll" tab at the top next to "content" where you can create your poll. On mobile, if you tap "content" at the top, you can switch to "poll". And don't be shy about making new topics. Especially new people, everyone is welcome to make all the topics (and polls) you want, if they fit what you want better! Be it for a specific question or as "your" topic. Better than everything mixed one topic or bumping ancient threads. You can still link to smaller topics from a big thread like this, and they won't get lost.
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