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GotWay Msuper V3 change shell

Linnea Veteran

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Ironic and Sarcastic Modus ON


hipHip hurray for the NEW customers....the OLD hopefully will not buy a Gotway wheel again before it is at least a half year or longer on the market and has run through it's iterations!

I have or had have 4 "high Quality" wheels....

..the glossy, fragile, brittle, thin Shell of my V3 is truthfully the best i have ever seen on a EUC....

You have a Crash? Dont worry...your glossy, brittle Shell will be spladering all over the place, so that you just have to install a new, and don't even have to worry about uninstalling the old one ;-)

Did someone remembering the "hammer test video" on the KS14 Shell?

Do that with the V3 Shell and ....tatataa...you have a new 3D puzzle for boring evenings :-)

So congrats to the NEW customers who where intelligent enough to wait until we betatesters have done our homework and secured Quality for Gotway!


Ironic and Sarcastic Modus OFF

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40 minutes ago, KingSong69 said:

Ironic and Sarcastic Modus ON


hipHip hurray for the NEW customers....the OLD hopefully will not buy a Gotway wheel again before it is at least a half year or longer on the market and has run through it's iterations!

I have or had have 4 "high Quality" wheels....

..the glossy, fragile, brittle, thin Shell of my V3 is truthfully the best i have ever seen on a EUC....

You have a Crash? Dont worry...your glossy, brittle Shell will be spladering all over the place, so that you just have to install a new, and don't even have to worry about uninstalling the old one ;-)

Did someone remembering the "hammer test video" on the KS14 Shell?

Do that with the V3 Shell and ....tatataa...you have a new 3D puzzle for boring evenings :-)

So congrats to the NEW customers who where intelligent enough to wait until we betatesters have done our homework!


Ironic and Sarcastic Modus OFF

Well, that was a great rant :w00t2:

I loved it

4 minutes ago, Donafello said:

yay. Im so happy I just received my scratch magnet

Mine arrives in less than nine hours

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2 hours ago, Donafello said:

yay. Im so happy I just received my scratch magnet


2 hours ago, Greg Spalding said:

So congrats to the NEW customers who where intelligent enough to wait until we betatesters have done our homework!

No, no, think of it like we have the limited edition shiny ones, people from now on get the dull standard ones :) I bet those coloured bumper strips stick to ours better too !

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53 minutes ago, Cerbera said:


No, no, think of it like we have the limited edition shiny ones, people now from now on get the dull standard ones :) I bet those coloured bumper strips stick to ours better too !


i like your line of thinking

yes.... i agree

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Very positive change, also in terms of the aesthetics.

i had asked for a matte finish from the very beginning.

yes a lot of customers will feel a bit frustrated as new changes are coming in so fast, usually after one orders....me included, mine was probably shipped this week...but what can we do...we either have to buy them all or wait a few months....

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I kinda like the glossy finish better than the matte in terms of appearance, but to each their own.  :innocent1:  Simple solution with the shiny finish is don't crash it!  Do people all buy matte finish cars because they are less prone to scratches?  I guess there were those Saturn plastic panel cars which were dent resistant.  It didn't seem to really take off with other car makers for some reason though.

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I like my ACM, but it still scratches, the scratches are just different. And I like my MSuper just fine, although it has yet to take a fall. Maybe if I crash at 45 km it'll break in pieces, but will it really shatter if it spins out from under me some day, or when it falls when I lose control going up a hill. I suspect not.

The MSuper V3 is a sweet looking machine IMHO.

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21 hours ago, KingSong69 said:

Ironic and Sarcastic Modus ON


hipHip hurray for the NEW customers....the OLD hopefully will not buy a Gotway wheel again before it is at least a half year or longer on the market and has run through it's iterations!

I have or had have 4 "high Quality" wheels....

..the glossy, fragile, brittle, thin Shell of my V3 is truthfully the best i have ever seen on a EUC....

You have a Crash? Dont worry...your glossy, brittle Shell will be spladering all over the place, so that you just have to install a new, and don't even have to worry about uninstalling the old one ;-)

Did someone remembering the "hammer test video" on the KS14 Shell?

Do that with the V3 Shell and ....tatataa...you have a new 3D puzzle for boring evenings :-)

So congrats to the NEW customers who where intelligent enough to wait until we betatesters have done our homework and secured Quality for Gotway!


Ironic and Sarcastic Modus OFF

In the upcoming PLEV standard the hammer test will be a test case in the battery section.

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